Tuesday, October 25, 2016

2:30 pm law enforcement sabotaging me posting this comment to Campbells soup company doing everything they can on my phone so i couldnt send that ( even planting fake typo could instead of couldnt here to amuse themselves, one ban when i typed the word couldnt - false evidence racist agenda fake typo, imagine):
@CampbellSoupCo Hi, I just love your chicken broth in a 900 ml package, I am in a situation where I can not store in a refrigirator whats left in a package so it gets bad while there are a lot of chicken broth still left, I have a suggestion, it would be so useful to have your broth packaged in a small containers for one time use in a pack of many, this way no broth would be wasted, i buy the no salt one because of heart problems and high blood pressure and it is so tasty, please consider my suggestion, I am looking forward to find such individual containers at the stores here in Ottawa and continue buying chicken broth made by your company that I love. Sending my best wishes and regards.

You know whats good about freedom of speech that it works like a charm, use it when you come across injustice, fraud, scams and crimes, dont ever be afraid to speak up against that.

Verification emails arrived, time when I can receive something is manipulated also, they have arrived as soon as I wrote and published this post, showing time 20 minutes ago and the second one 15 minutes ago, what continuesly flubergusting to me the extent of false evidence amd no boundaries this law enf wont cross to plant it, I wish people in prisons knew that!How is it possible, why is that allowed or even considered to disregard real evidence in such way and plant by LAW ENFORCEMENT AN EVIDENCE OF THEIR OWN and discard of real evidence!!!
12:20 pm there is a woman looks like with a down syndrom, helps law enf,so they send her to say something bad or do something bad and she comes back right away as soon as i am leaving, now near kitchen when i was leaving, she stood near the table, so id have to walk by her, bended, with behind turned to me in green top ( green negative color in law enf scam book), shed come without saying anything before id leave too and was used in color false evidence to walk by wearing certain colors, appearing at certain times to plant false evidence, the point is they by making her sat down near when i walk away or come when i walk, when its obvious i am walking away is a false evidence that i leave when who appears like a mentally ill woman comes near me, imagine these scammers and thats actually started after i was nice to her,I have no any negative feelings towards her at all whatsoever ( sudden exhaust now to cause negative feelings, m fake typo to remove in the word now, this kind of nonsense continuesly going on on my phone to mentally abuse me by law enf) same with a stuffer here who i was nice after that she was told to tell me all kind of disciplinary (sudden exhaust now to make me feel angry) things, that dont make ( high pitch sound) sense, telling me on law enf request in demanding strict manner that I need to do this, so they expect an outburst reaction and the things they make her come up with are nowhere written or told to me by other stuffers, thats how they provoke people to react, I told her today with a smile that noone said that before and there is always something new and that she is nice and I dont want to argue.