Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Law enf blocked me from continue to write my previous post, this is what I wanted to write about, you know what I find the most appauling that this law enforcement used letter n on my phone and planted it as a false evidence on my phone, I find it appauling to have even a letter like that in such dispicable regard used on my phone, no did a letter suggesting by this law enforcement a very bad word in regard to black people ever in my life crossed my mind, yet these bigots have no problem using it day after day 24 hours a day, i think it is a shame! They used it right now planted it without any regard while I type about it. Bigotry is a choice, racism is a choice, abuse is a choice in any form, racism is a form of hate towards those who are different, we are all born equal, we are all children of God, we are all no matter the color of our skin or religion or sexuality or height or the way we look or where we were born have a right that we all are born with to be treated with dignity and respect, please always remember that when you see someone different than you are, we should all be kind to each other, this world we live in doesnt need any hate in any form, it truly does need love in all the forms, in every form, this world of ours will never survive if we fill it with so much hate, noone has a right to hurt or harm anyone, noone should, it is not an easy path but it is the only path that guarantees peace in the world that all people of goodwill care about and strive for to achieve, with love, together for one another we shall overcome hatred in all forms, with kindness and understanding and compassion and genuine care for all people of all faiths, of all backgrounds, of all skin colors of all sexes and sexualities of all who are different but have all the ( bigots froze memo, planted insults now, preventing me to continue to write forced to loose my thoughts) same will to live in peace with one another and be valued and be respected for who they are and be included and be loved and be appreciated. Four years these people filled my life with their hatred till this very second, they pride themselves to be better than anyone else, they always turn the spotlight on themselves, they bring  other people down, who are different,  by abusing them severely, to make themselves feel better about who they are, I read those who torture get high and get sick and become sadists, making other people feel wortless and abuse them make them feel good, I think there shouldnt be place for this in any society, such hatred should be rejected by all people, everyone should speak out against human rights abuses, noone should support crimes against humanity or participate in them, hate and killing of people under cover, under false pretences in Canada should be called for what it is a crime, it must be investigated and a culture of abuse of power to commit such crimes must be changed and rejected, women in law enforcement shouldnt be afraid to work there because men in RCMP consider rape as acceptable, or sexual harassment or sexual abuse, it is not acceptable to plant false evidence, to severely abuse women and children, noone can have such power, those who cover up such crimes are responsible as much as the ones who commit them in secret. Do not participate in hate crimes, do not choose an easy path hate offers, reject hate in any form. PS. They change my posts and make confusing making no sense words planted to confuse people who read my blog to make me look bad to make themselves look good, this is a time I think that the whole world must reject this  kind of hateful retoric in power, it is a very dangerous path for the world when those in power are driven by so much hate towards those who are different, this is why fashism happens, this is why innocent people get killed because of those who choose to hate and have a power without any borders to kill those who are different, when I have heart attack symptoms and concussion symptoms and stroke symptoms and heart failure symptoms and these people continue to torture despite of that it is a killing and when they kill and hide and cover up it is abuse of power and abuse of trust and a crime, when they torture and cause inhumane suffering to women and children and kill innocents it is genocide, how many Canadian law enforcement abused to death and killed and covered it up thats a question and the answer can be reached by starting investigation to what is under that cover and why this organisation can get away with killing people and torturing to death. I want this organisation to be investigated by international criminal court for crimes against humanity, I am a witness who they try to kill because they want to hide these crimes, I will never succumb to hate but haters will never ever silence me, they can kill me physically which is what they are doing but what i wrote will be and is now known to many and the secret is no longer a secret, noone should have so much power that they can kill people and get away with that. I will speak out against these crimes till the very last minute I live. PS. Innocent or not innocent, noone must have a right to kill others without court or investigation, this law enforcement just moved the page planting it on the word innocent, cause I removed it, i removed it not because YOU Canadian law enforcement have a right to kill people who are not innocent, every person has a right to fair trial, you proved yourself to be above the law, I am innocent, but I didnt start writing this blog because of myself, i started this blog so I can raise awareness to terrible unfair criminal unjust things you Canadian law enforcement allow yourself and consider you have unlimited rights to do to other people, innocent or not these are people not some dirt the way you treat  them, just like your cooworkers, just like me a witness you decided to make out of me to something that may or may not happened, your organisation I repeat now addressing you through my phone and this blog now  that you control and comminicate 24/7 commits crimes against humanity, you have crossed the line you shouldve never crossed, you became nazi in Canada covered up not covered up you are practicing fashism and I am a witness of that. Consider this my official statement. I refuse to be like you, I refuse to have any part of your crimes and will never ever cover you up or have any part in it and will speak out against the hate you spread in Canada every second of my life no matter how long I live.
Law enforcement abusers cant stand me laughing, so I am reading comments on the funny Russian Facebook page and when i clicked on view next comments under mans reply they block the button from responding,

what can you do when you have severely abusive authorities in your life 24/7 for 4 years that (di - law enforcement planted just now this fake typo as in die, exactly what I mean) do whatever they want completely unaccountable? Flabergusting to witness such abuse of power in Canada, it has been completely heart breaking to learn of the fact and to be a witness of it, imagine a power to abuse mentally, physically, sexually and plant false evidence and cook witnesses covering it all up right away without any accountability or remorse for as long as they want and need to drag this scam on, poor Canada thats all I can think of now, fashism covered up.

12:28 pm And its non stop, closing pages I wanted to see, without me clicking on them, on and on to abuse, to plant false evidence and to waste my time to prevent me to do anything except what they need me to do, its a completely hostage situation, I am very abused at all times in every possible way and isolated from people, forced to socialize with those who lie to me and plant false evidence and abuse me and this woman who does this in the house I stay actually asked me after constantly asking me to be with her or to go with her if I dont love people, I told her I love people, imagine how they turn the tables when them behaving so abusive and dishonest and thats what they do they turn the tables on others covering themselves up this way.

2:25 pm these people full of hatred, who encourage hatred and teach hatred dared to rave their car engine that they use to torture on this post

 ( preventing me to type now after the words about hate
 /ut - planted fake typo meaning i did it to cover themselves up/
i clicked space and started typing without seeing my text)

For 4 years they told everybody to abuse me, beat me, assault me physically and sexually, hit me, poison, burn me, froze me, suffocate with high heat, shake my head to cause brain damage for 4 years, talk very mean, very rude and yell at me, for 4 years, sexually harass me, stalk me, bully me, poison with gas and tobacco smoke, raved their exhaust, causing strokes and heart attack symptoms, made everybody torture me with very loud sounds, slamming, banning, yelling, etc and these people who encourage all people to hate dare to rave their torture tool on the post about Jewish people and their suffering, I am Jewish and my heart is never been full of hate, I refuse to hate and no matter how these people who behave like fashists want to prove I dont love people and make me hate to drag me to their nazi level they will not succeed, I love people, I never promised to be an accomplice in their hateful crime and I never ever will be no matter how much they try to brake me to be on their team, against American President, against American government, against everybody who is not like them, they are white supremists driven by hate to all who are different, I will never be on their team against everything good and decent there is in humanity. I will always choose love, no matter how much haters spill of their hatred by abusing me and my child, by trying to mud people who work their lives dedicated to protecting women from abuse, to include all people, I will never be silenced, I stand behind each word I said, this is fashism in Canada hidden, in secret and with no any accountability and a crimes committed against their own people covered up and hidden from Canadian people by legal corrupted through and through organisation which act as a mob.
