Friday, December 30, 2016

I am on Twitter:
Law enforcement preventing me from making links clickable, please copy and paste the links, thank you.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Law enforcement with nazi tactics who break families and turn people on each other started raving motors torturing with exhaust as I look through my and my son photographs to place in a new photo album I gave him for Christmas, I am smiling at our pictures, him growing up all ages pictures a baby, a child, he wanted to have our family pictures to remember our family and Canadian nazi law enforcement torture right away to make me stop smiling and to continue turning me against my son whom they abused and continue abusing just like they continue abusing me, its genocide completely unaccountable.
4:56 pm this law enforcement who severely sexually harasses me, whose men raped and severely sexually harassed women working for them in RCMP, who ran naked in police college and lay there on a table naked in police college, froze screen on this tweet to cause my eyes roll to plant false evidence, while damaging my eyes sight and causing pain to my eyes, shameless bigotry:
10:24 pm abused and tortured all day with loud sound exhaust and now low frequency sound amplifier, trying all day to make angry and irritate all day long finally achieving their goal causing an argument between me and my son about what theyve done to me, someone continuesly talking to him behind my back, looks like telling him what to say and what to do, my son on the other hand doesnt know what was done to me at all, he was not with me, I was alone and isolated, he doesnt notice how he gets irritated by this sound every time he speaks, my attention all this time was brought to it intentionally, all they need now is him standing on their side helping to plant a mental label on me, he doesnt know and cant believe it means this law enforcement can continue commiting crimes against humanity under cover making people intentionally mentally ill and torture and abuse severely till their dead and noone will know why they died, imagine what these people hide.
PS.Catching me off guard, thats how law enforcement achieves over reaction out of people - do something completely unexpected and cause over reaction, something that would make a person feel appauled, thats the kind of advice looks like my son getting from someone who gained his trust to convince him that I have a mental problem and because it is completely out of his character I never expect him to do something to such extent, they did that to polish guy in the airport whom they killed after provoking to overreact, to a boy in Toronto and even to mayor Ford who died from cancer I believe later, they caused him to overreact to embarass him and humaliate.
8:36 am woken me up by high heat and kept sleep deprived by raving exhaust. Yesterday after causing argument these criminals in law raved exhaust when I washed dishes on knife washing and blinked my phone screen on knife when i picked it up to add jam, imagine what these people do! How many people they got rid of influencing people this way, what a terrible mob, imagine if I indeed was a violent mentally ill person and they make angry all day, turn me on my son, cause argument and then bring up attention to any weapon, causing someone to commit a crime, imagine what I have discovered these people do to others in secret. It made me think when they brought my attention like that
("thast"-see thats a false evidence by fake typo they planted, they also prevent me from seeing text when I type, thats why so they can get away with false evidence planting!)
what a terrible things these people do in secret, planted false evidence now non stop also by freezing words and letters (s i typed was missing here), planted es en when mentioning knife and what theyve done! What a scary mob. s is for my son, n bad word for black people this mob uses to plant false evidence on my phone, e as in eww they plant, what an awful and fradulous thing to do to people, what an unprecedented abuse of power, what a horrible crime to do such dispicable things to others. Imagine their ability planting thoughts like that in people minds, considering how very dishonest they have been through all this abuse and harassment time and so far got away with everything! Who else did they do such things to and what were the results and what did they got away with?

Friday, December 23, 2016

It must be said again and again in the wake of last atrocities committed all over the world that terrorism is a crime, the most evil act that can be done by anyone towards innocent people, any country, any Government, people who commit these crimes must be held accountable, those who influence and teach to commit these criminal acts must be held accountable and the world must stay united in this mission to stand against terrorism and do all that it takes to end it and prevent it. I will always be against terrorism, I will always speak out against terrorism, I will always support everyone against terrorism and always continue to say something when I see something to protect innocent people like Ive done all my life no matter where I live. Thats why I always supported American President and American Government, I think it is very admirable what they have done, I am very proud of what they have done to make America and this world a better and a safer place to be for all people, this fight must continue and never stop. Hate and evil must never prevail, love and unity and life must always win and I believe with all my heart they always will, I just refuse to believe and think otherwise. Believe.
Canadian law enforcement raving exhaust extremely loudly, torturing all day long like before on everything I do, anything and everything, witnessing accepted by this law enforcement nazism in action everyday for 4 years without stopping.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Law enforcement lead people like puppets here, they know how to cause anger, tears, good mood and manipulate everything and everyone to their needs, trying to make me angry now by freezing screen on things i care and making me read things that will make me angry but also works for them cause its false evidence that suits them.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Here is how my Christmas shopping went today tortured mercilessly by cars motor on the way to Wallmart and back,causing heart pain and stomach pain, continuesly hit and stalked non stop when shopping. Then when tried to make pictures outside of motel where I am staying law enforcement continuesly turned on flash forcing me to click off. Planting false evidence on my phone non stop. PS.Continue sleep depriving me, caused Crohns flare at night and caused it on my way back, exhaust torture makes stomach go into extremely painful continues for a long time spasms, I am constantly in a lot of pain, 4 years now of this severe non stop abuse in every possible way, bigot in control of my phone plants b and p fake typos now and freezes every letter.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

These people break families apart, divide and conquer anyone in their way to achieve their fradulous and dishonest goals, this is a corrupted organisation that gets away with anything. They abused both me and my son and trying continuesly to isolate us from each other and turn on one another controlling every meeting we had, they hit me all day yesterday in the back before I met him and during the grocery shopping together and did it when he was turned away, memo I wrote there: in an instant after being hit very hard in the back have hard time breathing, catching a breath, a lot of heart pain, very bad headache still after girl hit me, it lasted for a while continued hitting me when we shopped with my son. Before I met with him: constantly hit me and hard. Near magazine stand near cash register at Rexall - on me smiling when i looked at President and his wife picture on People magazine cover girl hit me and said sorry. Some men constantly followed me around at Rexall, one sticked in before me in line to buy 24 of some cards. Overweight woman in beige coat stalked me followed everywhere and waited till i get something, beige is negative color in law enf book. Law enf suffocated me with tobacco smoke the whole week, sleep deprived during this week, tortured with exhaust and since early morning today with loud non stop low frequency sound. memo I wrote: woke me up and torturing by extremely loud non stop low frequency sound, sounds like sound amplifier, have left arm pain, hard time breathing. Later: torture continue, have a lot of heart pain, left arm hurting a lot, that sound lasted all day.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

In the morning suffocated me with tobacco smoke, have a very hard time breathing, constantly suffocate me with tobacco smoke in this motel room.
Have headache since yesterday that doesnt go away too. They suffocate me with tobacco smoke on everything that suits their fradulous agenda, when I read something for example about climate change, when I read about accomplishments from American government
to effect my facial expression and the way I feel, when something makes me happy canadian law enforcement suffocates me in secret, raved exhaust now, planted c button  twice as in see, I guess thats in regards to my eyes damage they attempt everyday, which effecting my eye sight now and making it difficult to see, keeping me dizzy all the time when I walk, giving other heart symptoms too.
This is a memo I wrote on December 13 about eyes torture by law enforcement, they just flashed grey page before I can post it, grey in their fraud book means negative, thats how they think they covered up and dismissed what I wrote ( prevented me from typing now so i couldnt and gad to click update)

12:12 am physical eyes torture by freezing screen, causes eyes pain, causes headache, causes diziness, causes sight damage, causes blur vision, causes permanent damage to eyes it became difficult to look after they have done this non stop for a long time now, exhaust very loud started causing now shortness of breath and stopping breathing.
Also constantly flushing upbrutly all windows on opening and on closing also effects eyes and heart constantly effecting eye sight in a bad way and making bad effect in the heart stopping it or racing it non stop chaotically and suddenly.

12:46 am Screen freezing continued.

PS. They do this on my phone all day long, everyday. They remind me of trolls who do disgusting and dispicable things because they think noone will ever know who exactly they are, noone will know their names, where they are and they can get away with anything they want and they do, thats how this corrupted organisation use internet to harm and to hurt without you even leaving your room physically and mentally non stop without any accountability hidden and covered up in secret, same way they kill people in secret without a trace, with the help of false evidence, cooked witnesses and their crime hidden in secret covered up and there are no boundaries they wouldnt cross to achieve their immoral goals.

11:07 am today Canadian law enforcement planted false evidence, froze screen when i was scrolling to cause effect of eyes rolling on this Facebook page hurting me so they can make it look like I rolled my eyes on this post:!/story.php?story_fbid=10154437416848197&id=105789098196

11:29 am bombard me with pop ups and jerk screen and banned loudly when I smiled and awwed :) looking at these kittens and reading this article about special needs kittens
and this kind of evil treatment on stopping me everytime I smile or laugh trying to depress me and make me mentally ill this law enforcement has done to me for 4 years day after day during this severe abuse in everyway possible in hopes I will get severely depressed and that will lead to me becoming mentally ill, doing everything they can to achieve that including subjecting to comments for me to take my life to commit suicide thats also how they kill people without a trace, oh Canada. Trying to plant false evidence also that I dont like animals, lying, cooking for 4 years non stop, abusing everyway possible non stop, controlling everything I can do non stop, watching at all times, recording at all times. Torturing with raving they motor near my window on all these comments i write, caused a lot of heart pain now, constantly messing with this window I type in, hiding the words and letters i type, planting typos and spaces that mean something to them prec preventing me from editing and correcting them, constantly intimidate planting c typo as in see to remind about being abused, after i wrote this post and wrote feedback to Google tried hardest to prevent me from sending it by messing with sending feedback page after i clicked send, then planted cursor to intimidate on the title of the post about nonviolence! I took screen shot they have changed all the titles of my posts in editing mode into green, green color in their fraudulous book is negative so they didnt like that ive taken screen shot of that and asked Google to make my blog more secure, so in their world all i wrote here if being in green makes it false as if it never happened and coveres them up, end of story.

12:46 pm its in Russian, I hope you can use a translation on Facebook, its about mental abuse, women abuse, bullying, internet abuse, insults,  tobacco smoke blown into my room on the text about women abuse, this is exactly what was done to me for 4 years, online and outside, complete strangers canadian law enforcement used to mentally abuse me loudly said insults when walking near me, their officers on my phone day after day all this time insult me by fake typos, by bringing page screen to insults by planting ads to insult, they have planted false evidence now, schizofrenia false evidence and bipolar false evidence forcing me to click on the words they brought this screen up at when i tried to type but they held the screen from where i was typing preventing me from typing, this is unspeakable that this law enforcement gets away with planting false evidence, cooking witnesses, lying, mudding people names, making people mentally ill, pressuring to commit suicide, hiding all this and gets away with this, abusing so severely unaccountably and kills without trace, constantly trying to shoosh me and this is in a Democratic society, messing ( typed this word twice now, they deleted my text) like i said messing with typing,freezing each letter, removing what i wrote and typing their own text here, imagine law enforcement that has a right to abuse and whose employees are convinced abusing people is the right thing to do, law enforcement commiting crimes against humanity, abusing human rights causing inhumane suffering and hides it, preventing people to write about it while severely abusing and trying to kill them( they just deleted text i wrote here completely), continue freezing every letter. 8:06 pm Law enforcement suffocated me with tobacco smoke all day, have a lot of heart pain all day, had headache all day, tortured with raving motor causing heart to race suddenly non stop, I have right now difficulty breathing inside this motel room. PS.Link to the Russian post is missed, here it is:!/story.php?story_fbid=1290070967723936&substory_index=0&id=921242141273489 Just noticed how law enforcement have changed my text, preventing me to paste my memo now so I took print screen of it.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Law enforcement continue damaging my sight and my eyes by freezing pages when i scroll constantly for the sake of planting false evidence to cause a fake eyes roll effect, it is continuesly effecting my eyes causing damage everyday.

We should only choose life and we should always choose nonviolence.

Reply I wrote on Facebook about nonviolence, what this organisation have put me through has been a one in a life time eye opening experience in regards to many things especially about abuse of power: Nonviolence is the only way, you will be provoked and as soon as you will be made angry and resolve to violence killed, law enforcement in Canada provoked and killed a polish man in the airport who overeacted to their mistreatment and a child on a streetcar in Toronto who also overeacted to their mistreatment, both immigrants, just like me who they have put through severe causing inhumane suffering torture and abuse, they have tools psychological to make anyone extremely angry and overreact ( if they want and choose to do so ) and then have weapons to kill and when you overeact it gives them an excuse to use weapons and kill, violence equals death, nonviolence equals life and hope for peace.

Yesterday law enforcement planted a fake typo "di" again in my memo, I wrote " Ill say a few things before i die officers and before you kill me" they changed that I to u when I opened that memo again after i saved it, changing completely the context of what I wrote myself, turning the tables, text changed to "Ill say a few things before u di officer and before u kill me", imagine the length of deception this law enf goes to. Then when i looked through print screens of that memo they scrolled fast over print screens with their false evidence to make it look as if I was afraid of that! And these are the people in charge of serving justice! And now preventing me from typing this, freezing every letter, deleting text i wrote, planting fake spaces and removing comas and exclamation and planting fake typos.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

I started having trouble seeing and looking law enforcement attempting to cause permanent eyes damage / sight damage by non stop screen freezing. Mercilessly tortured, very ill. Manipulate videos to sync with their fradulous agenda, freeze every word now, more about that here: 5:16 pm blocking me from retweeting this post, freezing every letter now,

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

On this tweet personell from motel knocked on door to change dirty towels and dirty sheets, she kept going back and forth while I tried to read Whitehouse statement, after I liked the tweet she brought in the blue toilet paper roll, blue is a negative color, throwing garbage, etc is a false evidence by law enforcement of me disaproving something in this false evidence planting context Whitehouse statement about Aleppo in Syria.

Also my like dissapeared when personel was done and didnt come back again, I liked the tweet when she was not here and was about to come back, so law enforcement watches me and use unaware people telling them what to say and when to come in to plant any evidence they need, torturing with loud exhaust continuesly giving me a lot of heart pain and shortness of breath.

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

I walked yesterday a long time and this law enforcement tortured me through my walk by raving exhaust then picked it up to the point i got nauseous when i was getting very close to motel, I had Crohns flare up and was in a lot of pain all night, they tortured through that with exhaust and banning and I was getting worse and worse and couldnt sleep, I thrown up, got outside to get water at vending machine at night feeling very sick three cars one after another raved and drove by near vending machine on an empty street, I stay another night at motel and they raved their cars through me trying to rest and I have a terrible headache and a lot of heart pain and law enforcement continue torturing with exhaust sound, 4 years bringing intentionally my attention to loud motor sound it races heart and they have a wide maltitude of sounds to cause different heart reaction. Imagine, kill without a trace.

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Imagine what these people in law enforcement do - on their fradulous dishonest agenda they freeze the screen on my phone to stop the scrolling and it causes eyes roll, thats the way they plant false evidence causing eyes to roll on things Id never roll my eyes at and even more than that  I dont and never had a habit of rolling eyes, imagine dishonest people like that physically abusing me through my phone while planting on it false evidence non stop. For a few days now they have suffocated me with tibacco smoke to sleep deprive and I literally was suffocating if i didnt open my motel room to get fresh air in i mightve suffocated in my sleep, I couldnt breath at all, someone closed the door in the hallway that leads outside the day before and the hallway too got filled with tobacco smoke, but tobacco smoke goes through the fan which is a heater on it restarting and making noise, so tobacco smoke in the hallway is just a cover up, imagine how people can be killed in their sleep without a trace by the people who should protect, planted o and p typos here now, trying to redirect that and blame American President which I have been a supporter before he even won his Presidency and all the years he was a President and thats the kind of false evidence they plant on my phone night and day for 4 years, flabergusting.

PS. Thats one of the tweets they caused the eyes roll last time:

Screen froze eyes roll on this tweet
c fake typo planted here by law enf as in "see" they do this all the time as if engaging in conversation, imagine, theyve been eyes rolling me all day long for a few days now, imagine, causing crazy eyes thats the effect they attempt achieving or may be they can even cause crossed eyes imagine they have been abusing me this way non stop and it also causes instant dizziness and heart pain and shortness of breath, the fact they consciensly do such horrible things without remorse thinking its ok to do to people is something I cant comprehand, how and why they are allowed to abuse people this way and why these kind of abusive tools available to use on people in the first place and why is abuse like that is going on completely unaccountable and why it is okey with these people to do such things to other people and the thing that still impossible for me to imagine that this is happening in Canada and is done by Canadian people, the scariest and the most attrocious thing I ever learned about, fashism in secret. Law enforcement continue playing here with o and p, b fake typos here.

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Imagine what this fradulous organisation does on my phone, so they make 24/7 effort to make me upset, angry, abuse in every way mentally and physically and harass sexually and choose sound when i turn the phone off that sounds like a gun gets charged, can you believe these people? Can you imagine that these dishonest and sadistic people can do to troubled teens or anyone for that matter and considering how these people have tried to turn me against everyone. Can you imagine because they are so dishonest that they can do this to anyone  to make anyone harm anyone they want and need, can you imagine having such tools in their disposal considering they plant false evidence, cook witnesses, cover themselves up right away and never care about the truth, just set their agenda and make non stop aggresive effort to accomplish it no matter the cost and there are no boundaries they wont cross, i am very glad it was me who had a chance to wittness this and considering that i am the kind of person that will never be quiet about injustices and that i love people thats the reason I always speak out about bad things I see done to other people, to help, to protect them and others of bad things happening, no matter the cost for me, no wonder these people want me dead and do everything in their unlimited abusive power to accomplish that and the cherry in their cake is to blame others for their crime and the biggest concern all must have that NOTHING can prevent them from doing that.
PS. Law enf tortured me all day after I texted my son and we agreed to get some coffee together and talk and after i wrote this post, they use low frequency very loud sound non stop, I had and still have instant excruciating headache all day, heart was hardly beating, breathing has been impaired all day.