Wednesday, November 02, 2016

When something disturbing is happening what informants do is bring up your attention to that disturbance which you may have never pay attention to but you start after they brought up your attention to it and a reason they do so it would start bothering you and then they do the disturbing thing non stop. Example at my old apartment new neighbour brought up my attention to impossibly loud garbage truck, I never payed attention to it before, here two informants brought my attention to someone snoring loudly, the informants who were bending and playing with the hair to anger and plant false evidence on behalf of law enforcement, they talked loudly near me after all their performances to bring the snoring up, thats what has been done to mentally abuse, done to me, done to my son, I honestly believe these people are capable to intentionally cause psyhosis and use someone to cause some very bad harm if the person can not realise whats being done to them and has a weak nervous system, these people intentionally make their chosen victims mentally ill, thats exactly why I made a decision to just write about this, I believe these people commit crimes against humanity intentionally making people mentally ill, it bothers me very much that these people can turn someone on others and cause them commit crime, this is another reason why I am bringing this all up, considering how dishonest and highly professionaly manipulative and extremelly cruel they are and that they have no boundaries they wouldnt cross, I think it is extremelly great concern for the whole worlds society, especially considering how dishonest they are about me, how the conclusions they have let all know about me have nothing at all to do with who I am, how severely they have and continue abusing me, where I feel that I can die at any minute due to their abuse and how they only take their efforts upper and upper a notch every time I show the symptoms of being gravely ill after making a little pause only to continue making severe to be extremely severe, extremely severe to be impossibly severe, for things like that to be legally happening in a democratic society done without any accountability or anyone objecting to this or speaking out against this or stopping this from happening must be a concern for the whole world's community, this is fashism. PS. My posts are being manipulated and edited by law enforcement. 11:44 pm Also to make someone feel angry about anything or anyone rave exhaust when something happens, exhaust makes heart race, causing shortness of breath, heart pain, in my case after 4 years non stop of being tortured by all kind of loud sounds, I now have heart failure all the symptoms, I am being kept by the law enforcement in a heart attack and stroke symptoms state at all times, so this kind of ill feeling they try to associate with whatever and whoever in attempt to make me angry, irritated, upset with whatever and whoever, o fake typo now, even little things they ran exhaust to keep me in the mental state they hope they can make me to be, I bring this up, because of inhumane nature of their tactics, it amazes me that anyone can allow themselves to do such things with complete disregard to other human beings and that these people are happen to be the Canadian law enforcement, flubergusting.

PS.To compromise ran sudden super loud exhaust over and over making it louder and louder and then stop, it makes blood rush to your head and face, making your face red as if you are blushing and they do that on compromising subjects, concern is their dishonesty and using that to compromise innocent people! What else they are doing moving tape in any video and destruct on purporse to effect your reaction to what you watch, say i smiled on one thing in the video, they forwarded video and it now appeared that I smiled on the thing that suits their dishonest and fradulous agenda and its now recorded on the camera they watch me ( anyone ) when I watch videos. Imagine planting false evidence like this! Mind blowing what this law enforcement does, scammers because it is dishonest and done in secret against people who they are attempting to compromise this way.

9:48 am staying at Backpackers hostel, inexpensive with bunk beds, memo I just wrote: woman hit the bed with force, it shook my head violently, she has shaken the bed on signals all night and it continuesly shook me. v fake typos after she hit the bed and i was hit and shaken another woman with hair looking like mine came in and stood back to me right away ( thats how law enforcement planted bipolar false evidence now to achieve a look on my face after i was shaken to concussion symptoms with force )another came in hair too looking like mine and looked at me and bended and stuck out her behind in my face. I have concussion symptoms after i was shaken and bed was hit so violently, very bad headache and very nauseous. And it literally stopped my heart, it was like a hard blow impact like that showing that the hit like that was intentional and she left it made me look but she left quickly after, neck is hurting too, cant feel heart beating difficult to breath headache gas worsen now slamming just started here too. enforcement planted b typo near the word nauseous and they have planted heD near the word headache and v v typos twice, twicw typo, m to remove also, its a non stop brainwashing and false evidence planting while redirecting what informant done and how sick I feel now by planting fake typos heD b at American President, I have supported the President for many years and they raved loudly exhaust now on mentioning that!!!

10:03 am on newsletter from Whitehouse and President just now door got locked ( law enforcement planted licked fake typo here ) from outside and unlocked.
10:04 am Woman bended now in my face with her behind, she came in now as soon as I read a newsletter about a dog who serves, she came in ( b fake typo) right away, on me writing about her opened curtains and turned on a hairdryer so its loud non stop near me, moving her hair under my bed while drying, all this time informants have copied the way I move my hair so she is moving her hair and loud sound and I already feeling ill and its making me sicker, so planting false evidence that suits their agenda this way while continue causing physical abuse, this is the same woman who bended sticking her behind in my face and sexual harassment continues as well by women stalkers who not only behave very inappropriate but also abuse physically, while helping law enforcement plant false evidence begave - fake typo planted. 10:18 woman undressed, I have watched video about Halloween from Whitehouse, I stopped when video ended, she turned and looked at me, continue dressing then undressing then dressing, looked at me again, after exhaust signal went to open the curtain, loud door slam. Another woman came in and looked at me behind woman got back again bended took her things, on and on another with hair like mine now in the view near me came flipped her hair and looked at me, law enforcement aggresively planting bipolar evidence, my facial expression after all torture, bending and undressing gotten even worse, not only I feel very sick now I feel disgusted, informant left with hair like mine flipped her hair a few times more before leaving and slamming the door after herself, the behind one appears on another bed now in the bed opposite to mine, like she moved her things there now after dressing and undressing, making noises as soon as "hair" woman informant left, both looked acting, so thats what law enforcement planned for the morning for me... 10:30 am one of these informants banned just now loudly on the words in the video "but to elect her as a President of the United States" in this tweet and both left right away after loud ban outside when I wrote now about this! In this video: PS. I am proofreading and fixing their fake typos, on me placing coma near the word "bended" loudest exhaust raved outside, so they use this to make me angry and its a proof they know that I am straight and use this as a manipulative tool and use sexually harassing me and physically abusing at the same time to make me angry on mentioning the word angry exhaust raved suddenly again, every morning they have managed to make me very ill, there was another woman who came in during this time, bended in a beuge coat in my face and kept being here and left on a signal ban, 3 fake typos to remove in this sentence they planted about her and one to remive when I wrote about what they have done, numbers and colors game by law enforcement continues, b fake typo among them again in a sentence about woman bended. A very mob like scamming fradulous organisation with no boundaries they wouldnt cross to achieve their fradulous dishonest goals, planted f typo here after I wrote this. 10:47 am call from the pharmacy saying Doctor couldnt renew my prescription ( to upset more (uoset-fake typo), they continuesly use and manipulate people there to tell lies to me) gets through about prescription renewal on mentioning Dr.Lorimer woman in beige coat who came in gets up in my view, closes the door and leaves, beige is negative color, also on the pharmacist helper mentioning the word "no", racist agenda n word and, O for the President. Thats the kind of scam that is going on here non stop, crime literally covered up together with severe abuse in everyway they possibly can abuse me. Neck is felt stiffer, bad headache, lots of heart pain, v typo planted here again, its like an aggresive physical and mental assault here at all times so that this corrupted to the core organisation can achieve their dishonest goals by using me to do that. 10:am now all left, I am alone very sick and exhaust calmed after I saved my post, but they blocked internet connection (exhaust rave now, exactly what i mean to make me now angry thats the proof right here), I turned on my data to write now, thats what they do to get they hope an outburst reaction, abuse as badly as they can and then get very quiet, suppose to cause an outburst, after 4 years of this politiced scam and crime it didnt produce results they try to achieve yet they continue with their fradulous sharade everyday. These are the people from the same organisation who are doing this: february 18, 2016 11:19 am opened sudden exhaust raved, extremelly loud door slam and one more time after I wrote about this. 11:58 am on Twitter reading tweets and articles, last one from Humane Society, Memo I just wrote: law enforcement raved exhaust, i took candy its a red colour, red is negative color in their book, noticed it was manipulation on certain text for me to do that, they payed attention ive taken candy on raved exhaust and made false evidence this way to be associated with a certain text I read. 12:15 pm in the washroom there is a wide gap between the blinds and the window as soon as my head dissapeared from the gap view facing the street police sirens started and continued till they couldnt see me, thats the evidence that law enforcement is sexually harassing me in the washroom, these are exactly the boundaries they dont care crossing among many others everyday during this severe harassment and abuse, they do all kind of sick and pervert things in order for me to write about this on my blog, this is a part of their agenda to demean and to compromise me and at my expense compromise people in American government as well as American President. 12:30 pm they made a boy teenager now came in to the room, i was in a tank top, this is womens dorm room, I put a sweater on hearing someone came in assuming it was a woman, i turned my back and saw an asian boy teen behind me near my backpack opened doing something, I asked him is this a mixed dorm, why are you here, he said he is cleaning, and said that he has knocked, typing this when i cant see at all my text, law enforcement wont let me see what i type now, i told him thats inappropriate and very wrong that he shouldnt be here, he said sorry while adjusting his pants and left (bipolar agenda false evidence) and what sounds like a vacuum cleaner loud noise behind the door started while i type, imagine what this people do to mud someones name. 1 pm And they cover up non stop right wgat they do, went to the washroom stand behind the wall police sirens started as soon as i was out of the gap view in the windows and continued and truck motor sounds started on top of police sirens, lasted till i couldnt be seen till i stood behind the wall out of the window view. prevented to add comments to my post on teen walking by now m fake typo! among the networks at 1:37 network "stubbe"! here is evidence on brainwashing after todays mirning and b and o typos etc! They been playing with hidden messages like that on my phone and pc all this time so i didnt choose that network right? Imagine and a message in the head to em engrave now and em typo now to desr destruct and more typos to destruct and on teen and m typo man right away walked near window I sit in red jacket, red contributes to the feeling anger!