Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Intentional brain damage and false evidence.

After I already was shaken and felt very ill this happened - in health card office to achieve fake bipolar mental label snitches shaken me, yelled to make me feel ill thats raised my blood pressure before and on health card picture taking, i waited for them to leave, they didnt but quited down after making me ill, few pictures were taken right after they stopped shaking and yelling, as soon as i smiled they left, I wanted to take one more picture because I was told previous pictures before they left didnt come out good, on the next and last picture taking when i smiled short man arrived right on picture taking to make it look i smiled because he arrived to plant false evidence, stalk me by short man to prove i am attracted to short man cause it suits their agenda, i am not. Control my phone and persistently stop and freeze on women pictures continue aggresivelly trying to prove i am attracted to women, force me to look at women chests etc., cause it suits their agenda, i am not and never was. Imagine. Shaking someones head knowing I was already very ill because of shaking, knowing it causes brain damage and knowing they already caused brain injury symptoms such as slurred speech and continue shaking, thats an evidence they disregard possibility this will cause brain damage, they want to cause brain damage to plant mental label, shaken me and hit in the head over the wall since March in this motel giving concussion symptoms all this time, exactly what i felt today, i went to renew the health card so i could go to ER because of how extremelly ill I was made by these persons from Canadian secret police. PS. Lie and plant false evidence at all times, cook witnesses, noone knows i got shaken, noone knows yelling raised my blood pressure, noone knows what shaking does to me, noone knows they shaken me and made extremelly ill before, so upset pictures and smiling pictures achieves bipolar false evidence planting, done before on passport taking pictures, i returned those and told clerk today i was feeling sick and what just happened in their office, shaking is caused indirectly, table shaken my hands are on the tae this shakes me and my head, I wrote all about head shaking and how it was done to me here and for 4 years, desribed exactly what was done today in the office and it happened after i emaled him about it, cover themselves up planting bipolar false evidence - harassment insults they use did just now to make it look i wrote this post because of insult they typed and planted.
PS. Just now during video watching banned extremelly loudly when I was teary and sexually harassed to plant bipolar false evidence. Song about the place without wars, where old people and children are not blowned up and killed thats when i was teary and they banned making me ill then sexually harassed forcing to look by covering up image of the singer on this pants, just planted here bisexual false evidence by fake typo.Done this for 4 years torture right away on me smiling, laughing being teary, always use sexual harassment to plant false evidence of any kind knowing it will make me upset so use this knowing my reaction and sync it with whatever evidence they need to cook to suit their dishonest agenda.
Always plant false evidence during videos watching, controling recording syncing the words and images and gestures in the videos with what I am doing to suit that their dishonest agenda.