Monday, May 23, 2016

Placing humangeous piece of false evidence right now right here in the hospital near Dryxys deli.
I am being watched and followed everywhere by people who plant false wvidence for law enforcement completely dusmissing anything I do to suit their agenda, at Bloor West now, washing my cloths.
False evidence planting all day, aggresively, I got up and was leaning the table women in Hospital bright blue clothes loud commented " Where do you make or meet friends" as if I leave because of that, scziforenia false evidence, everyday they change the diagnosis and plant bipolar and if that doesnt fly schizofrenia false evidence, while aggresively torturing by loudest chatter and loud sounds,  making me loose balance when I walk outside hurting my feet by the cars making whoosh sound near me whenever they want me to step depending to which side. They are so corrupted I wrote a negative comment about them after I was agressively sexually harassed, so today they multiplied false evidence planting.
Leaving the lobby man loudly " she will get locked out", I find it very interesting, well this is a memo I wrote before:
I wrote that this law enforcement commited a crime and are criminals, they actually are so sneaky theyve been constantly trying to turn the tables:
They harassed me and mistreated at businesses, while planting false evidence that I am against businesses after I wrote honest comments about bad customer service and about overcharging, etc.
They assaulted me physicall, abused mentally and emotionally, while bluffing I am a dangerous person who never assaulted or harmed anyone, trying to provoke me for three years to do just that by demeaning and insulting non stop daily hitting, giving concussions.
They caused intentional damage to my health, while planting false evidence that i can cause harm to myself and cant take care of myself doing everything they can to make any health problems worse and worse and banning and making loud sounds before i take a byte or make a sip or at every step i walk to make it look as if i cant walk straight as uf I am drunk.
Trying to prove and plant false evidence about the most ridiculous things. Girl now loudly said walking by " I know you guys gave teasers and shit", man loudly laughed in the distance, then woman.
Walking because theyve been trying to prove I overuse medications and have addictions and drinking and smoking, ridiculous, because I dont do any of this.
That I dont love animals and planted false evidence non stop for that, man/informant whistled now, but I always loved animals.
That I dont live my son, but I do and always wanted to be a Mom and was the best Mom I could possibly be.
Laugh now at this comment - They sexually abused, harassed, violated and assaulted me.

Locked up, I have opinion about who must be locked up.

Its like having a mob in my and my sons life every second of our lifes, doing whatever they please and getting away with that, basically ryi g to kill me and make me and my son ill, Ihave never came across more criminal organization.