Saturday, June 25, 2016

Know where your thoughts and feeling come from, choose them wisely, choose those that will benefit your well being. The manipulation of my thoughts abd feelings as well as my son is sometimes very subtle, like now moved from shadow where it gotten cold to the sun, tiny asian woman very shortly marched with a grey umbrella, to give me feelings and thoughts if it being too hot in the sun, green little machine driven by a man in dark navy clothes drove by to cover up this observation. Its one of thousands manipulative influences I am being subjected on a daily basis, the point always also is for me not to enjoy anything and to suffer and to be uncomfortable. Here is another interesting coincidence aka influencing behavior / thoughts / feelings / turning people on each other: A while ago before this openly aggresive harassment and abuse started, my son wanted to go on a trip by bike with some people, on the news before he left announced that there was an accident near Montreal and bikers were hit by the truck, I got so worried of my son biking there from Ottawa, I was not feeling well with Crohns and it got worse, I asked him not to go, told him what Ive heard on the news and told him I am not feeling well, he didnt go. Sometime later on the train to Montreal to see my surgeon together with my son a bunch of people about his age biked aling the train road in my sons view, it reminded him that he couldnt go and that I asked him not to and he got upset. Considering what I went through in these three years these coincidences raise an eye brow so to speak, especially that I have been subjected to bad influence and brainwashing non stop and so I believe is my son, there is a choice to absorb these feelings and brought on to us negative emotions and the choice to question as foreign and reject. I am for the second choice, noone should have any power to run, ruin effect in such a bad and manipulative destructive ways other people lives, some white truck with Toronto just creeped out on me, driving slowly, woman laughed loudly but authorities here think they do, so they hold a tight grip on people necjs without anyone realizing just that, my son hasnt and so they continue the aggresive attempt to use him against me while mudding his name behind his back which he isnt aware, conviniently redirected on us by planting "hus" fake typo. A while ago when I wrote about a hyge abcess I had continuesly being missed on catscan and other tests, except the one russian doctor recommended who works here in ultrasound, used to work in ER, when i wrote it was missed, next day on the news was declared radiologyst was charged with the wrong catscan results. Thanks to her it was found, no help was offered, put on medication, after medication catscan missed it again,doctors said nothing is there, why you dont believe us ( men laugh, dog started barking ), i continued to be in terrible pain ( men laugh here ), I insisted to have the same test, abcess was found, it grew bigger, 6 surgeries later, recover was sabotaged and I havent been able to recover, now my health because of what Ive been put through is in the life threatening condition, by the way russian informant ( figured she was one during this harassment, she planted false evidence for law enforcement and before that continuesly sabotaged me dating men) introduced me to the woman from Russia who worked there in ER and has been working at the ultrasound here, she also found gallstones, after very many visits to ER with vommiting, nausea, upset stomach, noone could diagnose me with anything serious for many years, the first episode I had I was told in ER that I swallowed a lot of air. This was before I was diagnosed with Crohn's, surgeries happened after. PS. I have been feeling very ill lately with a lot of very sharp not going away heart pain, the left side feels impaired, I was having chills at the dorm and feeling very ill, the informants shook my bed and it shook my head giving as always concussion symptoms, regardless how very ill I felt, yelling right near me later made me even more ill, all of that so that law enforcement could surround me with naked women showing their naked bodies and plant false evidence, I felt extremelly unwell and sexually harassed, its really disturbing and appauling what this law enforcement does to me and to their women and to be completely honest disgusting.