Friday, June 03, 2016

6:48 pm
I looked into going to Jewish Hospital in Montreal, this what happened after I looked up their location and contact:
On the subway train: announcement : something was said cant recall then "because of the ongoing police investigation", cover up assuming i am leaving.
Comment at Bathurst when I walked by loudly "Have fun"
before i took the subway train.
 I went to the disability office:
very tall man in the line in front of me asked for travel documents ( again assuming I am leaving, attempted to plant false evidence thinking i came for the travel document I guess, I wrote awhile ago I am not attracted to very tall man, that a false evidence that I lie", their favourite.

To what I say that this is not an investigation and it never was, knowing the truth and real evidence and planting false evidence against that is a crime and in no means an investigation, this is severe abuse of my and my sons human rights that leads to intentional permanent health impairment including mental impairement ( o planted) and is intentionally lead to my death and
I can assume now the same goes for my son. This is a severe case of the abuse of power and corruption.
To dismiss everything I do and write on the statement about Vice President call to President Poroshenko I wanted to read big man arrived in a blue shirt sat near me replacing a tiny man in grey, on my actions he sips from his bright blue cup, moves his napkin.

At the College subway station at the Tim Hortons near Metro store. Didnt react after I wrote but girl teenager got up right away after I accidentally banned my table once turning her bottom to me, I am wondering for how long this sexuall harassment by stalkers will continue?

7:05 pm the man started banning when I opened replies to this Facebook post

7:10 The man departed shortly after I wrote about him here.
7:28 I opened PETA newsletter freezing here started where I sit ac started blowing very stronly, I am shaking now and leaving, they are closing girl just said.

10:13 pm on my phone: ( on me writing boy behind me loudly "crazy,crazy" and the witness to the window right away to look in my face:

page jerked at "she cried" opened and closed the segment suddenly effected my face caught by surprise made me blink and someone looked in the window to witness, thats how smoothly false evidence planting works, like a clock, tic tac.
Carolina mascot Rameses and the Villanova band member who cried as she played the piccolo during her team’s stunning N.C.A.A. tournament defeat last year.

Sirens suddenly after posting.
10:20 pm Now mister with bonet wont let me copy the text, its where they write about "criticism of traditional maleness" truck arrives causing an eye roll, so malipulative machine is working properly, happened before, who knew we all are under such control in power of dishonest sadistic persons, I wish I never have discovered or learned what I did, but now since I did I truly believe it is

(us-fake law enforcement typo redirecting at USA planting false evidence)

my obligation to bring this to the light of all people.
Dont you feel kind of sorry for people who cant see beyond a chip on their shoulder? That is so sad and the most sad I cant even comprehand and imagine now how many lives were ruined by them because of this inability and unwilliness to see beyond the chip on their shoulder, my heart is breaking at the thought of that, how many, who are they and where are they now, in prisons, in mental institutions, dead noone knows why and what happened?

11:03 pm on the word "tent" car light (do this on certain agenda things) in my eyes, proof of what i wrote before law enforcement hinting me and focing me to be on the street! so theyd have a right to arrest me possibly, what hypocricy not letting live in my own apartment but forcing outside into the tent! Page jerked on the word "park"" thats where I'll sleep"
In order to prove false diagnosis of schizofrenia law enforcement needs to have "evidence", so what they do: at exact time was made now when a person is about to fall asleep and it is exact time that passes i looked at the clock, they make a loud noise, so if noise is made at this exact time the sleep is destorted (destirted - see this is their false evidence typo with the letter "i" inserted which is a false evidence in itself) impossible to sleep. I never had problems with falling asleep, so imagine what a fraud and a mob! Right now when I write this its gone nuts here with beeps to disaprove, with informants getting up and down, beeping and whats not as well as preventing me from writing this and sending in this case bipolar false evidence informants repeating what I do my gestures and my habits, to make another " evidence" that i saw them and wrote because of that. Oh and the red streetcar, red negative color is also used to disapprove or help plant false evidence. By the way National Post is full of articles helping law enforcement, for example 5 things u need to know about a work day tweet law enforcement is trying to prove i dont want to work which I do, 5 is a negative number, so tweet about 5 jobs suits their fradulous agenda and all the other tweets, so corruption is so deeply rooted, but to know what these numbers and color and fradulous agenda means you need to be an insider, other people are simply subjected to this not knowing anything at all. Here is what law enforcement does to embarass someone and make them raise their voice and overreact. Memo I wrote about that: Trick someone all of a sudden starts yelling non stop at you when you start talking. interruption now - proof its a trick to make you raise your voice. Got me yesterday, when black woman who helps them started yelling non stop at me and they use this poor woman to make her look bad and prove I am a racist by making me to start hating black people by telling her to always yell at me and be mean and rude. So its all one big contemplated scam. I will never hate black people, I will never hate any people, loud laugh here. Someone needs to untangle this system web when things like that are permitted and are welcome and considered to be amusing. Yesterday I left this Hospital court shaking after extremelly cold ac, they continuesly freeze me, I couldnt stop shaking, so informant was sent and started banning and that caused the shaking to stop, they continue torture severely in the public washrooms here to prevent me using the washroom by consistent prolong extremelly loud bomb like exploding door slamming non stop, doesnt matter how extremelly ill Id feel, I have because of them life threatening surgical complications now that can lead to sepsis, I had fever and chills, thanks god for my old antibiotics that i could take. I am on disability with Crohns and had 6 surgeries but my recovery was sabotaged everytime. Law enforcement with the help of its informants also continue to severely sexually harass me at that dorm and thats what I wanted to talk about with the people at the dorm at that shelter and when I started talking about what just happened there, how someone severely violated me they told the old black woman to yell over what I was saying non stop so I wouldnt talk about that, I had to raise my voice and I did say what I wanted to say that law enforcement in whose custody I am now and those who help them to sexually harass me will be held accountable, that I will file a lawsuit against them and those who help them and sexually harass me at that dorm. And I said that I love white people and black people that I dont deferentiate between the races and if you committed a crime you will be held accountable regardless of what race you are and the crime is being committed here, I told this poor woman that someone wants to turn me against her but it looks like she is turned against me, I told her that I supported a black President for many years and thats the reason why she is being used, I told her please behave with a dignity like all black people do. Its very sad to me that black people and all people are being used in this crime by law enforcement, so mislead and dont know the truth. PS. Just covered up themselves now bombarded by door slamming the washroom door non stop, prevented me from using the washroom near it, watched me on camera, woman on the walker arrived begged for the washroom, witness man arrived asked her and witnessed that among the two public washrooms the smaller one was empty, one was not, I left the washroom she begged for loudly, but before that she quickly moved to the smaller washroom and left the walker behind. Here is continues intentional harm regardless how very ill I feel and cover up right away, I came now to conclusion that law enforcement can come up with any "evidence" to anything and cover themselves up and the fact of the false evidence. And during the washroom visits they intentionally by torturing me they keep me there for as long as they need, they plant false evidence during this time and continuesly sexually harassing me by making their informants behave in a violating way. There is also a difference between the intentional actions and coincidences, there is a pattern to this and what is being done by them intentionally is different from how people normally behave, also informants planting false evidence act on signs. 12:23pm Also believing in all of these negative numbers, words, colours is a schizofrenia false evidence planted in itself, the reason they want me and anyone to believe in those but the true reason is to cause me to react to that and my own reaction provoked by their so called numbers, bans, colours etc will be the "real" evidence cooked, but what caused me to react will be irrelevant because my reaction will be a fake proof that I believed these things and this will be a manipulated false cooked evidence of schuzofrenia, thats why I dont care about these things, not to the words they intentionally use for me to believe they mean something, not to colours, not to numbers theyve been assigning to whatever, anything and everything, thats what I figured out about them, they waited for my reaction for their false evidence and sabotage and when they didnt get it they were dissapointed!