Saturday, December 03, 2016

Imagine what this fradulous organisation does on my phone, so they make 24/7 effort to make me upset, angry, abuse in every way mentally and physically and harass sexually and choose sound when i turn the phone off that sounds like a gun gets charged, can you believe these people? Can you imagine that these dishonest and sadistic people can do to troubled teens or anyone for that matter and considering how these people have tried to turn me against everyone. Can you imagine because they are so dishonest that they can do this to anyone  to make anyone harm anyone they want and need, can you imagine having such tools in their disposal considering they plant false evidence, cook witnesses, cover themselves up right away and never care about the truth, just set their agenda and make non stop aggresive effort to accomplish it no matter the cost and there are no boundaries they wont cross, i am very glad it was me who had a chance to wittness this and considering that i am the kind of person that will never be quiet about injustices and that i love people thats the reason I always speak out about bad things I see done to other people, to help, to protect them and others of bad things happening, no matter the cost for me, no wonder these people want me dead and do everything in their unlimited abusive power to accomplish that and the cherry in their cake is to blame others for their crime and the biggest concern all must have that NOTHING can prevent them from doing that.
PS. Law enf tortured me all day after I texted my son and we agreed to get some coffee together and talk and after i wrote this post, they use low frequency very loud sound non stop, I had and still have instant excruciating headache all day, heart was hardly beating, breathing has been impaired all day.