Thursday, February 16, 2017

Law enforcement tricks to turn you on somebody - associate words that are associated with something unpleasant with that person, example squeeky just used in regards to my son. To stop negative feeling they have caused make a sound that shouldnt cause distress like little click on mentioning of the Parkview motel where they torture me to death! To stop me talking make loud sound which leaves me breathless, to be unable to sing do the same causing inability to catch a breath impairing breathing. To cause over reaction abuse physically by torture with causing pain and suffering sounds and making angry doing appauling things in connection with something and someone you care and love then complete silence, this silense suppose to make you furious and overreact exactly what they are waiting for. I have a bad headache that wont go away even with painkillers, I told that to my Mom over the phone, this morning as soon as this law enf knew I still have it constant banning started which made the headache much worse, also caused a lot of heart pain and caused stomach into knot and caused pain, prevented me taking a deep breath by banning right on me trying to take a deep breath to get better, after which I couldnt take a deep breath at all because of sharp heart pain it caused right away and on and on, prevented from resting, this is torture under false pretences thats suppose to kill me, thats what theyve been trying to do for 4 years and continue till this very minute and this they always planned to be blamed on former President and American government, this is a political fradulous scam to compromise me and people in Washington, shame ( freezing my every letter now!).Disgusted!