Monday, February 13, 2017

Law enforcement after a day of non stop abuse and them planting ridiculous, appauling false evidence what they always do, now continue doing what theyve done all day long preventing me from reading this article about war in Ukraine where I was born before I came to Canada with my son,
- freezing, jerking, manipulating, planting false evidence on this article, planted fake typo "us" in the word thus, they are so fast and America is always to blame for it all and planted just in case k typo, their favourite just like n typo ( cant expect anything less from white supremisists) and planted little ' sign who knows what for, been abusing and torturing all day long cause Prime Minister is in United States to provoke me to cause some argument, so tiresome to witness this fradulous scam 24/7 at my expense, revolting to me.
 11:37 pm froze Facebook post with Ukrainian President Poroshenko in it to cause fake eyes roll during torture they do non stop damaging my eyes, to plant false evidence:

Law enforcement just moved timer forward, when i clicked stop in this video, to the wording - иа which stands for ua which is Ukraine in abreviation to plant false evidence I stopped on that when it was mentioned, imagine, I didnt watch the video, was just browsing reading news on the Ukrainian Facebook page, planted fake typos u to remove in the word Ukraine to cover them up and mud my name as if I dont love the country I was born at and o fake typo to make me angry at the former President these white supremisists have agressively tried to compromise at my expense by all means whom I supported and planted this fake typo -  firmw in a meantime.!/story.php?story_fbid=1410610472292645&id=594022430618124

12:38 am This mob has nothing sacred, froze page to cause fake eyes roll on the first comment wishing to Ukrainian soldiers come back alive, no words, I always knew but this is just beyond low. PS. 15 of February 7:59 pm raved when I was scrolling on Ukrainian President image, informant coughed who sexually harassing me here every night and all day long, to irritate with Ukrainian President, after adding this comment I closed this post and law enforcement stopped page on the word "attack"! Imagine how this organisation is brainwashing and manipulating people severely abusing on their own phone and plants that kind of dispicable thoughts in their heads! Imagine if someone doesnt realise they are being manipulated, used and brainwashed this way!!! Dispicable.Informant coughed twice after i saved this post.