Monday, October 31, 2016

I left reply to the tweet about FBI and a facebook post on Hillary Clinton Facebook in regards to the letter from FBI Director Mr.Comey, today I saw a tweet about Mr.Holder response about Mr.Comey letter in regards to Mrs.Clinton investigation that I havent seen at all before I wrote my replies, it showed on my twitter ( laugh here ) feed that it was posted 11 hours ago. My reply about FBI There is a tweet about what Mr.Holder said in regards to Mr.Comey letter on this Twitter account the 11 hours ago tweet is nowhere to be found, the link to washington post article from thet mentioned tweet about Mr.Holder response getting blocked by pop up that Ive 0 free articles to read, I dont read Washington post articles often and I am not subsribed to their Twitter account, and I can't copy and paste link url here. And this is a Facebook post I replied to!/story.php?story_fbid=1304245086298684&id=889307941125736 1:19 pm running non stop hands shaking loud raving exhaust now after my blog post to make me look nervous as if I am in a rush, scammers. At about 2:25 pm these scammers saw i was taking down American flag off the wall cause I am leaving and when i took out two pins and flag got folded salvation army young girl stuffer who i waited on the phone got back to me while American flag was hanging folded on the wall so Id talk to her while the flag kept hanging folded like that. After I wrote this comment they brought the page up to the word FBI for me to scroll away from.