Monday, May 02, 2016

Tweet in the view when I clicked to read and like it internet connection got lost, page blank, woman loudly just said when walking near me "Its so annoying". Not letting me watch video about cupid from the funny Facebook russian page and not letting me read a poem from them also, both continue to open in blank pages.
They found a way to upset me with this Russian Facebook page that made me laugh and smile.
Rubbed my hurting very painful ankle, girl very loudly "Crazy"! It happened this morning and I wrote this memo: Funeral cars black and white, policeman after cross sign on turned and I was about to walk yelled:" Hey, I hope you will get the same respect when you die". Something like that. Bathurst and Queen West crossing this morning. I thought about this little arranged set up. I hope this police officer does everything in his power so when its his time he wouldnt need to hide from anyone anything he has done to get respect. When it comes to me I am not planning to go yet officer ;). In regards to respect I hope I will never be respected by those who has done what theyve done to me and my son, cause that wouldve been an insult to me.

PS. Most favourite loud comment was yelled out near me to confuse and brainwash " Where are you going? ", I find it funny to disover this can of worms that apparently everyones self esteem and confidence depends on security services, before this harassment started I was constantly getting compliments lol, gee dont ever build your selfesteem in what those who want to bend you think oand say to suit their political agenda tell you and most definitely build your self confidence and self esteem on high values and principals you have and follow, these are valuable, now consudering what I know these people do to others to advance their political agenda, considering that in my personal experience I know that they do not have anything sacred, that there is no boundary or line they wont cross to achieve, I am not planning to build my own self esteem and confidience on any loudly said near me comments that these days are said to make me feel bad about myself, I have no reasons to feel bad about myself :), simple as that, I will never base my self esteem and my confidence on ability of puppet masters to manipulate, glad I can share my discoveries with the whole world, I think all people can live peacefully and happily without being anyones puppets.
Ha ha on my comment all people can live peacefully and happily woman yelled loudly "Not me" lol, the show goes on, puppetiers like to feel important, dont ever give them thus luxury to be your life and destiny maker.
To effect my facial expression when I read, watch something, walked pass someone - bad smell introduce.
False schizofrenia evidence my sleep is interrupted so I wont cant fall asleep, by loud yelling like non stop chatter at the dorm, someone holding the phone with very bright light in my face, causes sleep interruption, false schizofrenia evidence.

Letter n missed when I type all day today, false evidence for racist afenda, bold short man just banned my table, shaking my head.