Thursday, November 24, 2016

What this organisation does they non stop mentally abuse for example on my phone everyway possible and as soon as they cause something mentally abusive they right away physically abuse with raving the car engine to cause physical pain because it effects the blood pressure causing it spike and they have all kind of sounds car, trucks, buses make that and work with them to cause certain heart palpitations and racing up to a heart attack at any time and stroke, considering how dishonest they are and corrupted it is a hazard to have organisation like that killing anyone theyd choose to suit their political schemes and abusing people so severely mentally and emotionally and physically and sexually causing such severe harm without being accountable at all whatsoever! Dispicible!
In email about law enforcement manipulating email writing planting false evidence non stop:
manipulating window and forcing clicks on their agenda on negative colors, to force to minimize the screen while they continually move it around and make very large to impair writing or clicking on the button send, preventing me seeing now what i type completely, planted ce fake typo right away by freezing typing, using my email to plant false evidence, to effect what i can do in my inbox and when responding or writing emails, while mentally and physically and emotionally and sexually harassing and abusing and torturing non stop, planted coma here now, instead of dot i wanted to type.
Law enf. adjusted time minutes on email message writing to 4:08 pm when it was 4:06 pm and after i sent turned to 4:09 pm right away which still remains now till i mentioned it and it changed to 4:10 pm exhaust started raving, this is Ottawa amplified here in regards to law enf involvement.
Destructed me by banning when I was placing my head on the bed headboard causing me to hit my head over it so law enforcement cause injuries in this way without touching a person this also is a false evidence for the bogus form stating that i cause self injuries!

4:27 pm law enf highlighted text in this message to divert attention, i didnt do this, not sure how to fix it.     Also completely preventing me from seeing what i typed and proofread it.

After causing injury say like head injury now they before i place my head on headboard banned very loudly to implify the feeling, banning engraves it in your psychic and it just caused a lot of heart pain also when theyve done this, people who rented the room are already engaged and
acting out and saying things on law enforcement instructions and signals. Same thing is done to implify reaction to anything theve done to abuse to make you remember the bad thing that happened to make you remain a victim with the kind mentality victims have frightened and helpless and isolated, continue to keep me frightened always by different means, keeping cognitively impaired by loud sounds at all times so the victim cant think and cant resist their abuse and get help and they sbuse mercilessly, with no accountability at all.

4:35 pm just deleted my comment here, prevented me from adding comment to Facebook post on the Russian funny Facebook page, page freezes before i can reach comment option. Managed to add comment in incognito window, facebook showed the lock icon on the log in.
7:11 pm on scrolling page on the internet they freeze it which causes eyes roll and dizziness in an instant, preventing me from seeing text i type to type a dot, banned extremely loudly after i wrote this, causing a lot of heart pain in an instant, everywhere i stay where there are other people they engage them in physical torture by sounds and mental abuse, same started here, no wonder its on 17 Division street, hate to other human being indeed causes division, slammed again now violently causing more heart pain, they followed with car engine very loud rave, i have a lot of heart pain now and instant excruciating headache started, so violent abuse on 17 Division street in Guelph Ontario harsher more then in Ottawa started in the room i rented and continued like everywhere else i stayed. PS. Fixed text from my sons computer.