Saturday, July 30, 2016

These are just some highlights of what has been happening here:

Last night:
1:03 am
someone just banned here like a hammer sound, gave a lot of heart pain, stomach pain got sharp now, cant feel my heart beat, cant take a deep breath

1:10 am

I came in very quietly to the doorm where people slept but law enforcement made informants make a lot of noise, lots of walking, leaving door with light open and i went and clised it quietly, because i care about people, done all that loud noise for an hour, so people would associate that with me, now it got quiet, calming exhaust from outside, informant who yelled at all and called all mental walked in, to make quiet and calming to be associated with her, informant just banned on that sentence.

Was feeling very ill in the morning:
9:52 am

woke up with terrible right side headache, heart feels in a spasm, difficult to breath

10:35 am
In the morning woman talked out loud for a long time memo I wrote:
i feel very sorry for this woman who is now talking loudly, if this is for real thats awfully sad and heartbreaking, but she seemed to do it on me drinking juice or cleaning and always stalks me so its an act, regardless thats a bad joke to make fun of poorly people like that.
makes me teary thinking about people like that, she just stormed out

10:36 am

i feel very sick, actually her talking so loudly made me feel worse, gave me lots of heart pain and headache got very bad.

2:39 pm
When I walked by man doing something with boxes dropped something:

cant breath, cant feel heart beating, head in spasm, extremelly loud drop sounds upstairs at Winners and one after i wrote this near me now, stalker said walking by "ok"

Loud laugh after i copied this memo before I could post it:

woman said - at least i can walk, near me and hit my leg with a large paper bag with its sharp corner.

4:31 pm surrounded me so I couldnt step aside when i exited the store and there was a young girl rushed in my way, so Id hurt her, they do that all the time to prove I am violent, I managed to avoid stepping towards the child and hurting her, monsters.
Then at the other store destructed me by sudden very loud comment when i opened the door ti exit ( loudest laugh here now ) and the door hit my hand, they do this all the time hurt me but indirectly so noone can say did that and it would look as if Ive done that, planting false evidence for bogus form the ER doctor issued to cover them up, imagine he never talked to me but wrote my mental disorder will cause me to hurt myself, so they ve been violent towards me to make a lot of false evidence of that, destructing me whenever the possibility was to indirectly hurt me and no wonder they needed to got rid of evidence about violence towards me and sexual harassment, they continue both and how on Earth any respecting himself doctor can issue a form with such a diagnosis without ever speaking a word with me, they in a closed from me room talked with my son to whom I told what they do to me and this Doctor issued this form, how many other forms were issued and how many other Canadian people got a diagnosis like that, I for once never heard of law enforcement being so involved in diagnosing someone by planting false evidence daily for 4 years and trying their all to make that person mentally ill on paper! Red flag HUMANGEOUS if you ask me!