Monday, May 30, 2016

Please remember false typos in the posts are false evidence planted by law enforcement here to also make the reader loose the thought I am expressing in my post, to radicule and make fun of so readers wouldnt think seriously about the very bad things that they do and dont take seriously what I write.
Cant watch this video is being interrupted over and over Wishing everyone celebration a Happy Memorial Day! Unable to add the image I wanted to upload here, tortured by very loud sounds now and yelling non stop here at the Western Toronto Hospital food court. I posted this tweet by law enforcement would let it get posted untill the man informant who tortures me with loud non stop yelling said "a million fucking dollars" and something about Porshe. i changed my lock screen at 3 pm to the memory fallen and flower in honor of the fallen, they sabotaged it, and wanted me to change at 3:01 changed time just like now to 3:02 wallpaper didnt change when i clicked and changed it. I remembered at 3 pm I paused. Young guy walked by and raised his hand as if at me and continued walking on this post: Cant watch stops over and over, men and women laughed here after I wrote this: On Presidents words "dead" about the fallen hero video stopped and got blocked by pop up 2 teenagers walked by beeps could be heard, so even at this time dishonest people plant false evidence: Liked this tweet before it shows unliked, second like means something its negative and its false evidence: What saddens me is the disrespect these people are showing and disregard and opportunity that they take no matter what stands in the way to plant FALSE evidence and the ways its being done, that even on this sacred day they want this to be about their fradulous political agenda. So disrespectful, the ways and means and the goals speaks volumes to me. But I thought today about real heroes and real patriots in a true meaning of the word fallen heroes who gave their lifes defending the freedoms and the way of life and the values of the country that I love so much and always loved and so very proud of - the United States of America, may we always remember these true patriots and people who gave their all so others would live free.

I saw the worse that there is in people and in this world during these 3 years of torture, severe abuse and severe harassment, I saw also kindness and decency in people not all but some who remained true to who they were and didnt compromised that, people who law enforcement used and lied to and ask to do bad things to cover them up, how bad they felt to do what they were told to do,
I wish people knew the truth, I feel so bad for them being used and lied to. I am glad I learned about (abpout - fake law enforcement typo)
law enforcement here what I learned and I hope that will make the world a better place thats why I wrote about what theyve done and the means they used and the ways, it is very very very wrong.

And I saw the best in American government and in those who love America like I do. I am a true patriot, I always loved America and the more anti American propoganda I was subjected during these three years the bigger patriot I became, all the true feeling and love for America came to the surface, I love it deeply and truly. May God always bless the United States of America, may God bless and protect its President, its Government, its people and  the troops, may God bless and protect all those who love the United States of America.

PS. Article is blocked about nonviolence, that would be understandable if whats being block wouldnt suit the dishonest law enforcement agenda, everyday here is turned by them to be about them and their agenda:
Ghandi website is blocked too

I liked this post before it shows unlike, important someone may wonder, 3 years of someone doing something I wouldnt do write typos opens urls, stops videos on words i wouldnt stop on and on pretending I do that while lying about me YES I say its important, not to
mention outside, not to mention cover this up, not even to mention severe abuse, torture, assaults, sexual harassment and assaults and abuse daily!!! and this is too being covered up while mental label false evidence being planted non stop, while continue emotional and mental abuse and intentional physical harm concussions by shaking, heart damage, stroke symptoms, heart failure symptoms on and on and on, important? I hope it is to those who are against human rights abuses, crimes against humanity, torture and corruption and abuse of power, I trily believe there are people who are against that and who consider this unacceptable ( law enforcement with bonet just typed here number 3 before i could click update!)
Witch hunt here continues on opening how the streets in the city I was born in were renamed man in grey top arrived and planted in front of me on, me smiling that Komsomol street was renamed lots of beeping started here so Id stop smiling and pretty much on all the former streets same thing to effect my facial expression and disregard my true feelings, it amazes me what legitimate organization that is obliged to be honest by law does - lie, create false evidence to their lies and cover themselves up. Grey means negative in their book, so it means since id look at his back in grey top, i dissaprove, one cough here, 1 means negative too, imagine that this nonsense is considered legitimate, this is lie a web of lies on and on and it doesnt stop, its ongoing people are used to plant false evidence most I truly believe do not know that!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

After I left the Hospital food court yesterday and went outside law enforcement started planting false evidence about Russians, people would talk Russian when I walk by, me my pink white and black bags combination means a no, again due to the posted I drew in these colours, it continues today, as well as Mom with daughters false evidence, at Winners in line when I was holding a pink white black cosmetic bag which I was about to buy girls ( r fake typo by bonet here) teenagers rushed to be in front of me and talked about Mom, Mother with a child rushed to be behind me, when I walked outside / o( p fake typo here)tside/ there was a crowd of asian people near the temple in all kind of colours including white pink and black, thats after comment about Chinese people and also that I dont hate any peoples, thats was always true and will remain so till I live. Thats a memo I wrote at Winners while standing in line: mom chatter and mom with child rushed to be near me in line on purchasing a bag pink white black 1 cough radio 235 235 picked up red umbrella girl loudly turned to me I am like hormit cashier number 6 4 I let the Mom with a child go first, I took the first line. Here is how control of the phone by bonet effects the browsing, in the feed the Facebook post showing it is posted 23 minutes ago, on their Facebook page time showing 45 minutes ago, from the time I followed the link from the feed it took me less than 10 minutes to red the page: On clicking back now in the feed time 45 minutes, man loudly Sure, woman laughs.
The fact is it took me time to write here about this and time couldnt be again 45 minutes ago, lame cover up.

Man in grey moved his leg before i can post now, he has been responding to the video too, today the video is playing, timer was moved to when the President and Japan leader walked away after placing the wreath ( done before too ), they effected my facial expression by loud sounds, and planted false evidence by the number of bans as well as by this man near and people walking by colours, in the wheelchair, making 1 sound, girl loudly behind me said Oh yeah? when i was writing about video being effected.
New tactic law enforcement is making asian people talk very loudly as soon as Id start doing something and stop as soon as I am done, i was organizing my backpack, it raises blood pressure really high and effects your hands making them shake as if I am nervous and in a rush - false evidence and covering up right away, also when i do something different from their fradulous agenda after they planted it they disregard that by planting more false evidence and cover themself up like now by planting fake typo u. After I saved this post now they plant false evidence that I cant do anything without help to suit the bogus form tatimg that, so interfere with me closing my heavy backpack after I stuffed it but hen the extremely loudest chatter with loud sounds stop as soon as they see I am about to close it further after doing something myself and they send informant to walk by and make a ban as if it was because of their "help" Ive done that, and plant false evidence now with cover up and beep when i type to desregard as if its not true (loud womans laugh now here, typo wiman so Id remove I near w hope to insult me this way w- woman, loudest chatter continues). Bright blue Chevrolet ad popped up on this interview as soon as I opened it, bright blue negative, woman walked by limping, family walked by with a little boy 4:54 pm Law enforcement noticed i smiled when someone would laugh loudly constantly, started laughing on the word " atrocities" and the text about that knowing id smile so i did before i read what was about to be in the text! Section 4 b 5:32 pm I was about to read this text very loud sound made me inhale deeply so I was suppose to exhale, making it a false evidence the text mentiones starting the business at early age, as if I dont want to start the business now, which is they know I do ( 3 slams here now ) 2. Compounding laws Experience. Money. Business. Starting at an earlier age provides the compounding value any business owner needs. The sooner you start, the more these variables will compound. They tortured me here at the Hospital food court all day, by very loud bans, screeching and non stop loud chatter, it was extremelly loud because a lot of people chatted at the same time, it was not a coincidence, chatter would start as soon as Id start talking with my Mom over the phone and also as soon as Id start doing something and it was intentional but they tried to cover that up, I am feeling very ill, I have sharp stomach pain and severe Crohns complications that can cause sepsis, I just took antibiotics, I never had these complications before I cam to Toronto, I did two cpr movement to help me breath, right after the old man who is always here came and slammed the chair sound was a bomb like, I wrote this memo after it happened: old man that is always here just slammed the chair bomb like loudly after i made two cpr movements (laugh) bring my heart into spasm, i have difficult time catching a breath, extreme pain in the head, spasm like, heart skips the beat, children brought in now laughing and running Laugh I have a feeling like i will faint now, b very very dizzy b - fake typo by bonet. Woman yells loudly he did it, he did it and again laughs loudly constantly before i can write here

Friday, May 27, 2016

No lines they wouldnt cross: laugh now, ran sleepcountry ad closed video, error Whoops! We are sorry something went wrong - in black and white ( law enf consider and uses this combination to plant false evidence, black and white together negative colors) didnt couldnt see the video
Fake typos planted by law enforcement,to cover up their crime and to win a fradulous political agenda, wont let me edit. On Whitehouse account tweeter snaptv video from Japan President visiting Hirosima play button would respond, when i minimized whitehouse website flashed before i open anything else but thats exactly what i wanted i went back to the opened pages on my phone and Whitehouse page wasnt there, i typed video started playing and closed it, i clicked done and went back and went to
Page became unresponsive when i typed word account, it jumped down so i can scroll up, i couldnt type sp I had to choose between HTML and Compose and then Hospital worker in blue clothes rushed near me and said word Done and walked by.

cant watch, running informants here, woman in bright green waited for me to turn to her side, boy in blue ran on this text now.

clicked on snaptv link again bright green url flashed in between video opening
Presidents Proclamation Prayer for peace page stumbled and bonet forced me to push on it while i was looking for whitehouse live events link

video black page sound only on whitehouse laying wreath

When i started cleaning my mouth with tissue after drinking the smoothie - woman in the bright green walked close to me in my view ( brigh green means - negative, I left a bright green shopping cart behind when moved out from my old apartment)

Pop up when video turned on somewhere not in the beginning forced to click Done on a short man sitting on the bench in the video ( this has been done many times before by the law officer with bonet in control of my phone)

Video didnt start from the beginning, started from President laying the wreth then moved to him saying But today and stopped, picture remained doesnt matter where i tried to move the timer and video wouldnt play, then when i restarted and
refreshed video started on President saying Uni ( as in United States) and stopped fake typo d near e in Inited States and near President, lots of torture sound loud motor constant, paper wrapping, loud slamming heals over the floor walking, loud chatter non stop, squeeking sounds, loud furniture screeching etc to destruct so i couldnt remember what to write and suffered during trying to watch and writing about what the law enforcement is doing here.

Bonet stops video laying of wreath randomly at agenda points when Presiden shake hands with the Japan leader, when Japan leader pay respects to the Hirosima victims, it jumps from arriving to talking at the spots that suit fradulous agenda, to cover up what I wrote law enforcement in control of my phone did pop up appeared to connect but when i checked in my settings i was connected to wifi, to cover up now what i wrote about this person walked near me and sat in bright blue, same negative cor in law enforcement book, because i didnt wear bright blue long time ago so they use that to plant false evidence, that the kind of interesting world existence of which opened up to me during this inhumane abuse and suffering, sharing this because it is dishonest and NOONE should have any legal right to cause inhumane suffering to other people and in MY book noone has a right legally or illegally or anyway you put it to cause any kind of suffering to anyone. Video stops and stumbles at each phrase or word non stop in a meantime law eb enforcement plants false evidence against me moving the picture, places randomly escene where they were not, take words out of context in between the speech, all to effect my face expression, all to use Presidents video to plant false evidence against me and covers it up e right away. Fake typos in this text I just wrote. For example on the words Truth, easily - video stopped, cooperation - screech, disease - girl in bright blue walked by, Hirosima and Nagasaki - stopped / started, avoid war - blue clothes black girl ran in front of me, word easy then words We are tell our children the different story, skipped from the word easy to these words. So false evidence and cover up to reach a fradulous agenda and a fradulous political goal. Place people in my view to effect me so Id turn to where they want me to turn, on reading G7 Declaration false evidence planted non stop to suit law enforcement dishonest fradulous agenda and to cover it up, informants in different color clothes start walking on loud sounds signs, certain way looking, certain colours, loud sounds made during reading to plant false evidence, usually 1 screech or ban because it suits the agenda it is obvious. Overweight woman just walked close to me in brown clothes ( brown means negative ) on mentioning Russia in the Declaration and bear me at exact that time raised and lowered her hand in a frightening manner and continued walking. "We expect Russia and Iran to urge the regime to comply" in this text On return after i mentioned this screen was opened on the word "we" so id click on it, w - woman e - eww, on saving young guy in bright blue rushed by to cover it up as if I didnt write the truth, so they lie, plant false evidence then cover up. I dont hate Russian people, I refuse to hate any people! And in the above context I personally very happy about progress that was made that is mentioned in this Declaration as well as the recent developments in relationship between Ukraine and Russia in regards to Nadya and the exchange between Ukrainian and Russian governments that occured which resulted in her release and release of two Russians and I will never do or say anything that will contribute to prolong war and fume hatred between these two peoples or between any peoples in that matter, I wrote what I am against previously and I am very happy about what I read in this Declaration and about the decisions G7 came to and efforts they are committed to make, I say God speed and good luck, not an easy task but most respected and greatly worthwhile. Trying to make me angry all day non stop by insulting comments and physical abuse / torture, as soon as I type memos or weite here now child suddenly screams happened many many times, thats their cover up and false evidence that I write because I dont like children, cant hear a child cry, next lie I worked as a kindergarten teacher and parents and now grown children are my witnesses, they all loved me being their kindergarten teacher, also planting false evidence non stop that I dont like my son,who they severely mentally abuse I love children and care about children, they dont irritate or annoy me, its amazing to what extent law enforcement goes to mud someones name, how greatly unfortunate that kind of people who are so cruel and so greatly dishonest and corrupt have tools to effect other people lives in such a evil manner, while I am typing this they sent one after another limping people, false evidence I am irritated at these people meaning being cruel, child loudly says Momma, girl loudly repeats Yeah, yeah, absolutely, man loudly Puppy is my friend, banning slamming started, another women Yeh yeah its so hard to know, imagine how high they value themselves because of having such power to do so much bad things and I thought how little they think of people who they do these bad things to, even when ising asian people to annoy because they consider their language annoying, even in the way they torture and use other people shows disregard and disrespect, how they use people without them knowing they help them to do very bad things not being concern about these people reputation at all by in fact making them do very bad things, while remaining completely unaccountable for false evidence and long time unprecedented abuse that cause inhumane suffering not only regretful but covering up and doing all they can do make someone else in this case American President and American government to be responsible for their abuse of human rights, remaining unregretful and in a meantime continue doing just that. Covered up right away when I was writing with a red pen sent a woman speaking one of the asian languages and a mom with a stroller, red means negative. After I wrote about law enforcement wanting to make American President and American Government responsible, teenager boy got up loudly said before leaving That was a good day and left, they were the ones who chatted loudly non stop to raise my blood pressure, done by law enforcement everytime I come here and in other places, it causes very rapid heart beat and rises blood pressure and causes stroke symptoms at last.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Planted a witness / observer to cover up that loud sounds cause discomfort, so make them in a way and at the time that they wont. Man is leaving after I wrote about him, woman on his leave "How are you?", another "Ok". After I saved the memo with the first sentence they made a screech here and made me take a deep breath so its a false evidence of me feeling relieved after i wrote that, they can also make you feel very sleepy when needed for example during me watching whitehouse videos when something very important is talked about by the President that I care about to make me look as if I dont ( very loud laugh here, " you are not very clear" loud comment now) or reading a book President wrote, also some sounds at certain tome can cause to yawn, because it is not how I really feel, because it is misleading and untrue I write about what they do so everyone would know about this unprecedented abuse of power. At Shoppers teenager squeezed in when I was closing the freedge door and two short talking men were standing near it, caused me to hit myself because of the timing he did that, thats physical abuse and cover up and false evidence, girl just whispered when I mentioned that agressively in to scare me voice "Quiet!". American citizenship video on Facebook started and closed what i was writing after i clicked on play button and tried to watch it but couldnt: Thats what I e written: Couldnt watch the vide before i could type o, in the word type now letter "o" planted by bonet to be removed. This image on my phone appears distorted and blur in grey like squares At 1:22 on this post showing 1 comment 1 share, no comments at all showing, this happened before, numbers manipulated on my phone to suit the fradulous agenda, likes near posts, tweets, on youtube under the videos so it would apoear i liked something after a certain number which I know matters to law enforcement and has a misleading false meaning, same with battery charge number, same with the time on my phone, same with the time of the memos at which I write, also to effect and hide the time false typos planted after I save the memo and if I edit time adjusted and the correct time at which event occured gets lost. 2:14 pm live stroke prevention discussion page error The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.
Fake typos in this post at the bottom of the page in the last memo law enforcement planted and preventing me from correcting them, thats how they get their "evidence" Yesterday came with chills and fever to the dorm, texted my son before about how I felt, that I will try to rest and let him know either later or next day, battery was 1%, at the dorm ac was turned on so high it was like being in a freezer, tortured by extremely loud chatter, wouldnt let me rest, I was getting worse and worse as they continue, loud walking to shake my bed started after, phone died, police always waits on the text or something to run my battery down, in the very early morning wouldnt let me fall asleep again made sounds at exact time I was about to sleep, this has been done to sleep deprive me all this harassment time. These are the memos I wrote at 1% battery till the phone died:

battery 1% have fever

extremely freezing
at the dorm, my heart can stop

yelling since i came in non stop

terrible headache nausea, door slamming

stopped as soon as i whispered something about this, lots of heart pain extremely sharp.

and exhaust been non stop.

chills fever sharp heart spasm caused by infirmant very loudly constantly blowing her nose, stomach pain, very pain headache, cant breath, chest congestion.

waiting for the phone to die at convinient for them time.

woman talking to herself talked non stop.
/just now bonet closed the folder where this memo was, as if I, like theyd want id be offended by this woman, she keeps following me, especially appears when i am about to through out kleenex, to plant bipolar false evidence that id be offended, the thing is when I tried to copy the text they wouldnt let me I mouthed the words recited to remember, they knew that and what I am doing and why, they pay attention to what causes me and when id whisper - abuse, loud banning, loud chatter, do it to the inhumane suffering point and sent witnesses when i am writing and repeated something like now, because they right now subjected me to extremelly loud noise so I whispered to remember the word i was typing like now, they are so desperate they will take anything to cover up this abuse.

Another memo:
After what happened before someone loudly was looking for woman in bed 28, repeated that.
Numbers always mean something to them, they use them to manipulate evidence to their adventage, its never honest thats why its a concern to me and should be a concern to everyone.

Phone died before i could finish my memo, short young men here ar the hospital repeated the last word wearing bright blue clothes, bright blue means no cause of me not wearing bright blue a while ago.

the memo was :
shook my bed before after stopped the loud chatter, over and over "by"- thats when the phone died by loud walking.
Vomit sound, puking coughing on blue top whenever i touched it, took it, sneefed it it doesnt stink at all ( but like a white top with the black
clothes same with this one extreme cold forced me to cover with that blanket and then turned on the heat, so the tops would be soaked and id have to took them off) i wanted to wear now, stuffer quickly closed the washroom so i wouldnt change.
Twisting planting of false evidence now, short overweight man in grey before i came into the washroom inside woman wearing bright blue Tim Hortons
top, very lighter bright blue.

Come across very desperate its either prove the lie or admit they commited crime.

Abused me by loud chatter until i whispered something.

Ashamed of Canadian law enforcement of those who instead of doing the right honest thing and be the people they suppose to be insist on continuing this abuse what they do will make it fatal, this way as usual "by" will be guilty B is for American President, thats why after impossible abuse they waited to pick up on this word, criminal completely corrupted organization.

Youtube blank page was just up and right away window to accept the terms popped up.
Thats why most of time they prevent me from from watching videos in whitehouse and appear so eager excited when i click on youtube link because Ive been forced ( b is for American Presudent who I always supported e in youtube for eww thats why) black young woman who was behind me got up making one loud sound.
And this "by" is also false bipolar evidence, when its shouted on me walking by, they are desperate to have evidence.

One slam or one ban everytime I save this post. To gave fun during the abuse law enforcement makes loud sounds wherever I do something, like for example flip my hair out if the way, today at the dorm they took this a little further o I was about to use the washing wipe on my face talking to herself woman rushed to walk by while talking loudly, I didnt, I took a cream out it has a light blue color, dermatologyst prescribed it for exzema, so informant loudly when ( green pop up now ) I trying to squeese the cream out, informant loudly says "What are you doing?" as if to someone else, I took out the little mirrow she again as if to someone else "Hello beautiful", my son doesnt believe someone does this, but they do in hopes noone believes it and they send informants like now to ask for change and interrupt what I am doing, so Id loose a track of something very important, like in this case what they are trying to accomplish by doing that. Torture doesnt exist in Canada I read but law enforcement tortures me everyday causing inhumane suffering, they do that under cover under false pretences, I am mercillesly tortured in public washrooms by extreme loud door slamming non stop andcloudest towel unwrapping, noone does things like that, noone needs to extremelly loud slam the doors or extremelly loud ban the handle of the towel, but this covers up the torture, this is what happened yesterday when I was already feeling extremelly ill after being subjected to extreme loud slamming at the park to force me out of the park, thats the memo I wrote, after that I had a feeling of the cardia arrest, after that, my Crohns flared up, after that I had chills and after this fever started and I left to rest and the dorm which I described above: superior loud slam near the washroom right next washroom, twice cant catch my breath since, they tried to cover up, making little destructive noises after, comments before i came in man said: its always someine ekses fault, another in pink tshirt Prepare for anything near the washroom before i came in whustling, i have a feeling niw of a cardiac arrest, battery will die now 1%, was 2 when i wrote and loud banning continues on and off inside and now loudest slam, ready to go outside comments near me in a wheelchair

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How false evidence cooked and intentional harm caused by law enforcement here: they are by torture forcing me from the park, to make it look as I dont want to be outside and to actually force me not to, they made me ill by loud sounds, came to stay in the food court in the Hospital they slammed door near me so much that I felt much worse, feeling of a cardiac arrest, cant catch a breath, when tried to take a deep breath interfered by loud sound and it stopped the breathing, they isolate intentionally so i wont talk to people and appear not social, intentionally cause mental ilness evidence i think in hopes to create, effect my thinking and change them, torture caused stumbling, interference at exact time i am about to fall asleep false evidence that i cant sleep ( laughing all the way here when i typed this) on and on, worsen every health condition i have intentionally to plant false evidence for the bogus diagnosis / bogus form. Same with bipolar, its is 100% false evidence all the way. c - fke typo here now. Tried to cause severe depression - on smiling and laughing and looking happy torture right away, I believe to make it lead to any mental ilness. One of their trick to make someone rush to me out of nowhere, they sent black woman to hit herself over my bacpack when i was placing it right when I tried to place it on my shoulder, she said nothing to me at all, I felt really bad
there was noone there,  planted a black woman near my backpack in pink colors - which means negative racist fradulous agenda and so shed witness what they acted.

whistle when abuse send security to c my face right after men who whistle walked by
Whitehouse video just flashed after I clicked on a new post. Battery turned 44% video wouldnt start grey circle kept of circling, grey means negative, on clicking on the new post here battery percentage changed to 43%. Video was President Obama holds a YAWLI town hall.
trying the hardest to plant false evidence I am against Canada, I am against crimes and corruption and torture and abuse of human rights and severe emotional and mental and physical abuse and sexual abuse and harassment and physical and sexual assaults and concussions and shaking someones head for three years to make them a retard an immigrant and a jewish woman and abuse of my child.Against intentional health damage, against intentional mental and emotional harm. My list is very long. I loved Canada and my son loved Canada. I was descriminated before this harassment snd mistreated and a lot a lot of bad things were done to me and happened with me here and I started writing about that honestly so it will not happen to other people, I stood up against fraud and bad treatment of poor people in the store whose owner was giving money to Conservatives while his managers were sabotaging his business, had highest prices in the whole neighbourhood, I stood up to bullies - bullies took revenge on me and severely abused me for three years while turning the tables.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

adjust me clicking on buttons on my phone to their fradulous agenda making the buttons respond when someone here moves or make someone move.


OCH website blocked by the hospital security

blocked by the hospital security

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loud chatter all morning, comments previously - run run etc, the loud chatter makes your heart beat, hands tremble, making schizofrenic false evidence as if i make everything in a rush, because i think someone is after me.
Also loud comments near me - two way sword, brainwashing and schizofrenic false evidence if i believe its about me, boy now in grey clothes in front if me.
left said Thank you before that very close woman in bright redish pink walked
wd-fke typo near me


take opportinity at every single thing i do to plant false evidence!
holding connection while planting false evidence here (this was in the morning).


woman loudly when i walked by :
"I was an elevator bitch."


how was your soup?
asked when i was stirring coffee with a black stick in a cup red white and black.


second time potatoes are not added so id pay seperately for them, mom call went through now stopped me from typing and garden salad placed with chicken
l - fke typo


brown image flashed from NYPolitics with Mr.Bush when i just opened the feed after being on Whitehouse page liking tweets, them witnesses came out after moms call went through.


woman shook me now before said thats fine thats fine  when i reached out to my bagpack wearing pink all others many colours
memo edited after I saved it and her comment got split - fraud, she said that twice!


burned my Americano coffee, so id stop drinking it, I was drinking Americano almost every morning, girl just asked me somewhere if I want Americano with a smirk. Went to another place girl made a burned American twice, so its three times, one at the Second Cup (laugh constant here).
Latke - 4.99$ each, continue aka scizofrenia evidence.


One phone ring after i turned on data to open OCH website


Constantly make an effort to make me look dirty and my hair look dirty after I washed it with informants making dust and fluff flying at me, at me exactly when I would sit and walk by and at the dorm .

--- Not letting me watch this video about black woman died in police custody , link didnt copy, after i copied it. From this tweet:

I was just micked out from the Facebook page after I read reply to my post asking for the prayer for me and my son and offering my prayers to people in Israel I was reading the post and pop up closed the page for ing me to click on Settings, then another pop up forced me to click on Cancel button, then translation button didnt respond at all a d I could continue reading the reply ( man in green, one screech, phone keeps on ringing - 4 rings), then page closed showing an error. Constant racist fake typos e and n now. The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page. Back to previous page --- Old man hit my chair on this Facebook post after I clicked like shaken my head causing instant headache, heart pain, shortness of breath: --- Not letting me watch any of the videos from Whitehouse today either at live events or on Twitter. --- Cant change grey background in my posts backround. The law enforcement with bonet in control of my phone closed "Patterns" backrounds beeping started on Patterns background when i got back. Its their fradulous agenda tt, 3 years theyve been forcing to turn me into gay, knowing I am straight. --- Using black people to torture me with non stop extremelly loud chatter, when I turned and looked at the people who are helping police to torture me I turned back and cringed from heart pain right at that moment ( green pop up now ) security humangeous bold young guy was near me and looked in my face (loud laughing now here). --- I tried to change backround to white and text to black when I removed the images before it turned to white and i kept it but posts remain grey, its the template name the law enforcement holding a grip on, after when Id remove the grey backround image it turned into red and then into orange. So they control everything to suit their fradulous agenda while continue torturing with people help I am certain these people have no idea about the torture context of their chatter and what suffering it causes, I am having more and more heart pain while screeching loud, motor loud and chatter very loud continues non stop. PS. The template name Ive choosen long time ago is Watermark. --- Constant stops and interruptions, certain sounds can make you yawn, imagine, then grey border around the video gets clicked which made me blink at certain times, done at certain words, at certain times to plant false evidence, people at certain times walked by to make me react blink or look away on certain words at certain times, freezing during Presidents videos in Vietnam, torture by very loud chatter and loud sound which caused a lot of heart pain and shortness of breath. interuption of for example word "fishing", " where both sides continue to change" etc. --- Same here very loud chatter, loud screeching, banning at certain statements to effect me, freezing, people helping law enforcement like before dressed in different colors clothing walked by at certain times to suit law enforcement agenda, this is falsification of evidence, because my watching is effected and everything planted around me forced and false, no colours at certain statements and words, trying to effect my facial expression

Monday, May 23, 2016

Placing humangeous piece of false evidence right now right here in the hospital near Dryxys deli.
I am being watched and followed everywhere by people who plant false wvidence for law enforcement completely dusmissing anything I do to suit their agenda, at Bloor West now, washing my cloths.
False evidence planting all day, aggresively, I got up and was leaning the table women in Hospital bright blue clothes loud commented " Where do you make or meet friends" as if I leave because of that, scziforenia false evidence, everyday they change the diagnosis and plant bipolar and if that doesnt fly schizofrenia false evidence, while aggresively torturing by loudest chatter and loud sounds,  making me loose balance when I walk outside hurting my feet by the cars making whoosh sound near me whenever they want me to step depending to which side. They are so corrupted I wrote a negative comment about them after I was agressively sexually harassed, so today they multiplied false evidence planting.
Leaving the lobby man loudly " she will get locked out", I find it very interesting, well this is a memo I wrote before:
I wrote that this law enforcement commited a crime and are criminals, they actually are so sneaky theyve been constantly trying to turn the tables:
They harassed me and mistreated at businesses, while planting false evidence that I am against businesses after I wrote honest comments about bad customer service and about overcharging, etc.
They assaulted me physicall, abused mentally and emotionally, while bluffing I am a dangerous person who never assaulted or harmed anyone, trying to provoke me for three years to do just that by demeaning and insulting non stop daily hitting, giving concussions.
They caused intentional damage to my health, while planting false evidence that i can cause harm to myself and cant take care of myself doing everything they can to make any health problems worse and worse and banning and making loud sounds before i take a byte or make a sip or at every step i walk to make it look as if i cant walk straight as uf I am drunk.
Trying to prove and plant false evidence about the most ridiculous things. Girl now loudly said walking by " I know you guys gave teasers and shit", man loudly laughed in the distance, then woman.
Walking because theyve been trying to prove I overuse medications and have addictions and drinking and smoking, ridiculous, because I dont do any of this.
That I dont love animals and planted false evidence non stop for that, man/informant whistled now, but I always loved animals.
That I dont live my son, but I do and always wanted to be a Mom and was the best Mom I could possibly be.
Laugh now at this comment - They sexually abused, harassed, violated and assaulted me.

Locked up, I have opinion about who must be locked up.

Its like having a mob in my and my sons life every second of our lifes, doing whatever they please and getting away with that, basically ryi g to kill me and make me and my son ill, Ihave never came across more criminal organization.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Just now when I typed blogger to open it short man walked by and loudly said near me " Thats why I need help". Before that they sabotaged my job search.
Comment loud near me when I closed the job ad " Do you know how to do it?" "Ok, thank you"
So... to engage the victim in this case me to respond the law enforcement with bonet places all the time engaging comments like c for see, y for why and on and on imagine they are deliberately and intentionally making people mentally ill, aggresively doing everything they can to cause depression and to cause physical brain damage, not to mention complete intentional health debilitation and emotional and mental impairment and to top this they plant false evidence non stop and cover themselves up while engaging the public in helping them do that while misleading people n order to hide what exactly it is they are doing.
They know how to physically hurt a person while making it look as if the person hurt themself!
I walked and twice at the dorm women made movements towards me and i moved so id give them space but it was contemplated because it made me move towards an obstacle and caused me to hurt myself. And it also works well for the bogus form that mentions mental disorder that will lead to causing physical harm! LAW ENFORCEMENT.

At the dorm because of the loud destruction sound I lost my balance i was standing and hurt my shoulder so they saw me placing gel pack and thats when two women i mentioned caused me to hit myself in the same exact hand.
Also they figured what made me squint from pain and planted false evidence on that.
Loudly on a shoulder pain squint comments "No", "Sorry".
Black woman whose been helping law enforcement all the time Ive been at that shelter, chatted loudly non stop, i covered my temple and ear my blood pressure started rising because of that and i started gaving pain in the right temple and on the right side of my head as soon as I did that she very loudly said "Have a chat", false evidence anti social!
Also as soon as Id start typing they planted false evidence on that. Id pick up the phone to write girl rushed to the locker near me as soon as I put down the phone she quickly went away and done so a few times. I then put the phone down when shed come and pick it up when she left to continue ( keep missing letter n intentionally, I type it but the bonet wont let it get typed, planting racist false evidence) writing, next time when I did that and picked the phone up to write another girl walked quickly near me. The point of law enforcement doing that she copied the way I move my hair so the false evidence I write because of that, but the real evidence is she rushed to be near me after I started typing my memos.

I just turned off the phone after I saved this post phone sound again is changed to like a gun shot, imagine, so they figured after I wrote this I mustve been angry now and here is a brainwashing intention!!! Imagine if they do these things to a really mentally ill person and aggresive and violent person, imagine being dishonest as they have been  and having all this in their disposal!!!

Its all little coicidences that coincidentally became a pattern, I opened this article because I wanted to get a bike and also its about them sabotaging my job search, the goal mentally institutanalyze and kill, two words, so extremelly loud constant sound here as soon as I opened this article about biking to office, I now have ablot of heart pain, bad headache and cant breath!
And as usual to sabotage anything I would want to do planted people near me to talk loudly non stop and thats fine except people do not talk to each other sitting closely very loudly and coincidences do not happen everytime I personally sit down and near me personally only, then mivements to destruct when torture cant be continued but it continues as soon as possible after a break, also covering ip now happens like that as soon as I mention someone doing something the person gets up leaves right that second, keystrokes are read, then "witness" arrives right away stands looks around in a wondering manner and goes away.
12:23 pm
At the Western Toronto Hospital food court, walked around some strangers all the way around when I walked constantly make aggresive fast moves towards me ( laughs, ban) so Id step aside out if their wat knowing my shoulder hurts ( laugh here) then witnesses walk quickly after to look in my face, law enforcement trying to make me scared of being hurt, on this comment man walked very quietly near me, touched my pink and black and white bag several times, cleaned his face in the same manner, so false bipolar evidence pink white black = negative, I once drew a poster in these colours No sex, since than they used it on all occasions to plant false evidence.
Everytime I am about to write, woman behind me make a clearing throat sound.
At the public washroom, I dropped my sunglasses on the floor went there to wash them with the soap,
4 women arrived started extremelly loudly slamming the doors, its everytime when I come to this public washroom like real bombardement starts till I leave but when I do rarely someone is there,
also when I clicked on open the washroom button two women were inside near the door very closely and also when theg make people block my way intentionally and suddenly rush to me they always make it look by behaviour and attitude as if it was my fault where it was not at all, also false evidence anting, man behind me keeps talking and keeps banning the chair i sit on to shake my head when I type niw, woman near me makes the unwrapping paper sound, law enforcement does this to irritate and destruct, niw she scratched herself like me and the wrapping paper is grey, grey too means negative so false bipolar evidence planted she did that as soon as I mentioned here here now. 1:28 pm young guys one looked like a man from the article I read on the funny russian site facial features looking somewhat like me ( odd, loud laugh here), another very tall indian young guy walked by, when indian guy walked towards me and I before that turned in that direction cleanising my face with a tissue, I am eating in the food court, he repeated my gesture, so false bipolar evidence like that now, thats why law enforcement needed to harass me with transgender agenda, so they can use that, so its a tool theyd harass someone till it starts bugging that person and this way they now gain control of that person, imagine. Its very simple I am tall 5'9, they picked on that and also to completely mud me they want to prove I am anti everything and everyone so they can turn everyone against me :), also my shoulders because of the way my baby was head up when I was pregnant got a little wider, babys head was actually under the right rib, I remember how I was surprised when I tried my coat after a baby was born it gotten tight in the shoulders a bit, I am still size small and even often extra small but they picked at me for that :) and they so so hope they make me feel bad about that and gain control over me and be in control of all I think about myself and how I feel about myself and what I write and what I say, but my baby being born was the best and the happiest thing that happened to me, why would I ever care about anything else. Please please DO NOT EVER base your confidence or self esteem on those who dont wish you well, do not let anyone make you their puppet, do listen to constructive critisim of your friends and family and your loved ones, they love you and care about you, but DO be your own person, DO follow your heart, DO have values and principals and NEVER negotiate them, DON'T let anyone frighten you, buy you, control you, DO stand up for yourself and everyone you love and care about and everything you love and care about. DONT EVER let anyone make you into their puppet or marionette!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

At Starbucks on Bathurst and King West,
memo I wrote, was watching tragic video from Ukraine

torture me to effect my reaction to the video from ukraine, to make me stop crying and prevent from reacting when man said grandma and granddaughter died humangeous ban here

cideo- fake typo

PS. Hit my bed in the morning, yelled non stop while planting false evidence.

This video also effected:

Video when I was watching, gets cut off in the end on singers words " Радість украінським людям" - " Bring happiness to Ukrainian people"
counter moves right away to 0:00 while when the singer says that it shows 0:02,  those who control  my phone dont want me to watch this video ending.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

At the food court at the Western Hospital near Booster Juice, destruct before each byte when I eat, with sounds and walking by and gestures in front of me at the exact time, to make me look as if I cant eat on my own, twice messed up my food, once time at the Subway where I was with my son making him a witness, sandwich was fallen apart when I unwrapped it, it was impossible to eat it tidy, then at the Coffee Time cafe, bagel when I unwrapped it was all covered in jam and cream cheese, imagine what untrue things law enfircement does to achieve their fradulous agenda.

Hit my bed this morning really badly so Id wake up (after informants yelled non stop on and off, sexual harassment continues there too) the very bad shake caused violent head shake and concussion symptoms. I had chills all night and Crohns flared up, was freezing there, they constantly change the temperatures, been freezing me all day long before everyday for a while now, i shiver all day long, have now chronic runny nose too and the heart pain just wont go away at all since that hammer like sound last week and it gotten much much worse since theyve been freezing me and even the CPR pressing movements are not helpful as they were before.
At the hospital when I was drinking the smoothie, non stop false evidence planting chatter, they arrange where I can sit because they know Id need a plug for the phone, non stop false evidence since I arrived here, in the dorm too, outside too, emotional and physical abuse and harassment continues as well.
PS. For three years they shook my head vigorously among other things law enforcement been doing given me concussions to turn into retard thats the goal, doctor at the walking clinic told me nothing can happen to a person if their head is shaken vigorously everyday for three years, imagine the depth of corruption if you have doctor cover them up so with her easy approval they continue shaking me and the other doctor already covered them with a bogus form without EVER talking to me and they continue planting false evidence about MY mental condition while aggresively trying to intentionally cause it and fake it!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

As a child I had a

/ I typed "an" letter n is skipped by law enforcement who insists on planting racists false evidence on my phone/

 ear infection, because of torture by loud sounds for three years to protect my heart and my head from heart failure and stroke I tried to wear earplugs which caused the old infection to give me trouble after, so now in coffee shop whenever I touch my ear teenage stalkers copy my gestures on law inforcement signals to help law enforcement plant false evidence, my hope for them that they dont know what they are doing, rather than do. False evidence is - I touch my ear because I get offended of someone copying me aka


 bipolar false evidence, corruption not only bytes, it lies, uses people, it kills.

bopolar - is a fake typo planted by bonet.

When caught in lies it gets cutsie, it sucks up, to only after stab you i  the back as deeply as humanely and inhumanely possible.

Teenager stalker coughs everytime right before I take a byte of the sandwich at the Tim Hortons I am now, song started on the radio as soon as I posted this post "Cry me a river" :).
So brainwashing is done by using the songs that get played wherever you go, to get to you or influence your thoughts, you know what else surprised me controlled street lights, how in Ottawa I was by the lights redirected from not walking by the Sinagogue. What I thought about was, considering dishonesty and lies and so many bad and cruel and life threatening things done to me personally and my son, I really really hope they havent used this power to cause any accidents on purporse to hurt and harm people, that was my biggest concern when I realised what they do with lights and it has been consistently done to redirect me crossing where they want me to cross the street and when wherever they already set up for false evidence to be planted, by making cars of different colors drive by and people in different color clothes and different ages walk by, that is done too.

PS. You know what can happen and happened now with me a few times when someone makes a loud noise right before you byte or about to swallow the food you can choke, you can choke and die and noone will know why!!! I choked more than once like that and thats too was done by the people who are engaged with the law enforcement, I hope they dont know what they are doing!

9:47 pm Started freezing me again here as soon as I replied to my son text and started read Twitter, I noticed theyve got this idea to start freezing me as soon as I get to social networks, agresively trying to isolate me, surrounding me with abusers at the dorm to keep me abused, frightened of them and alone forcing to the street, the landlord of the apartment I wanted to rent in London for 2 weeks he said couldnt reach my landlord, law enforcement hopes I will give up on this idea, they told him just like they told other for three years now to behave very rude to get a reaction out of me, the people get connected through internet when they talk to me and reading from the screen, law enfircement constantly told people to interrupt me when I talk, done for three years, in Toronto Law enforcement succeeded the most after they not only told people to cut me short over and over and over so Id raise my voice or become offended or insulted they also used sounds at the same time so since I was subjected to this in Toronto and as soon as its done to me I start stumbling, this is a false evidence planted by them as a schizofrenia symptom (its a false symptom, its a crime to do, it leads to misdiagnosis, intentional misdiagnosis, compromising the doctor who would make diagnosis based on this and planting a label like that on a healthy person that ruines this persons life, because the very important thing is I dont stumble otherwise!) teen stalker just coughed once, to cover them up, 1 means no, whenever I was writing this he loudly kept saying "Sure", "Yeah"  and other messages, its been done before, he also talk loudly near me non stop, the same song started in the same sound pattern to raise blood pressure and heart rate and car just drove making loud exhaust. Three years of this and the corruption machine works like a clock tic tac tic tac just like this song they finally stopped just now.

I opened my Facebook profile picture and timeline picture, when I opened timeline picture someone here in Toronto Western Hospital rushed and the same very minute thrown garbage in a garbage container near me, some informant just made one loud furniture screech here to cover that up.
Law enforcement has used and continue using my phone as a tool for planting their fradulous political agenda and for mental / emotional abuse and sexual harassment, planting false evidence and cover up for what they do everyday for three years.
Memo about todays live event:

They stop the timer where they want, while I on my phone cant stop it where I want!

teen says - friends
old man says - curiosity
President- walking away
screen - video beginning soon
thats how timer was moved by law enf with bonet
old man says - i can see
President - looking away - says - its not that complicated
timer stops and moves in this order.

Informants continue laughing non stop while others continue making loud sounds / interogation / torturing

At the Western Toronto Hospital after I told the clerk at Shoppers why I stay here, been freezing the area, yesterday all day and I had heart pain all day. This is a memo I wrote just now:
So freezing cold my hands turned blue just now, yelling loudest non stop, about to have a heart attack thats how it feels

голова заледенела - head feels frozen.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

At the dorm as soon as I moved they shook my bed, large heavy woman ran near me heavily and fast shaking the floor and shaking the bed, it shook my head, it shook me, I became now so ill that it instantly gave me a bad headache, made my heart beat non stop and gave me a lot of heart pain.
Almost every morning they do this to me, my heart is still beating rapidly and cant stop, every morning informants make me ill on the law enforcement instructions.
PS. This is meant as a documentary of torture I am subjected by Canadian law enforcement, I am abused mentally and physically here and sexually harassed in this dorm and even though women who assist law enforcement behave extremelly vulgar and inappropriate by walking naked here, undressing here, spreading their legs in order to sexually harass me,  since I have stayed here I always slept dressed in the same clothes I wear outside, I dread goong there and can not stand being there because of the abuse and sexual harassment I am subjected there everytime I have to come back, it disgusts me and I find this kind of behavior by informants towards me severely abusive, violating and unacceptable, I have been physically assaulted there, mentally abused and sexually harassed.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Memo I wrote, happened just now: screen was /n- fake typo, girl arrived laughed now/ black in this audio from FBI but at the beginning it flashed brightly i missed what words and now someone is chatting non stop, I couldnt remember because of that. I figured out by listening many times, on these words law enforcement here flashed the screen brightly in my eyes -"who gave their lives while serving the public they swore to protect", every time destruction when I listen again on the same words a different destruction, what a hypocracy by this local law enforcement who flashed the screen brightly in my eyes, meaning they were protecting the public here from me and my son, they consistently bring this up, protect from me and my son who lived here since 1992 and havent ever done anything bad and have clear security records untill this abuse started! Button Close now, s for my son l for love e as in eww, bigots loudly giggling) as soon as i mentioned men /ralking-fake typo 2 coughs now/ talking they got up and ran away, new false agenda planting shtick PS i just opened again /afain abs fake typos/ and man here yawned very loudly. /Yelked-fake typo/ Yelled again very loudly during the audio. Now white arrow showing above the text when I click view. PS. Planted witnesses and getting quiet on and off while preventing me from editing this post as soon as i wrote getting quiet extremelly loud Hospital announcement.
I think and I read about that and I am 100% convinced the law enfircement who tortures become ill, they are taught not to sympatise with their victims so they say they get ill and start enjoying causing pain and get a high from that, woman suddenly now started chatting.
Imagine such severe abuse of power and no access to lawyers and no way to stop them from killing me and my son and causing all this suffering!
Woman departed as soon as I stopped writing and got up to leave, non stop constant loud chatter stopped, so they found a way to effect my writing and prevent me from telling about whats going on here and what they are doing. Why hide I am asking, if you havent done any of what I write here, if I am just a mentally ill as you claim for 3 years person? Why calling me a rat, a trader? That just doesnt add up!
Phone died when I wrote about the new thing law enforcement came up, when I walk by loud comments in French language, when I typed here there were loud comments in French near me non stop, false evidence, I wrote that before they tried to make me into a seperatist because I was treating French people as well as English speaking people, after Climate change agreement in Paris and also after tragedy in Paris, its a new turn of tables I am against French they need to prove, I had friends in Ottawa who were both French. Never ending bluff.
I also wrote that I think the law enforcement responsible for the torture gets high from causing inhumane suffering, I read that these people are taught not to sympathise with those they torture and turn into sadists with time who start enjoying causing people suffering, I am 100% convinced it is true. False evidence just got planted woman run near me and pretended she lost balance (like they make me loose balance, probably this is too one of the reasons) standing here, the new false evidence planting thing ( 1 honk outside ).
At the dorm, on me turning woman made a loud pop sound, which on the turn made me loose balance, she was a black woman, her bed near public washroom, law enf knows my habits, they know after washing my hands I will use paper to open the exit door, so shortly woman came in and done exactly what theyve done to me, turned to me as if she lost balance, so thats how before I could open the door with the paper and through it out.
Loosing balance made me make a few steps towards the black woman bed near the entrance door.
Thats how Law enforcement equires its "evidence" about bipolar.
And for three years done all they could to cause bipolar. Imagine!
Every time I laugh or smile or look happy - torture, bans, loud sounds, insults to make me stop, to depress.
In Ottawa after someone they told to talk to me very mean and rude and yell there were old ladies that appear right after and would look in my face and smile, brain training.
Also they subject me constantly to the behavior they want me to copy, extremelly loud yelling and talking loudly to yourself, by people around me doing that all the time.
And severe mental abuse, emotional abuse, three years people were told to yell, talk rude to me, be mean, also non stop sexual harassment, sexual abuse and sexual assaults, including physical assaults and extremely loud sounds daily that caused stroke symptoms and heart failure symptoms, shaking to concussions, burning with hot water, freezing, suffocating with chemical gases, tobacco smoke, hitting aggresively and violently, sleep deprivation, waking up ubrutly, making me ill, making my health conditions worse and worse, mudding my name, lying about me to people,  that should caused severe depression, bringing up suicide, repeating insults daily, in hopes I will start reacting. And on top of that constantly try to irritate me and make me angry on the phone with bonets help and outside with informants, stalkers help and use people, unaware of what they are used to cause, they this is severe abuse and harassment.
I am still not depressed, because of my outlook on life, they cant change it but they really really been trying to degrade and physically and mentally destroy me and I mean killing. CONservatives.

When I walk outside they try to hurt my feet more, destructing on the step i am about to take by loud car sounds and to make me loose balance to walk into the hole in the pavement, to stumble, to walk towards someone or something they want me to walk, when I started making sounds the people who walked by me heard that so they right away changed the strategy and made people walking in between cars whoish sounds make paper wrapping sounds, comments, to regain control of me and to keep me under their control.

Lately the false evidence about bipolar is planted on me throwing paper by "stranger" copying my gestures.

Now at the Second Cup on Bathurst and King West.
And comments when I type and throw out garbage.
Teen now loudly " What?", then another teen arrived and when I type " Ok man" over and over then " I'll shoot". So gestures and comments - also people in certain clothes, certain look on me throwing put garbage, ot do anything, thats how Law enforcement equires their "evidence".

Girl keep talking as soon as I mentioned her said " Bye" and came in to the Second Cup, preventing me by loud non stop chatter from writing here, another girl picked up as soon as that one left, on me writing with a green pen, someone in bright blue top near the window stretched like I do. Loud non stop chatter causes rise of blood pressure. 2:20 pm As soon as I tried to open blogger loud chatter by teenagers startrd right near me, wifi wouldnt open the page, had to turn on data, torture in coffee shop by very loud banning and loud chatter now non stop whenever I try to write, bipolar false evidence planting continues. Teenagers stopped shouting non stop as soon as I wrote about them shouting and left, looks like a new way to plant false evidence about bipolar agenda, so the usual lies and severe abuse continues here with no possibility to get a lawyer, the only lawyer called and then emailed who was already talked by law enforcement to and had agenda name attached to the email and its been like that for three years not possible to find a lawyer whi was not already prepped by law enforcement. 6:41 pm Law enf with bonet keeps harassing me also with ads to get a reaction and to annoy etc, the usual, just planted a tweet ad mentioning Columbia. No idea why, may be the goal of this severe abuse was to make me so angry, imagine if God forbid there was another person in my place, that couldnt see through this bullshit? And who knows may be some of those terrible horrifying tragedies that we see on tv were their hands work? Why try so incredibly hard to abuse so inhumanly cruel people who never harmed anyone??? They agressively sexually harassed me so that I pushed away the guy who sexually assaulted me!!! I never raised a hand in my life no did my son!!! I am terrified at the thought that they couldve done things like that, this has to be stopped by someone, I actually think that all the tragedies need to be investigated throughoutly, what and who specifically contributed to people commit terrible atrocities, the more I learn and the more cruel things they do to me to score their political fradulous agenda the more shocked I am to find out what they are capable of doing and the most horrific is that nothing stops them, the most terrible are dishonesty and nazis tactics and that human life and suffering dont matter to them, killing someone doesnt matter to them. 7:12 pm Quiet time suddenly here, law enforcement hopes I am super angry or something after what I wrote and people dressed up in red running around, did you know that red color suppose to evoke anger? I am not angry at all, I am just amazed at the extent of corruption and at this crime in particular and the possibility of dishonest, corrupt people who can do all these things to innocent people, plant false evidence, cover up and get away with murders!!! Political fradulous scam / agenda by those who dont care sbout honesty and truth, a farse speculating on real tragedies, a farse that have put two innocent lives at stake my sons and mine and the severe abuse continues every single day, how can I save my son from these men here who dont care about his life and my life at all?
This is a memo I wrote yesterday, cover ip by law enforcement of the heart pain / heart damage caused by torture by loud sounds ( extremelly loud exhaust now by bike assing by)

Thursday, May 12

I placed a palm of my hand on my heart, i saw disabled man walking limping i think he was mentally dusabled / fake typo u by law enforcement/ too ( men behind me yawned now, another just coughed)
I always was liked that, it hurts me to see other people in pain, literally hurts my heart
( puking cough by a men now).
So I had a hand like that t, screeching started and it made heart pain worse and I started pressing movements, one short man looked in dark navy clothes ( slam now) and saw that screeching and press cpr movements ( women now in bright blue with a walker walked by) then after ( puking cough) the screeching continues i continue feeling worse and worse and continued cpr presses, then law enforcement after the witness saw that covered up.

Thursday, May 12
knock to stop deep exhaling
screech right before i exhaled

while before it was the screech that worsened the heart pain so on my press on the chest cpr move they covered up
because it became a pattern they predict
knock interrupted the deep breath making heart pain worse because it stopped the breathing.
they covered up making the screech look like i exhaled after the screech
before i exhaled sent a woman to walk by
before that there was a man who looked at me while i made a press moves after screeching
so they covered up right away

PS. The first one is an email, the second one is a memo, cant edit the law enf with bonet wont let me, I wantrd to place the memo first.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

To plant false evidence that I am not social, make employees when I leave go away so I wont be able to say thanks and goodbye and when i come and say good morning interrupt them and draw attention to informants when i come in and when i leave also employees are told not to respond to my greetings or to my goodbyes. Imagine this is done by LAW enforcement to the person who is a chatter box :) and loves people and loves talking to people. Antisocial is a false evidence / fake symptom of schizofrenia. What bugs me personally is how many people they sent and are keeping in mental institutions that CONservative party and its proxies set up, shut them up and " diagnosed" and labeled, mist important thing about placing a label like that on any person is that after being labeled THEY CANT VOTE!!!!!!! All the same not letting me read pages linked to Russian funny Facebook site. Continuesly working hard on trying to make me upset, unhappy, depressed anyway they can, anytime they can.
Cant open this page from the Russian Facebook

Was just reading Guardian online about US politics - President Obama and Donald Trump,
after brainwashing right away - woman loudly near me "I have no idea whats that said".
Girl just banned my chair and shook my head with the words "I have no idea", man laughs now, girl is chatting now loudly non stop behind me with a woman in pink who speaks with an accent (man laughs) and looks arabic, this law enf does to raise blood pressure and heart rate.
Before I open the post to edit - loud laugh, law enf trying to get me under control.
I now have headache after the shake and shortness of breath after talking, they hold it against me treating all people good including muslims, arab, overweight people, old people and then turn the tables to make it sickening and to make it into a psychological weapon to anger, to make it about dispicable things like terrorism and sick sexual pervertic things when I am talking friendly the same way to people of all ages. Well oiled CONservative and their proxies mud spewing machine.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

False evidence and provocation by law enforcement: day long torture and abuse then people march towards me not giving a way, ran towards me to bump in to and I say sorry for them hitting and hurting me. This is false evidence to make me look violent, they hit me to make it look as if I bumped into them, but hit with force and agression. Apartment owner called back during the conversation my speech was constantly interrupted so I would stumble and witness was planted to witness that, I have never atumbled in my entire life until I came to Toronto and Toronto Law Enforcement gas engaged in planting schizofrenia false evidence by intentionally loudly constantly interrupting my speech with any officials they needed to make cooked witnesses out of them, people gave no idea what they are witnessing and law enforcement continue their political fradulous scam!
Law enforcement learned my habits, everytime I am about to throw paper out black woman comes in into the public washroom. Thats false evidence planted that I dont like black woman.
Shtick to make angry do something that you usually dont like, because what I dont like becomes a weapon against me to cause irritation and anger do as long as possible that complete quite, then if they see your facial expression changed and you look irritated or angry even slightly they pick up torture by exhaust which they used to torture me for three years which causes physical pain by makes heart race and they use different sounds depending on the effect they want to reach, so anger / irritation causing action for a long time nonstop, quiet, exhaust to make even more angry. Works on my son, he doesnt know they do that and I saw the change in him everytime they work him, the never before getting angry young guy, always laid back, kind, caring, sweet, thats what they do to win their fradulous political agenda. Near me someone arrived and smells like poop, all the time bad smells are used too to irritate, to make you look bad, to cause change of facial expression, I am writing about this because it is never honest and depends on the moods of these people who have all these psychiatric tools at their disposal and because they cause inhumane physical suffering to innocent people just to gain a political scrore, they have no boundaries they wont cross to put anyone down, no morals, they lie, they know they lie and they daily plant false evidence and cover themselves up. I still all this time can not believe this is happening in Canada.
In ER when police brought me there by force so that doctor issue a bogus form to cover this all up, some man there commented "Thanks bud" near my son loudly and then shortly they tried that psychiatric trick on him and he got upset with me, thats what theyve been doing for three years on my phone as soon as they harm and hurt they redirect the bad feelings from themselves, always from themselves onto my son planting s a typos and other times o p b to make me angry at the American President I supported all these years, then they let Mom calls come in at particular times, to make me angry with her.
The dorm where I stay filled with false evidence - colors, toys and informants continue torture me with loudest chatter and plant false evidence when I use the tissue making bipolar agenda comments as if I cleaned because of that, three years of daily abuse and lies, false evidence and cover up and everybody is engaged to help and many are very surprised to learn what loud banning they are asked to do can cause, I almost had a strike yesterday when in Second Cup guy was asked to slam something when making coffee, it was like a sound of a hammer, my head, heart went to spasm and I couldnt breath, I left and went outside, Ive been very ill all day yesterday, didnt have aspirin, bought some carrot juice it helps for heart health and bananas for potasium, I had heart pain and was cold all night, they gave a thin grey blanket and turned down the temparature, I couldnt sleep all night, they always change temperature to make me freeze, then when I wake up prevent me from falling asleep again by chatter and sounds, this morning chatted non stop near me, then employee came in and told everyone to leave in 5 minutes, its always also false evidence with these numbers they manipulate and colors, words, when I type on my phone the posts on Facebook and the tweets they interfer and try to effect what I write then prevent from editing to take what I write out of context to suit their false evidence and fradulous agenda. PS. Changed my word "me" into word "him" to loose the reader, make me look like I dont make sense and to irritate me, they consistently tried to insult me with anything and everything they can, to then use the insult as a weapon to upset, so because I am tall 5'9 they tried to insult that I am a man, imagine the bigotry ( typo b planted now for President, this is a dirty politically driven fradulous scam by bring me down everyway possible and hurting me physically how they can they are trying to bring down American President and mud his name).
Women who are helping law enforcement continue sexually harassing me, wont leave me alone in the washrooms, ran with me to be there near the washroom and its all orhestrated and is so obvious how they behave, so I am constantly stalked in the public washrooms and tortured there by extremelly loud door slamming, also at the dorm the informant planted with a fake accent, she ran to her bed near mine when I was about to make a bed, so Id bend in her face, I walked to another side, when I wrote about this in the memo, she agressively pursued me and walked towards me and looked at me when I was getting up etc.
Also about racist false evidence, after I throw the tissue after black women came in now the women in my path to my bed lies in a bright blue top so bright blue means no, then this informant near me too has a hand towel she planted in bright blue on top of the white, the whole dorm is filled today with panda in black and white, as false evidence, panda cause i have dark circles around my eyes because of torture for three years, bipolar evidence because black and white are too means no.
Also law enforcement is controlling access to the internet and if Id have internet al all by fully manipulating battery discharge then blocking places with plugs planting people there keeping me without internet depending whats in their agenda that particular day.
Controlling access like it was now when they planted typo "him", so I wouldnt see it but readers would read that. I couldnt open the page but wifi was on, theyve been doing that continuesly.

Thats how in a manipulative and to noone obvious way your and in this case my self confidence is brought down by law enforcement, who else they do this on a daily basis only know to them, memo I wrote, was on a Russian Facebook site, reading poems, funny sayings, they wouldnt let me watch video about life
so memo about how law enforcement indirectly bring people self confidence down:
By bag sound interrupted scrolling, girl teenagers then walked by, one said " Thats true", witness walked towards me now.
On this text about making a speech.
Человеческий мозг — великолепная штука. Он отлично работает до той самой минуты, когда ты встаешь, чтобы произнести речь.

11:20 am

on this Facebook post, woman got up and wished me a good day, in beige coat, teens boys walked by, one said " Thanks bud" So destructed me from scrolling pass this post, i dont stop usually at these posts, read but dont participate, may be I should.

At Western Hospital food court, staying here often near ER, law enforcement since I was here from the early morning subjected me to toxic chemical smell, all this time, I am having hard time breathing, same was at the dorm, informant moved in her bed, strong chemical smell started.

PS. "Man" insinuation used as a psychological weapon, when I shop how they plant false evidence - block my way and manipulate to go through mens departments at the stores ( simeone in nursing bright blue clothes walked by carrying something it seems and air filled with strong poop smell on mentioning men! Also cars that follow me make whoosh sounds on me making a step that causes loosing balance and hurt my hurting feet even more, they made me loose balance near mens underware stores and mens shoes and mens clothing to step and look by also blocking my view and manipulating me to look that way. There is your "evidence" planting, should I be queit about this " evidence" planting and if I did be a part of this crime??? Woman just walked by and made a loud comment "Trader", I dont think so, its the other way around unfortunately, unfortunately because it is heartbreaking to learn and witness this happening in CANADA!!!!!! Link blocked by Hospital security: Man walked by loudly whistling when I was reading Budga words on this Facebook page: Law enforcements loudly whistles wherever I am in coffee shops, at certain times, I am tired of this whole fake performance day after day after day, going to buy a camera and start recording this. False evidence I am not kind on me drinking Blue Gatorade people rush limping with sticks and rolled in into my view in the wheelchairs. Imagine! I has been a very kind since I was little. Another thing as soon as I mouthed any word, witnesses rush in to witness that, as if I talk randomly, they so so much need to cover this scam and so much gave done to make me severely depressed and mentally ill, that was the whole project. Imagine! And this is in our time in CANADA!!!!!! What law enforcement done and continue doing for three years to cause severe depression and mental illness torture right away to cause pain, emotionally and mentally abuse right away on the phone as soon as I smile, as soon as I look happy, as soon as I laugh. The owner of the apartment I want to rent is now too engaged with the law enforcement lies, his wife told me to call on Monday or Tuesday, yesterday all say long my phone was dead and I tried to charge it but had to rush from the coffee shop where I started charging it because of the hammer like loud sound that hurt me so much that I thought I will have a stroke, I honestly believe because of how I felt there and than that if I stayed and that continued I would have a stroke, I am still feeling ill today. So Tuesday its I dont love my son agenda s letter and e as in eww beside it. Today on Wednesday the owners dont answer the phone at all but yesterday when the phone was dead the owner called and left a message to call him back mentioning time around 6 pm ( loud sounds started here), I only received his voicemail today, called and called and called no answer at all, usually they pick up right away. Sorry about the error, law enforcement continuesly removing letter n - racist agenda false evidence, so the Tuesday s and e is about my son, not racist, I am also being constantly kept destructed to cognitively impair me as soon as I look thinking about something I am destructed by loud noise and tortured by it. 3:00 pm Loud laugh here at the time I read this tweet

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Torturing me on funny Russian Facebook page I read, dimming screen on the messages I write there, preventing from editing and making me feel bad here when I read it and write by loud obnoxious messages and torture.
This is a memo I wrote about what happened in the shelter and after:
Shook my bed and me over and over, heart pain, instant bad headache. By heavy constant walking, then woman in front moved her bed to mine and banned it twice and yelling non stop.
b fke typo
Heart cant stop beating
v fke typo when i wrote that and when teen stalker passed by.
Whooshing sound by cars to hurt my feet to make me loose balance when I am walking.

At Tim Hortons on Queen West and Bathurst:

On the tv screen near the table
London 6
Niagara ( its closed i didnt see the number )
6 in red

Man gets up leaves throws garbage coffee shop fills with urine smell

when he leaves bunch of people come and come out witnessing the smell near my table

Teenager boy near when i sipped coffee " Ahh"

Another memo later this morning I wrote how I felt:
Chills, Crohns, stomach pain flare, headache, heart pain.
Bunch of teenagers came in after i wrote this now, battery 20% pop up blocked typing.

Memo I wrote yesterday later in the evening:
Wanted to add
wallpaperPresident ( bonet wont let me seperate two words, it skipped the space I made before forcing me to delete the word President completely)
 and his wife together Hate wont win, i added it before, now bonet removes First Lady making the image huge, woman bwfore me started now smelling really badly

Monday, May 09, 2016

Planted a man at coffee shop who shook me and giving me instant headache and heart pain during conversation with my Mom, arrived while I took out calling card and was about to call her, just took a sip out of this cup, one phone call, covered up :)!

Peta link blocked by the Toronto Western Hospital, I am here at the food court.

Cant watch this video, constantly stopped while teenage stalkers come and go.

Wont let me watch this video:

This whole scam is not about the truth this is an example of hiw CONservatives mud innocent people.

This is how the law enforcement planting false evidence on behalf of CONservatives, its been on their agenda, I am a bad Mother, I dont love animals.
I just typed link was redirected to this website Hospital blocked it, no idea whats that but niw this false evidence planted that I tried to open it.

To effect my facial expression as soon as I typed teenager rushed walking in my direction talking loudly, planted now himself on the table in front of me.

Before I couldnt read all the tweets from the accounts I followed, after I started opening them from the Following list my list has been cut off no accounts after account Makers, they were FBI, CIA, American government, American Army and many other American twitter accounts.

Lawyers site blocked by the Western Hospital

Video stopped after little baby George with the President was showing and Ms. Obama said "And"
Cant restart young blond girl arrived after indian teenager planted here left.

Dimmed the screen on this article to force me to click on time on the screen:

This article opened twice I didnt open it, I was just scrolling down the page:

Video stopped on commentator saying word "of" about new images of President Bush the day of the 9/11 attack :(

Video wont play, some woman arrived here and keep walking in my direction and away, owner arab looking man left with boxes before that and video wont play, he is back now.

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Freezing so cold at Tim Hortons on Facebook and Twitter browsing as soon as I started, forcing me away from socializing on social media.

Posting as is from my memo app with the typos law enforcement made:
Some people wake up, stretch and enjoy Freedom.
Some people wake ip, stretch and defend it.
( after i saved image with this saying, everytime i stretched they very loudly ban and slam, when I opened this message they just extremelly loudly banned, making me ill giving instant very bad headache, lots of heart pain and shortness of breath that how loudly someone banned on me opening it ( exhaust again) and exhaust just raved over and over).
Woman just yelled He is not here and exhaust raved and continue raving.
Thats the image, law enforcement os preventing me from adding images from my phone, I have it saved on my phone.
Thats the full size view:

Lets see I copied it instead, yep it worked, hope all can see it now :)!

Nope it dissappeared and url seemed to be changed completely. Sitting here at the Second Cup on King and Bathurst, just wrote this pasting as is: They can make a person choke and die, yelled "company" on me about to swallow a cake and i started choking! Remember any famous people choke? I do.

 Another memo posting as is with law enforcement fake typos and fake spaces, internet disconnected after a tweet about Mom, asking what your Mom taught you about being an enterpreneur, scrolling stopped by error after that message: disconnected after moms tweet from te twitter a i and internet created fke typo fke spaces copy cat ( woman lookied like me) made aggresive move with her hand in front of the window I sat, teen raised his legs high in marching motion standing at the intersection before crossing the road. Took out, started eating banana "Mom mommy" child started screaming.

This is how they actually create psychosis and influence people to behave aggresively after abusing emotionally and mentally in order to make one angry then showing the desired for them behavior for you to copy.

Same is going on at the dorm, women yelling loudly non stop, spitting, talking extremelly loudly or quietly to themselves non stop.

Everything including where I can sit and beside whom already was prearranged while I was on the way here, they torture me here with very loud slam near the coffee machine, cooperating with law enforcement...but torture doesnt exist in Canada, I wonder if everybody who has done that everyday these three years know.

Physical abuse continues too, my feet are hurting, all day long on my feet and new shoes have a thick back that gets into the ankle, so on my step when I am about to make it, loud sudden voice on the left and person blocks my way on the right side at the same time car passing making loud exhaust, that makes you ( made me ) loose balance and hurt my feet more, all the way to the Second Cup, yesterday, all the time since my feet hurt, made me step to the side, made me run to the bus ( bus driver then tortures by violent shaking ) this is to plant false evidence that my mental disorder will make me cause serious harm to myself, 3 years abuse and harassment to cause severe depression and created a bogus form, they know there is no mental disorder, there is false evidence and abuse. Imagine the LAW enforcement, I am saying mob.


Saturday, May 07, 2016

My shortest blog post, freezing me, turned on ac on the funny Russian facebook site.
Been freezing me for three years everyday like that, most favourite to freeze me on watching Presidents videos, another favorite rental ads, oh torture now by extremely loud sudden sound started :), gave me instant blood rush to my head, instant heart pain, instant shortness of breath.
The most amusing shtick by law enforcement during the blood pressure test they planted a bunch of people and increased my blood pressure by constant extremelly loud sound, so the most amusing shtick they planted a tiny bold man, so ever since bold men of every kind been stalking me wherever I go, I just cleaned my nose with a tissue turned to the window, bold old man took a sip from his cup right away, that means me cleaning with tissue is dismissed :), I am attracted to this man which I am not, the truth is bold men is a huge turn off for me :), they dont care about that at all.
Two important things to consider one my Dad was bold, second the man I didnt want to see was bold.
False evidence apparently is very easy to plant :), when i watch videos law enforcement with the help of the bonet doesnt let me stop it when I click to stop it :). Cute one they make people ban 1 or 2 or 3 times depending on what they want, cover up or dismiss :), such power :), i never ever ever knew LAW enforcements like that exist and people are eagely helping them while not knowing they are being used and dont know the truth at all whatsoever. During me typing this it removed letter n from every word with letter n, to annoy me it told a clerk here to beep while I write about it :).
A very long time ago I was standing near an entrance an old man grey hair started talking, what shocked me about what he said was this, he said I fought in Second World War and he then added In the German Army, he lived in the same building I lived, he was a nazi and I am a jew, strange thing happened in that building, the side of the balcony when my son got to the balcony some other time was completely loose and open, I was the one who saw that while I was on the balcony, thanks God it was not my son, he was very lottle, we only came to Canada about a year ago, I reported the loose side to the super, I shortly, very shortly moved from that building.

Friday, May 06, 2016

I have one question for today why these people have a right to plant false evidence on my phone and wherever I go?
Feeling very ill today, chills, fever, torture doesnt stop seriously effecting my health.
Sexual harassment doesnt stop, everything is an opportunity for this law enforcement, I read CONservative is in the leadership role at Toronto police, yeah thats about right, turn of tables, mockery, lies, yep sounds about right, mudding people names, well oiled system.
I wrote a long post about Conservative party, phone died, all get lost, thats an evidence in itself, scam continues.

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Dowloaded the song America the beautiful, employee came asian woman started cleaning the table, taking away my cup, etc, interrupted my listening, law enforcement stopped the song by Elvis and replaced it with song Ghetto after I took out my grey box with peppermint when she left, cant listen to the song, downloaded russian song about love for an hour they prevented me from listening to it and  playing the video and playing it on Spotify replaced with with a song about Million roses and the song I wanted to listen is called Thats what happened Momma by Alla Pugacheva. Instead the continuesly send teenage stalkers who yell non stop near me.
Again tried to listen song about America replaced with a song Blue Moon, whistling before I can write here. Song "Эхо любви" "Echo of love" replaced with the song "Надежда" - "Hope". And that might seem like not a very big deal, right? Except that they are planting "evidence" that I listened to these songs, that it was my choice. Oh and cleaning - forcing me out in a manipulative way, usually lots of people show up so there are "no tables for them to sit" and I am occupying the table eating nothing.
PS. I didnt listen to the substitute songs but I also couldnt listen to the ones I wanted to listen.