Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How false evidence cooked and intentional harm caused by law enforcement here: they are by torture forcing me from the park, to make it look as I dont want to be outside and to actually force me not to, they made me ill by loud sounds, came to stay in the food court in the Hospital they slammed door near me so much that I felt much worse, feeling of a cardiac arrest, cant catch a breath, when tried to take a deep breath interfered by loud sound and it stopped the breathing, they isolate intentionally so i wont talk to people and appear not social, intentionally cause mental ilness evidence i think in hopes to create, effect my thinking and change them, torture caused stumbling, interference at exact time i am about to fall asleep false evidence that i cant sleep ( laughing all the way here when i typed this) on and on, worsen every health condition i have intentionally to plant false evidence for the bogus diagnosis / bogus form. Same with bipolar, its is 100% false evidence all the way. c - fke typo here now. Tried to cause severe depression - on smiling and laughing and looking happy torture right away, I believe to make it lead to any mental ilness. One of their trick to make someone rush to me out of nowhere, they sent black woman to hit herself over my bacpack when i was placing it right when I tried to place it on my shoulder, she said nothing to me at all, I felt really bad
there was noone there,  planted a black woman near my backpack in pink colors - which means negative racist fradulous agenda and so shed witness what they acted.

whistle when abuse send security to c my face right after men who whistle walked by
Whitehouse video just flashed after I clicked on a new post. Battery turned 44% video wouldnt start grey circle kept of circling, grey means negative, on clicking on the new post here battery percentage changed to 43%. Video was President Obama holds a YAWLI town hall.
trying the hardest to plant false evidence I am against Canada, I am against crimes and corruption and torture and abuse of human rights and severe emotional and mental and physical abuse and sexual abuse and harassment and physical and sexual assaults and concussions and shaking someones head for three years to make them a retard an immigrant and a jewish woman and abuse of my child.Against intentional health damage, against intentional mental and emotional harm. My list is very long. I loved Canada and my son loved Canada. I was descriminated before this harassment snd mistreated and a lot a lot of bad things were done to me and happened with me here and I started writing about that honestly so it will not happen to other people, I stood up against fraud and bad treatment of poor people in the store whose owner was giving money to Conservatives while his managers were sabotaging his business, had highest prices in the whole neighbourhood, I stood up to bullies - bullies took revenge on me and severely abused me for three years while turning the tables.