Thursday, March 24, 2016

Problem following this user error, everyone who law enforcement doesnt want me to follow I am prevented from following: Same error, cant follow this account: Link blocked by security of Western Hospital On me opening this link,child suddenly cries then man loudly near me "easy, easy" President trip to Cuba images are blur teenager girl is sent right away in red coat, red makes people angry, they have been planting red around me and around my son where he lived before. Unbelievable to come up with a low scam like that, using this girls to stalk and sexually harass me, unbelievable. President in the other video saying " this is how we are going to defeat these terrorist groups", some womans voice laughing loudly to effect my facial expression, woman who sat near me right away started talking on the phone when I started typing, shook me by banning the table where my elbows were, kept repeating " fish" over and over to someone on the phone.Thats the video: People without conscience. Finger forced to click on grey page jumped video started on its own and blocked by keyboard in grey popped up during Presidents speech, door slam now. Grey means bad, against, not approve. Lies, scam and fraud, with three years of false evidence and witnesses cooked coupled with severe abuse of human rights, preventing me from writing here now with the help of bohnet. Woman who planted to torture me by shaking banned table during me watching video and thrown orange shells after she ate the orange near me, again to plant false evidence and effect my facial expression, I was always against terrorism, I will always be against terrorism, law enforcement here is cooking evidence to turn their abuse of human right and crimes against humanity I am speaking out against and writing against me trying to make out of me everything and anything they can and want regardless if the fact I am none of these things, so ashamed of them, so ashamed of them lowering themselves to such lies. Same woman banned shook me during this video, letter e planted by bohnet here now in the word "video" didnt type it, assume eww false evidence. Lexus ad in grey played before, been harassing me with car ads for three years. On word "muslims" video blur again to effect my facial expression. Witnesses sent right away walking closely near me looking right in my face. Whats upsetting to me the most that that is exactly why I supported President Obama because of how well he led the fight against terrorism and what great results were achieved under his leadership by American government, whats upsetting about scam and lies like that I was always looking out for people for anything that would cause a concern about safety, that I always spoke out online against terrorism and supported the families of the victims. And it is the same about all law enforcement here has been harassing me as an excuse to mud my name and cover up severe abuse of my human rights and my sons human rights.