Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I have been having a lot of heart pain and Crohns flared up, lots of sharp pain / complications theyve caused, fever and tried to rest at the dorm where I  have been tortured and sexually harassed, its a trap and a set up which law enforcement uses to advance its agenda.
This memo I wrote last night, this happened at the dorm:
informants talking about gun and laughing loudly, woman undressed  just slammed my bed and shook my head when i was cringing from pain.
Imagine these ppl cruelty.
the blow feels almost like the blow at the washroom by the washroom door which caused concussion. ( some man just now 10:10 pm near the Tim Hortons window in red tshirt moved his hand as if in a hit motion)
This happened around 11 pm
Its the same side of the head they hit me before, it hurts a lot, exhaust
about 11 pm
Laughing loud after i posted this memo.

Before this happened I wrote this memo:
I just thought you know I feel very compassionate towards black people, I wish there would be no any divide between black and white people.
I saw how old black lady was reading something holding what she is reading very close and her hands were shaking, i wish she had a home, i wish she was not put in this wrong situation.
And that other black lady always beside me arriving talking out loud i think she is funny, I think of them as people. For my "enemies" here who came out of nowhere ( I never knew I had any enemies ) this is a chance to cook but i wouldnt care, i look at women as friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, it is unfortunate i had to experience some bad people ill doings to me, i guess there is a reason why some ppl do bad things to others, i am glad the world know what can happen, this other funny talking to herself woman just ran in, so funny, these people isolated me and my son i dont know why they did this, i just hope i can leave and take him with me some day somehow, before they violate him and make him ill, they are very very bad people.
I was just making friends everywhere i went, being friendly and social and then they flipped and lied.
Then this memo:

before i could post this informant started mocking crying like i do, the one who tortured me, then turned and bended with a naked behind.
Before 11 pm, exhaust now:
another informants performance, I have noticed those planned to be liked by everyone have sounding like getting sympathy voice, (there was another lady at the drop in Center she had a voice and personality to be liked by all, then here another one who sounded just like her, so I realized its an act) she always talks something that sounds from my memos and then coupled with things that dont add up, talking in that kind of voice, getting on ppl emotions to make all feel sympathetic to her and sorry, she just said loudly "Crazy" on a signal, when i cringed from pain said "People" loudly, so its informant.
Another performance started, Shelly arrived, this lady makes up stories that dont add up and aggresively asks me all kind of questions.
And so after conversation about gun happened and they hit me.

I never had a gun, dont want to have a gun, always was and will be against violence.
After that woman shook violently the bed while my head was on it, i talked to the polish informant who law enforcement planted to sexually harass me, she is always naked or half naked, it is so unpleasant to be subjected to this sexual harassment and it seems like these men in charge of planning this abuse are throughtly enjoy it. I told her what just happened but she saw and hear she is very close and the ban was very loud, she hit it with a small backpack probably there was something heavy in it.
On me typing this law enforcement typed waa and teenager girl walked by the window and when I just started describing teenager guy suddenly appeared near the window made a thretening gesture.

Law enforcement clicks on button save so Id click a second time, covers up, thats what 2 means, when i clicked two times after, snitch behind me banned.

I talked to the woman / informant who shook me and asked her not to do this again please, she was not surprised but anticipated me approaching her.
I had concussion symptoms, felt nauseous and lots of pain, it was the same side they hit me there when they took out the door and gave me concussion, sudden sirens started now.

I went to the convinience store, got a frozen bag of fruit, iced the injured side, old woman arrived and was with near me when i ate the rasberries that i used.

When i placed the cold bag on the heart and before that pn my head I started breathing deeply, law enforcement saw that I started feeling better and there was a loud slam on the deep breath, that stopped my breathing, i had trouble taking a breath again.

I wrote this memo about it at 12:30 am:

saw me on camera feeling better i took a deep breath slammed right after and the breathing stopped and it was difficult to start breathing again!
12:27 am
now my breathing is impaired again just like they did this when i was doing cpr
camt take a deep breath now again!
and non stop interfered with exhaust when i tried to get better
i just tried to take a deep breath and it hurt, sharp pain now in the heart
battery 4% covering this up

And this memo I wrote before the other:

Before i could post screen in memo app with folders was moved away from folder I named "killing me", imagine this!

Woman / snitch arrived at 12:32 11:36 am sticking out her behind in my face old grey hair woman. She kept going in and out while I ate, these women never leave me alone. Battery is going to die now. 12:45 at the Western Hospital computer place charged the phone, banning here mercilessly non stop giving headache and lots of heart pain. After 1 pm in line at Shoppers young girl hit my backpack, it shook my head, i am having bad headache and heart pain after, head feels very sensetive, old lady with the same kind of walking stick they hit me with walked by when I started writing now here. Law enforcement here not letting me watch any videos from the Whitehouse now, constantly stopping video after each word, cutting words with the help of the bonet. Not letting watch videos, not letting see pictures on Whitehouse.gov, highlightening words in picture titles in blue. 2:06 table was moved to the wall, chairs are attached to the table, someone banned the little barrier wall and it shook the whole thing as well as my seat, giving my head a shake again, feeling nauseous, its a string shake, the way the doors are slammed and all other torture is done people dont close doors that strongly, dont ban little barriers walls with all the might, dont hit someoneones backpack badly and not even blink not even apologise, this was done for three tears daily for no reason at all, along with other most cruel things, laugh here, i am getting worse and worse I already started having dizziness spells where i feel like loosing balance, feel nauseous, feel concussion symptoms, head hurts a lot, woman with a stick to frighten me just walked by quickly, torture by loudest screeching continues, this law enforcement created reason to be able to torture and abuse me disregarding the facts and the truth. At exactly 3 pm typed UNHCR law enforcement held the connection at 3:01 pm sent the informant in grey clothes, grey negative, united nations and 3 oclock, doesnt suit their separatists agenda against me, cause their agenda to present me as whoever they need, a seperatist and racist, its a deeply though through scam, one in a life time opportunity to mud American government and American President at expense of mudding me. 4:04 pm on the tweet about Atrial Fibrilation law enforcement planted bkack woman young looking bended cleaning something of the floor behind in my face and then opened this tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/vj44/status/747881983292805120 made page scroll very slowly and wouldnt let me update before she left she quickly grabbed her stroller, then i could click the orange update button, planted false evidence bad mommy agenda, flubergusting.