Thursday, May 05, 2016

Dowloaded the song America the beautiful, employee came asian woman started cleaning the table, taking away my cup, etc, interrupted my listening, law enforcement stopped the song by Elvis and replaced it with song Ghetto after I took out my grey box with peppermint when she left, cant listen to the song, downloaded russian song about love for an hour they prevented me from listening to it and  playing the video and playing it on Spotify replaced with with a song about Million roses and the song I wanted to listen is called Thats what happened Momma by Alla Pugacheva. Instead the continuesly send teenage stalkers who yell non stop near me.
Again tried to listen song about America replaced with a song Blue Moon, whistling before I can write here. Song "Эхо любви" "Echo of love" replaced with the song "Надежда" - "Hope". And that might seem like not a very big deal, right? Except that they are planting "evidence" that I listened to these songs, that it was my choice. Oh and cleaning - forcing me out in a manipulative way, usually lots of people show up so there are "no tables for them to sit" and I am occupying the table eating nothing.
PS. I didnt listen to the substitute songs but I also couldnt listen to the ones I wanted to listen.
Streetcar stop queen st west niagara st towards Bathurst st, ad "Our guest room is paying for our wedding"
guy looks like my son woman looks like me, wont let me take picture.
Earn money by sharing your home.
On top above the ad Astral
On the woman:
Continue dimming screen before i can type to plant false evidence in between and when i do
Two teen girl scarely looked in my direction,
police drove by right away. Phew they are safe now or are they? may be sexually assaulted, sexually abused, sexually harassed by police, tortured, shaken, lied about, mud their names, caused strokes, heart attacks, physically assaulted, emotionally and mentally harassed and abused. I hope and wish from all my heart they will be safe from what police did to me, i hope everyone will be saved, that why i write about it!
PS. Writing a tweet about Holocaust, men behind me continuesly making destructive noise with his paper bag, office with bonet removing letter n contintinuesly from my tweet, changing letters, destructing and interrupting, controlling what i can write.
On the funny russian site on Facebook, working to make me stop laughing, so Mister with bonet, posted 5 posts i didnt post there, popped up a code with letters z f and numbers and was trying to force me to enter those, i didnt so it posted the post 5 times, before that I tried to edit my post there but edit button didnt respond at all, so it controlled my phone preventing me from writing there to explain what happened, done that constantly before on the phone and pc, on pc i took print screens, they are in my old google account they hacked and ever since I cant gain access to it, they checked two step varification when i clicked enter, but knew i cancelled my phone because of hi roaming rates when i was in Israel, Virgin said someone else owns this phone number and they wouldnt give it to me when I got a new phone, old phone also became not responsive after that, had to be repaired.
Many recovery forms I completed never gotten the answer. Law enforcing just like that. Imagine the degree of corruption!