Friday, December 23, 2016

It must be said again and again in the wake of last atrocities committed all over the world that terrorism is a crime, the most evil act that can be done by anyone towards innocent people, any country, any Government, people who commit these crimes must be held accountable, those who influence and teach to commit these criminal acts must be held accountable and the world must stay united in this mission to stand against terrorism and do all that it takes to end it and prevent it. I will always be against terrorism, I will always speak out against terrorism, I will always support everyone against terrorism and always continue to say something when I see something to protect innocent people like Ive done all my life no matter where I live. Thats why I always supported American President and American Government, I think it is very admirable what they have done, I am very proud of what they have done to make America and this world a better and a safer place to be for all people, this fight must continue and never stop. Hate and evil must never prevail, love and unity and life must always win and I believe with all my heart they always will, I just refuse to believe and think otherwise. Believe.
Canadian law enforcement raving exhaust extremely loudly, torturing all day long like before on everything I do, anything and everything, witnessing accepted by this law enforcement nazism in action everyday for 4 years without stopping.