Saturday, December 17, 2016

These people break families apart, divide and conquer anyone in their way to achieve their fradulous and dishonest goals, this is a corrupted organisation that gets away with anything. They abused both me and my son and trying continuesly to isolate us from each other and turn on one another controlling every meeting we had, they hit me all day yesterday in the back before I met him and during the grocery shopping together and did it when he was turned away, memo I wrote there: in an instant after being hit very hard in the back have hard time breathing, catching a breath, a lot of heart pain, very bad headache still after girl hit me, it lasted for a while continued hitting me when we shopped with my son. Before I met with him: constantly hit me and hard. Near magazine stand near cash register at Rexall - on me smiling when i looked at President and his wife picture on People magazine cover girl hit me and said sorry. Some men constantly followed me around at Rexall, one sticked in before me in line to buy 24 of some cards. Overweight woman in beige coat stalked me followed everywhere and waited till i get something, beige is negative color in law enf book. Law enf suffocated me with tobacco smoke the whole week, sleep deprived during this week, tortured with exhaust and since early morning today with loud non stop low frequency sound. memo I wrote: woke me up and torturing by extremely loud non stop low frequency sound, sounds like sound amplifier, have left arm pain, hard time breathing. Later: torture continue, have a lot of heart pain, left arm hurting a lot, that sound lasted all day.