Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Nonviolence is the most important when you are subjected to daily torture, physical abuse, physical assaults, emotional and mental harassment, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and sexual assaults, it has been done to me by Canadian law enforcement daily for almost 4 years, they plant false evidence to cover this up and cook witnesses and cover up plus get rid of the evidence I have documented.
A person who inspires me, a person who lead a movement of nonviolence is Dr. King, I will forever be grateful for his example and wisdom, I always believed in nonviolence. It is my belief that violence causes only suffering, grief, heartache and end of lives. I believe no matter what happens in life, no matter how cruel and unjust I still will always stay true to my values and principals, understanding, compassion and kindness. I love people, thats the way I lived my life and thats the way I will continue living it.
I always was and will be against bigotry, hate, violence, corruption and disregard of other people rights, against abuse of other people rights, against lies, against torture, against crimes against humanity, for peace and justice and fairness and the world where every person matters no matter where they came from, what their religion, how they look. I will always stand up for what I believe and  raise my voice against the things that are bad and wrong and hurt other people.
Like Dr. King I believe in love and I will never believe in hate. And I truly believe that every person no matter how small can and should make the difference for better, in your home, in your neighbourhood, in your community, in your country and in the world, every life matters, every person matters. And just like my other favourite person said "Yes you can" and he sure delivered on his promises to make American people lives better and made and continue making this world a better place to be with kindness, compassion and care for others.
"Never never be afraid to do whats right, especially if the well-being of a person or an animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul, when we look the other way". Martin Luther King