Friday, September 16, 2016

Fake typos in this post made by law enforcement to destruct everyone from learning what they do.

I was made very ill after i texted my son goodnight and wrote that I felt sleepy and wanted to rest, by sudden extremely loud bike exhaust right after my text, i had a very hard time recovering all night breathing was impaired, they continued torturing on me trying to take a deep breath after i thought id be able to take a deep breath at last, in the morning i was waken up by extremely loud truck which made me feel worse, blood pressure felt like it skyrocketed.
I think i started having these sudden black out episodes after informants constantly were hitting me suddenly in my spine just before id have a conversation with someone or socialise, from behind very close, i feel like they effected my spine after hitting me in my back since i was in this Ottawa shelter. Theyve been trying to make me stop writing about that, trying to hide what they do, cover it by deleting my memos over and over and they constantly try to keep me frightened by making those who physically abuse me stalk me and even now someone behind my back screeched chair super loudly making me ill and snitches now in my view with sticks and large umbrellas, loud chatter sudden started to make my heart race which makes blood pressure rise, they constantly try to keep me impaired to control what they can do to me.
One woman banned the chair i sat on and shook my head ( someone yelled now- you have a great weekend!), so they made her appear as soon as i left the room i stay at and stalk me around, another kept appearing near every washroom, slammed the door twice super loudly, so she stalks me and she is limping, so they use her to prove i am not kind to disable, so its basically one humangeous scam made out of nothing, held all together by false evidence, cooked witnesses and law enforcement covering themselves up. Basically while I am sitting here with huge amount of heart pain after the last screech and screaming non stop, this is a killing that they want to cover up and name mudding to achieve the fradulous agenda and blame what theyve done on someone else.
Planted large amount of typos today to destruct from this fact, the fact of them trying to kill me.
They keep my heart racing at all times. When I am editing fake typos / false evidence a crowd here started screaming non stop.

Fake typos in this post nade by law enforcement to destruct everyone from learning what they do.

I was made very ill after i texted my son goodnight and wrote that I want to rest, by sudden extremely loud bike exhaust right after my text, i had a very hard time recovering all night breathing was impaired, they continued torturing on me trying to take a deep breath after i thought id be able to take a deep breath at last, in the morning i was waken up by extremely loud truck which made me feel worse, blood pressure felt like it skyrocketed.
I think i started having these sudden black out episodes after informants constantly were hitting me suddenly in my spine just before id have a conversation with someone or socialise, from behind very close, i feel like they effected my spine after hitting me in my back since i was in this Ottawa shelter. Theyve been trying to make me stop writing about that, trying to hide what they do, cover it by deleting my memos over and over and they constantly try to keep me frightened by making those who physically abuse me stalk me and even now someone behind my back screeched chair super loudly making me ill and snitches now in my view with sticks and large umbrellas, loud chatter sudden started to make my heart race which makes blood pressure rise, they constantly try to keep me impaired to control what they can do to me.
One woman banned the chair i sat on and shook my head ( someone yelled now- you have a great weekend!), so they made her appear as soon as i left the room i stay at and stalk me around, another kept appearing near every washroom, slammed the door twice super loudly, so she stalks me and she is limping, so they use her to prove i am not kind to disable, so its basically one humangeous scam made out of nothing, held all together by false evidence, cooked witnesses and law enforcement covering themselves up. Basically while I am sitting here with huge amount of heart pain after the last screech and yelling non stop, this is a killing that they want to cover up and name mudding to achieve the fradulous agenda and blame what theyve done on someone else.
Planted large amount of typos today to destruct from this fact, the fact of them trying to kill me.
They keep my heart racing at all times. When I am editing fake typos / false evidence a crowd here started yelling non stop.

Fake typos in this post nade by law enforcement to destruct everyone from learning what they do.

I was made very ill after i texted my son goodnight and wrote that I want to rest, by sudden extremely loud bike exhaust right after my text, i had a very hard time recovering all night breathing was impaired, they continued torturing on me trying to take a deep breath after i thought id be able to take a deep breath at last, in the morning i was waken up by extremely loud truck which made me feel worse, blood pressure felt like it skyrocketed.
I think i started having these sudden black out episodes after informants constantly were hitting me suddenly in my spine just before id have a conversation with someone or socialise, from behind very close, i feel like they effected my spine after hitting me in my back since i was in this Ottawa shelter. Theyve been trying to make me stop writing about that, trying to hide what they do, cover it by deleting my memos over and over and they constantly try to keep me frightened by making those who physically abuse me stalk me and even now someone behind my back screeched chair super loudly making me ill and snitches now in my view with sticks and large umbrellas, loud chatter sudden started to make my heart race which makes blood pressure rise, they constantly try to keep me impaired to control what they can do to me.
One woman banned the chair i sat on and shook my head ( someone yelled now- you have a great weekend!), so they made her appear as soon as i left the room i stay at and stalk me around, another kept appearing bear every washroom, slammed the door twice super loudly, so she stalks me and she is limping, so they use her to prove i am not kind to disable, so its basically one humangeous scam made out of nothing, held all together by false evidence, cooked witnesses and law enforcement covering themselves up. Basically while I am sitting here with huge amount of heart pain after the last screech and yelling non stop and screaming, this is a killing that they want to cover up and name mudding to achieve the fradulous agenda and blame what theyve done on someone else.
Planted large amount of typos today to destruct from this fact, the fact of them trying to kill me.
They keep my heart racing at all times.