Monday, August 08, 2016

While I raise awareness about this crime talking to people law enforcement continues to aggresively plant false evidence. Memo I wrote: planting aggresive schizofrenia false evidence by impairing cognitively by loudest bans and interrupt speech constantly. Outside also effect the balance/walking by exhaust and sudden moves people make around me started talking around me about addiction so that false evidence planting for that, when I was sewing destructed on a certain move to make the thread tangle to make me look incapable of doing that, done that before. Torture continues, sexual harassment continues. Every lawyer I called appear to already be prepped by law enforcement. When I am typing this some bolding man waves his hands near me while talking to the other woman. When I wrote that everyone from the row I am sitting at left, making it look that I have choosen to sit here but it was the place available at that time, in fact they prepare the place for me by iccupying places to set up a setting and people they want me to be surrounded with and sit near. mives-faj law enforcement planted fake typos on my phone while i typed. Trick two cars reflected sunlight one after another in my eyes, i blinked, then eyes suddenly are teary on this tweet, was smiling before, imagine Thus trick is done before to get all kind of effects, so twice it caused eyes to get teary now, before they tried to make my eyes sparkle on bolding men they have a thing for lol, cause they planted one on the blood pressure testing and by the way to this day effect every blood pressure test i take in public to compromise it especially when i take it soon after they mercilessly tortured me and raised my blood pressure or liwered by stopping heart from beating done this recently very many times, they tell people to ban extremelly loudly right before the calf inflates and people even medical professional do that, corruption i actually like a spider web, the spider waves it web catching more and more victims in it. Canadian law enforcement opened the window pop up in this tweet to add itcto the reading list, to copy or click cancel, this is a tweet by the account of the Victims of crime in USA Informants and people at stores and places I go told to say "perfect" when I am there for me to hear that. Sudden extreme loud noise banning chatting etc started as soon as I started watching heart reabilitation video, banned behind me very loudly naking me even sicker then before giving instand shortness of breath and a lot of heart pain and instant headache, continue banning extremelly loudly,Canadian law enforcement doesnt want me to get better, literally using people to kill me while hiding themselves, being unaccountable and covered up. Thats a real evidence, people are being used without knowing what is the result of their actions! Girls arrived started repeating word "crazy" over and over behind me and talk about job after I posted about heart recovery video, implying I watched it cause Ive heard these comments which started after but I continue reading the tweets about heart health so they plant bipolar evidence thus way implying I am reacting to these comments, woman loudly now "iced water". Cars driving by reflecting sunlight on womens pictures, these fraudsters dont give up regardless of the truth, they dont care about the truth, thats not whats on agenda. 3:12 Just now I clicked on the heart health twitter account page to open, law enforcement instead closed it.