Monday, May 09, 2016

Planted a man at coffee shop who shook me and giving me instant headache and heart pain during conversation with my Mom, arrived while I took out calling card and was about to call her, just took a sip out of this cup, one phone call, covered up :)!

Peta link blocked by the Toronto Western Hospital, I am here at the food court.

Cant watch this video, constantly stopped while teenage stalkers come and go.

Wont let me watch this video:

This whole scam is not about the truth this is an example of hiw CONservatives mud innocent people.

This is how the law enforcement planting false evidence on behalf of CONservatives, its been on their agenda, I am a bad Mother, I dont love animals.
I just typed link was redirected to this website Hospital blocked it, no idea whats that but niw this false evidence planted that I tried to open it.

To effect my facial expression as soon as I typed teenager rushed walking in my direction talking loudly, planted now himself on the table in front of me.

Before I couldnt read all the tweets from the accounts I followed, after I started opening them from the Following list my list has been cut off no accounts after account Makers, they were FBI, CIA, American government, American Army and many other American twitter accounts.

Lawyers site blocked by the Western Hospital

Video stopped after little baby George with the President was showing and Ms. Obama said "And"
Cant restart young blond girl arrived after indian teenager planted here left.

Dimmed the screen on this article to force me to click on time on the screen:

This article opened twice I didnt open it, I was just scrolling down the page:

Video stopped on commentator saying word "of" about new images of President Bush the day of the 9/11 attack :(

Video wont play, some woman arrived here and keep walking in my direction and away, owner arab looking man left with boxes before that and video wont play, he is back now.