Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The law enforcement with bonet is controlling what I can write in my tweet about Senate, President and Judge Garland nomination, manipulating me and forcing me to write what it wants, controlling where I can place the cursor and where not, controlling how many characters I can write and its been like all the time, spaces i can make, words I choose and not to choose, women started yelling now, who and why give these people a legal right to place false evidence on my phone and computer and control what I can write and what I cant and why? Well I personally am not going to die and be killed quietly, I hope this isnt the news for anyone in charge of this act. Another thing law enforcement controlls on my phone anything that wont suit their fradulous agenda, trying to listen to the song called in Russian " Исчезнет грусть" translating "Sadness disappears", no instead literally other songs get played when I click to play that song, gee imagine the possibility plant false evidence on anyones phone and get away with it, cover up and placing a mental label on your victim and creating a bogus form to get away with it all, all of it abuse, harassment, torture, assaults physical, sexual, sexual abuse and sexual harassment, false evidence non stop planted in real life and actually causing so much intentional physical harm that I can die at any given time from a stroke or heart failure not to mention life thretening Crohns complications and everyday concussions and actually literally trying to make me drop dead by covering up the intent to kill. Wow, is that doctor something else or what, he is a first on my list if I find a lawyer.
They suggested I was against businesses when I wrote honest comments about the stores one in which prices were the highest in the city in the poorest neighbourhood and poor people treated disrespectfully and owner donated money to CONservative party, another a small store where some clerks found a way to overcharge customers selling the organic produce that got rotten next day, I thought after I spoke to manager of the first one and woman manager said there is nothing she can do about rude clerks, I am not their Mom she said, I wrote my comments and told what was happening and how owners can improve. They improved a few things at the small store, turned the cash register to face customers, stopped spraying the produce all the time and it stopped rotting, they didnt address the problem with the receipt, there was no produce name there, there was no price per pound there, there was no weight at all there, just produce and price and there was no price or a code to scan on the produce, the clerks had to look it up themselves while the cash register was turned from customers away, so I explained that and also when Id buy the same things the bill total from the honest and dishonest clerk would be different, also although when Id bring up to their attention theyd return money, the practice continued, so like I said the owner didnt address that issue, also they were always destructed and talking between each other, a bunch of clerks, once gave me 5$ more which I returned while the clerks were not even concerned or have noticed, so yes I did write my honest comments because I cared, cared about the lovely neighbourhood I lived in, cared about poor people who lived there and had no choice but go to these two stores because nothing else was close and people were taken advantage because of that situation.
I always cared, someone got in the accident and I saw the whole thing and I called police, the man was all alone on a winter road, looked shaken, I bet he was surprised when the police showed up very shortly and I was just standing in the window looking on the street making sure they helped him and they did, got his smashed car and him all shaken. I cared when the Federal building ran extremelly loud motor so that all the people and all the small businesses had to keep their windows closed in summer, it was running extremelly loud non stop, I wrote to our mayor and asked for help, he did help and after motor noise didnt stop like police asked after 7, they sent policemen to stand across the road after 7 pm and they took care of that, but I think than and there I somehow became a target and I hope and pray our great mayor didnt, he is and was such a good mayor, who truly cared about the city and the people.
I kind of always liked that noone knew who was helping poor people in our poor neighbourhood, I always liked doing things like that all my life, doing something good but not letting anyone know it was me, that to me for the funnest part :), I love people, I always loved people and I will love people and I truly and genuily and sincerely cared about business, I always shopped at our local small businesses and supported them that way. Sigh...CONservatives begged to differ. And today after reflecting on the care who does and who doesnt, I will bring up an unpleasant subject of again lies and dishonesty and political games over honesty and love for the country in a different way, in inclusive way.
This is a memo I wrote about who care and who care about what and why:
Sabotaging Starbucks, smoothie today was extremelly sweet. Sugar? After I wrote to watch sugar. And no sugar in tea at Tim Hortons so Id add sugar.
Lies and misleading, the usual.
I know 3 businesses in Ottawa that were ran out of business, one is still there, two closed, one owner retired, another very good manager of the franchise sent to work at the main office, store downsized and I was told closed, another groccery medium size store where I shopped and where they didnt get along with being abusive and cruel to me - huge store was built near to make it loose business, so these people care about politics, dont give a damn about business if the businesses dont go along with politics, so thats why they picked up this idea that I am against businesses because they know how to ran businesses out of business! The medium store is ("US" fake typo) a french store!
The owner who retired sold paintings, I loved that store, he said he will display my paintings, the store no more, the franchise that they shrunk, because I praised that chinese manager in his early thirties I think or late twenties, short chinese guy, he was very nice to us, to me and my son, he was gone, he was proffesional and ran that franchise succesfully.
They dont care about businesses, thats the facts and the proof, I actually do very much and did and wrote my honest comments exactly because of that and I care about people and love people, still do and nothing the law enforcement can do to change my personality, "di" fake typo law enforcement just typed, thats all they can do to me really, other than that, thanks for the life lessons, I appreciate them, I am smarter and wiser because of them, better person, better know myself, better know who I am and what I want. Them? One word, shame.

PS. I learned so much more, I am not healthier but I really learned a lot about life and who I am and what matters and what doesnt and who I want to be and when enough is enough and whats the most important and about loyalty and heroism and true things and the things we cant live without and people, all kinds of people and even the history, how past crimes of humanity can show their ugly shadows in our modern life, about love and non violence, about integrity and decency and friendships. It was an adventure of a life time, I am glad I still have ability to look at it this way, I wont let anyone to take this ability away from me. Still is adventure of a life time, untill I'll take my last breath. And it all started when I was refused visa on the US and Canada border when I moved out of my apartment in that neighbourhood and payed my bills, thought I did all the right things, I was told because I have no apartment I do not have the proof that I am going to return back, I was told to return my ticket to Hawaii and I in a split second became homeless, after a few hours in the airport I was told to leave the airport or I will be charged for transpassing...I left the airport and I had nowhere to go.