Sunday, May 15, 2016

As a child I had a

/ I typed "an" letter n is skipped by law enforcement who insists on planting racists false evidence on my phone/

 ear infection, because of torture by loud sounds for three years to protect my heart and my head from heart failure and stroke I tried to wear earplugs which caused the old infection to give me trouble after, so now in coffee shop whenever I touch my ear teenage stalkers copy my gestures on law inforcement signals to help law enforcement plant false evidence, my hope for them that they dont know what they are doing, rather than do. False evidence is - I touch my ear because I get offended of someone copying me aka


 bipolar false evidence, corruption not only bytes, it lies, uses people, it kills.

bopolar - is a fake typo planted by bonet.

When caught in lies it gets cutsie, it sucks up, to only after stab you i  the back as deeply as humanely and inhumanely possible.

Teenager stalker coughs everytime right before I take a byte of the sandwich at the Tim Hortons I am now, song started on the radio as soon as I posted this post "Cry me a river" :).
So brainwashing is done by using the songs that get played wherever you go, to get to you or influence your thoughts, you know what else surprised me controlled street lights, how in Ottawa I was by the lights redirected from not walking by the Sinagogue. What I thought about was, considering dishonesty and lies and so many bad and cruel and life threatening things done to me personally and my son, I really really hope they havent used this power to cause any accidents on purporse to hurt and harm people, that was my biggest concern when I realised what they do with lights and it has been consistently done to redirect me crossing where they want me to cross the street and when wherever they already set up for false evidence to be planted, by making cars of different colors drive by and people in different color clothes and different ages walk by, that is done too.

PS. You know what can happen and happened now with me a few times when someone makes a loud noise right before you byte or about to swallow the food you can choke, you can choke and die and noone will know why!!! I choked more than once like that and thats too was done by the people who are engaged with the law enforcement, I hope they dont know what they are doing!

9:47 pm Started freezing me again here as soon as I replied to my son text and started read Twitter, I noticed theyve got this idea to start freezing me as soon as I get to social networks, agresively trying to isolate me, surrounding me with abusers at the dorm to keep me abused, frightened of them and alone forcing to the street, the landlord of the apartment I wanted to rent in London for 2 weeks he said couldnt reach my landlord, law enforcement hopes I will give up on this idea, they told him just like they told other for three years now to behave very rude to get a reaction out of me, the people get connected through internet when they talk to me and reading from the screen, law enfircement constantly told people to interrupt me when I talk, done for three years, in Toronto Law enforcement succeeded the most after they not only told people to cut me short over and over and over so Id raise my voice or become offended or insulted they also used sounds at the same time so since I was subjected to this in Toronto and as soon as its done to me I start stumbling, this is a false evidence planted by them as a schizofrenia symptom (its a false symptom, its a crime to do, it leads to misdiagnosis, intentional misdiagnosis, compromising the doctor who would make diagnosis based on this and planting a label like that on a healthy person that ruines this persons life, because the very important thing is I dont stumble otherwise!) teen stalker just coughed once, to cover them up, 1 means no, whenever I was writing this he loudly kept saying "Sure", "Yeah"  and other messages, its been done before, he also talk loudly near me non stop, the same song started in the same sound pattern to raise blood pressure and heart rate and car just drove making loud exhaust. Three years of this and the corruption machine works like a clock tic tac tic tac just like this song they finally stopped just now.

I opened my Facebook profile picture and timeline picture, when I opened timeline picture someone here in Toronto Western Hospital rushed and the same very minute thrown garbage in a garbage container near me, some informant just made one loud furniture screech here to cover that up.
Law enforcement has used and continue using my phone as a tool for planting their fradulous political agenda and for mental / emotional abuse and sexual harassment, planting false evidence and cover up for what they do everyday for three years.
Memo about todays live event:

They stop the timer where they want, while I on my phone cant stop it where I want!

teen says - friends
old man says - curiosity
President- walking away
screen - video beginning soon
thats how timer was moved by law enf with bonet
old man says - i can see
President - looking away - says - its not that complicated
timer stops and moves in this order.

Informants continue laughing non stop while others continue making loud sounds / interogation / torturing

At the Western Toronto Hospital after I told the clerk at Shoppers why I stay here, been freezing the area, yesterday all day and I had heart pain all day. This is a memo I wrote just now:
So freezing cold my hands turned blue just now, yelling loudest non stop, about to have a heart attack thats how it feels

голова заледенела - head feels frozen.