Saturday, August 27, 2016

Laurier ave., Starbucks, Ottawa, kids helping law enforcement torturing mercilessly, false evidence being planted non stop - gotta cover their crime no matter the cost, tragic really, saddened for Canada. 9:36 pm deleting memos i add to any app and when i sent a text to my number about whats happening it wont go through except the first one, all memos are not in the memo app again, trying to scare me, someone here at this shelter opened the door suddenly and came in to where i sit and after slammed the door loudly, created page Folder where i cant add any memo, also make loud sound on the turn of the stairs when i walk, it is very hazardous and i can fall! It all happened after i wrote that some man screeched his foot over the ground near me when i was writing a text to my son trying to scare me with my son who law enforcement has been abusing mentally for a very long time and isolated from me and keeping him in the dark about what they have been doing to me!Police sirens started right away after i wrote and added last 8:36 pm comments. 9:49 pm after i posted on the blog 114 notes appeared under title Folders. So again evidence is gone :), there were much more memos where i documented whats happening.