Sunday, June 12, 2016

Started suddenly banning and slamming when I started and was reading this letter, giving me instant headache and lots of heart pain, law enforcement uses asian people here to torture me, they are talking near me very loudly after I asked them politely to stop banning, heart pain has worsened, headache worsened too, blood pressure is rising, have hard time breathing as they continue loudly talking, at cafe clerk coughed and they gotten quiter, b fake typo planted, creepy cleaner who they use to frighten me just walked by and bipolar evidence got planted some apoears like young girl banned her heals loudly when walked by and another one now, then a man, continue torturing a different way, furniture screech, witness in front of me in the light blue top is watching over me all this time, just yawned on a signal, asian men started slamming chess now, door slam and cough, loudest ban, its a well orchestrated torture / false evidence / cover up/ frightening machine and on and on continues. Posts are now getting published on a second click, number 2 means a lot to law enforcement, 2 is a point on the bogus form where the doctor to cover ip police abuse declared I have a mental disorder without ever talking a word with me.
My thoughts and prayers to the victims and families in Florida, it is devastating and heartbreaking to learn about this tragedy.
Translate if you can the text under the pictures, it is really worth it.
Have a onderful day.
Back to schizofrenia false evidence after what I wrote yesterday, quiet understandably.
4:53 am
someone banned waking me up and then something stang my foot like a bee
5:54 am at the dorm interrupted sleep at the exact time i was about to fall asleep and continue doing that.
5:56 am
I came with a lot of heart pain and stomach pain and i am now in a lot of pain, not letting me rest, continue stalking in the washroom, old ladies again sexual harassment, these people known the truth from the beginning and know the truth now, this is acrime committed for three years.

10:36 am

I have kidney pain, heart pain, stomach pain, cant catch my breath chest congestion, cant do cpr painful since they interfered the other time and stopped me doing it, so its painful to do cpr movements now and it doesnt help anymore, yelling, banning, slamming non stop
m fake typo to remove
naked person in the view, law enforcement continues their sick and sexually harassing acts.

This is all hidden torture, sexual harassment, mental abuse and this is all going on under the roof of the most wonderful organization Salvation Army, I feel so badly for it, how they violated this organizations values and believes and what it stands for and used it to advance their dishonest the most inhumane goals, I feel very sorry for Salvation Army, I actually applied for a job at the Kroc Center in Hawaii, they are wonderful, they make a great impact in people lives, I know the history of this organization, amazing mission, true humanitarians, thats why I came here, I wanted to see their work, be a part of it, it was among the charities that I have been a monthly donor, while I could, making little payments, because I believe even very little counts, this law enforcement took that away from it committing a crime under their roof.