Wednesday, December 14, 2016

In the morning suffocated me with tobacco smoke, have a very hard time breathing, constantly suffocate me with tobacco smoke in this motel room.
Have headache since yesterday that doesnt go away too. They suffocate me with tobacco smoke on everything that suits their fradulous agenda, when I read something for example about climate change, when I read about accomplishments from American government
to effect my facial expression and the way I feel, when something makes me happy canadian law enforcement suffocates me in secret, raved exhaust now, planted c button  twice as in see, I guess thats in regards to my eyes damage they attempt everyday, which effecting my eye sight now and making it difficult to see, keeping me dizzy all the time when I walk, giving other heart symptoms too.
This is a memo I wrote on December 13 about eyes torture by law enforcement, they just flashed grey page before I can post it, grey in their fraud book means negative, thats how they think they covered up and dismissed what I wrote ( prevented me from typing now so i couldnt and gad to click update)

12:12 am physical eyes torture by freezing screen, causes eyes pain, causes headache, causes diziness, causes sight damage, causes blur vision, causes permanent damage to eyes it became difficult to look after they have done this non stop for a long time now, exhaust very loud started causing now shortness of breath and stopping breathing.
Also constantly flushing upbrutly all windows on opening and on closing also effects eyes and heart constantly effecting eye sight in a bad way and making bad effect in the heart stopping it or racing it non stop chaotically and suddenly.

12:46 am Screen freezing continued.

PS. They do this on my phone all day long, everyday. They remind me of trolls who do disgusting and dispicable things because they think noone will ever know who exactly they are, noone will know their names, where they are and they can get away with anything they want and they do, thats how this corrupted organisation use internet to harm and to hurt without you even leaving your room physically and mentally non stop without any accountability hidden and covered up in secret, same way they kill people in secret without a trace, with the help of false evidence, cooked witnesses and their crime hidden in secret covered up and there are no boundaries they wouldnt cross to achieve their immoral goals.

11:07 am today Canadian law enforcement planted false evidence, froze screen when i was scrolling to cause effect of eyes rolling on this Facebook page hurting me so they can make it look like I rolled my eyes on this post:!/story.php?story_fbid=10154437416848197&id=105789098196

11:29 am bombard me with pop ups and jerk screen and banned loudly when I smiled and awwed :) looking at these kittens and reading this article about special needs kittens
and this kind of evil treatment on stopping me everytime I smile or laugh trying to depress me and make me mentally ill this law enforcement has done to me for 4 years day after day during this severe abuse in everyway possible in hopes I will get severely depressed and that will lead to me becoming mentally ill, doing everything they can to achieve that including subjecting to comments for me to take my life to commit suicide thats also how they kill people without a trace, oh Canada. Trying to plant false evidence also that I dont like animals, lying, cooking for 4 years non stop, abusing everyway possible non stop, controlling everything I can do non stop, watching at all times, recording at all times. Torturing with raving they motor near my window on all these comments i write, caused a lot of heart pain now, constantly messing with this window I type in, hiding the words and letters i type, planting typos and spaces that mean something to them prec preventing me from editing and correcting them, constantly intimidate planting c typo as in see to remind about being abused, after i wrote this post and wrote feedback to Google tried hardest to prevent me from sending it by messing with sending feedback page after i clicked send, then planted cursor to intimidate on the title of the post about nonviolence! I took screen shot they have changed all the titles of my posts in editing mode into green, green color in their fraudulous book is negative so they didnt like that ive taken screen shot of that and asked Google to make my blog more secure, so in their world all i wrote here if being in green makes it false as if it never happened and coveres them up, end of story.

12:46 pm its in Russian, I hope you can use a translation on Facebook, its about mental abuse, women abuse, bullying, internet abuse, insults,  tobacco smoke blown into my room on the text about women abuse, this is exactly what was done to me for 4 years, online and outside, complete strangers canadian law enforcement used to mentally abuse me loudly said insults when walking near me, their officers on my phone day after day all this time insult me by fake typos, by bringing page screen to insults by planting ads to insult, they have planted false evidence now, schizofrenia false evidence and bipolar false evidence forcing me to click on the words they brought this screen up at when i tried to type but they held the screen from where i was typing preventing me from typing, this is unspeakable that this law enforcement gets away with planting false evidence, cooking witnesses, lying, mudding people names, making people mentally ill, pressuring to commit suicide, hiding all this and gets away with this, abusing so severely unaccountably and kills without trace, constantly trying to shoosh me and this is in a Democratic society, messing ( typed this word twice now, they deleted my text) like i said messing with typing,freezing each letter, removing what i wrote and typing their own text here, imagine law enforcement that has a right to abuse and whose employees are convinced abusing people is the right thing to do, law enforcement commiting crimes against humanity, abusing human rights causing inhumane suffering and hides it, preventing people to write about it while severely abusing and trying to kill them( they just deleted text i wrote here completely), continue freezing every letter. 8:06 pm Law enforcement suffocated me with tobacco smoke all day, have a lot of heart pain all day, had headache all day, tortured with raving motor causing heart to race suddenly non stop, I have right now difficulty breathing inside this motel room. PS.Link to the Russian post is missed, here it is:!/story.php?story_fbid=1290070967723936&substory_index=0&id=921242141273489 Just noticed how law enforcement have changed my text, preventing me to paste my memo now so I took print screen of it.