Friday, January 20, 2017

Memo I wrote today leaving as is with fake typos law enforcement planted in that memo before I posted it here, they just planted compromising fake typos in this sentence but I removed them, theyve done that in hopes I will post these and with my hands they can compromise former President which was their goal all this time to abuse me to compromise him and his Administration then turn on each other. Sorry about no comas.

law enforcement is in complete control of the phone everything controlled to suit their agenda at all times
clicks print screen etc
facial ec expression effected m by torture with exhaust n banning and slamming etc
reporting and writing interrupted by fake typos and controlled to suit the agenda if gets out of agenda frame at all times typing texting posting controlled attempted at all times to be taken out if context and stopped to suit their agendal
as well as keyboard controlled by jerking to firce clicking on agenda key
timer counter controlled to stop at agenda scenes away from American patriotic subjects flags hymn anything and everything patriotic and American including Presidential
all the numbers on the phone are controlled to suit their agenda
time anything and everything including numbers
right away something is done to cover up only to continue doing the samel
also start and stop videos themselves on agenda points wherever suits the
i am not fixing their typos cause they speak for themselves

suck up then continue to follow their only agenda
бросают пыль в глаза
and then continue

controlling position of the words and spaces etc in typing accordinb to their agenda
cover up suck up with typos then continue planting their own agenda and
their agenda hasnt changed in 4 years

manipulate and control everything at all times to suit their agenda
cover up at all times immediately
plant false evidence
and cook witnesses
get rid of real evidence
in control of settings and apps and its availability
manipulate videos at all times any recordings on the phone
effect whats on tv with agenda ads and torture
sabotaged so far Americans efforts at all times to suit their agenda
people gestures moves manipulated to sync with their compromising me as a woman and anti president and anti american agenda
false evidence planted
at all time attempt to effect and manipulate my emotions stopping by torture instantly from crying like now, from smiling, from laughing, from feeling happy and having any joy, from thinking.
PS.Watch me 24/7 and listen to all my conversations at all times. Torture me causing inhumane suffering and organs damage and severely abuse emotionally, mentally, physically and sexually harass at all times. Cant hire a lawyer here.
PS. Demeaning women and disregarding as women is not new for RCMP, class action suit
 /thus (thus -  favourite canadian law enforcement fake typo us to blame and me and to destruct attention)
includes rape, insults, harassment, bullying etc - lawsuit -