Saturday, October 22, 2016

3:09 pm
On Peta Asia tweeter account
reading their tweets after reading article on their website to save dogs followed a tweet on Peta USA. Memo I wrote:
law enforcement continuesly abuse me mentally and emotionally with bonets help
planted fake typos: onets bonest
interfear, blink on tweets, flash tweets before other tweets, highlight words all in order to falsely prove i am heartless and want to make me heartless, it literally would be like taking my soul and my heart out in order for them to accomplish their goal.
Ottawa law enforcement controls what I type, how I can type, freezes page, makes page jump, places cursor where they need to place it, where I can place the cursor, how many times i can click, controlling on the phone and destructing and controlling with exhaust to interrupt what i write when they need, preventing from scrolling to the end of the post to continue writing, page is held and i cant scroll, so i copy all the text and write in memo app and paste back, doing the same in memo app, plants false evidence this way, completely disregarding a notion of the freedom of speech and actual evidence replacing it with false one, getting rid of evidence, aggresively trying to influence and limit what i can type, preventing me from seeing what i type to make it very difficult to write my blog posts, controlling what I do at all times. Freedom of speech is not free and these people stand on guard from anyone finding out about crimes they are involved with all they can, it is exactly why I continue writing despite of they resistance to cover their crimes up.