Friday, May 27, 2016

No lines they wouldnt cross: laugh now, ran sleepcountry ad closed video, error Whoops! We are sorry something went wrong - in black and white ( law enf consider and uses this combination to plant false evidence, black and white together negative colors) didnt couldnt see the video
Fake typos planted by law enforcement,to cover up their crime and to win a fradulous political agenda, wont let me edit. On Whitehouse account tweeter snaptv video from Japan President visiting Hirosima play button would respond, when i minimized whitehouse website flashed before i open anything else but thats exactly what i wanted i went back to the opened pages on my phone and Whitehouse page wasnt there, i typed video started playing and closed it, i clicked done and went back and went to
Page became unresponsive when i typed word account, it jumped down so i can scroll up, i couldnt type sp I had to choose between HTML and Compose and then Hospital worker in blue clothes rushed near me and said word Done and walked by.

cant watch, running informants here, woman in bright green waited for me to turn to her side, boy in blue ran on this text now.

clicked on snaptv link again bright green url flashed in between video opening
Presidents Proclamation Prayer for peace page stumbled and bonet forced me to push on it while i was looking for whitehouse live events link

video black page sound only on whitehouse laying wreath

When i started cleaning my mouth with tissue after drinking the smoothie - woman in the bright green walked close to me in my view ( brigh green means - negative, I left a bright green shopping cart behind when moved out from my old apartment)

Pop up when video turned on somewhere not in the beginning forced to click Done on a short man sitting on the bench in the video ( this has been done many times before by the law officer with bonet in control of my phone)

Video didnt start from the beginning, started from President laying the wreth then moved to him saying But today and stopped, picture remained doesnt matter where i tried to move the timer and video wouldnt play, then when i restarted and
refreshed video started on President saying Uni ( as in United States) and stopped fake typo d near e in Inited States and near President, lots of torture sound loud motor constant, paper wrapping, loud slamming heals over the floor walking, loud chatter non stop, squeeking sounds, loud furniture screeching etc to destruct so i couldnt remember what to write and suffered during trying to watch and writing about what the law enforcement is doing here.

Bonet stops video laying of wreath randomly at agenda points when Presiden shake hands with the Japan leader, when Japan leader pay respects to the Hirosima victims, it jumps from arriving to talking at the spots that suit fradulous agenda, to cover up what I wrote law enforcement in control of my phone did pop up appeared to connect but when i checked in my settings i was connected to wifi, to cover up now what i wrote about this person walked near me and sat in bright blue, same negative cor in law enforcement book, because i didnt wear bright blue long time ago so they use that to plant false evidence, that the kind of interesting world existence of which opened up to me during this inhumane abuse and suffering, sharing this because it is dishonest and NOONE should have any legal right to cause inhumane suffering to other people and in MY book noone has a right legally or illegally or anyway you put it to cause any kind of suffering to anyone. Video stops and stumbles at each phrase or word non stop in a meantime law eb enforcement plants false evidence against me moving the picture, places randomly escene where they were not, take words out of context in between the speech, all to effect my face expression, all to use Presidents video to plant false evidence against me and covers it up e right away. Fake typos in this text I just wrote. For example on the words Truth, easily - video stopped, cooperation - screech, disease - girl in bright blue walked by, Hirosima and Nagasaki - stopped / started, avoid war - blue clothes black girl ran in front of me, word easy then words We are tell our children the different story, skipped from the word easy to these words. So false evidence and cover up to reach a fradulous agenda and a fradulous political goal. Place people in my view to effect me so Id turn to where they want me to turn, on reading G7 Declaration false evidence planted non stop to suit law enforcement dishonest fradulous agenda and to cover it up, informants in different color clothes start walking on loud sounds signs, certain way looking, certain colours, loud sounds made during reading to plant false evidence, usually 1 screech or ban because it suits the agenda it is obvious. Overweight woman just walked close to me in brown clothes ( brown means negative ) on mentioning Russia in the Declaration and bear me at exact that time raised and lowered her hand in a frightening manner and continued walking. "We expect Russia and Iran to urge the regime to comply" in this text On return after i mentioned this screen was opened on the word "we" so id click on it, w - woman e - eww, on saving young guy in bright blue rushed by to cover it up as if I didnt write the truth, so they lie, plant false evidence then cover up. I dont hate Russian people, I refuse to hate any people! And in the above context I personally very happy about progress that was made that is mentioned in this Declaration as well as the recent developments in relationship between Ukraine and Russia in regards to Nadya and the exchange between Ukrainian and Russian governments that occured which resulted in her release and release of two Russians and I will never do or say anything that will contribute to prolong war and fume hatred between these two peoples or between any peoples in that matter, I wrote what I am against previously and I am very happy about what I read in this Declaration and about the decisions G7 came to and efforts they are committed to make, I say God speed and good luck, not an easy task but most respected and greatly worthwhile. Trying to make me angry all day non stop by insulting comments and physical abuse / torture, as soon as I type memos or weite here now child suddenly screams happened many many times, thats their cover up and false evidence that I write because I dont like children, cant hear a child cry, next lie I worked as a kindergarten teacher and parents and now grown children are my witnesses, they all loved me being their kindergarten teacher, also planting false evidence non stop that I dont like my son,who they severely mentally abuse I love children and care about children, they dont irritate or annoy me, its amazing to what extent law enforcement goes to mud someones name, how greatly unfortunate that kind of people who are so cruel and so greatly dishonest and corrupt have tools to effect other people lives in such a evil manner, while I am typing this they sent one after another limping people, false evidence I am irritated at these people meaning being cruel, child loudly says Momma, girl loudly repeats Yeah, yeah, absolutely, man loudly Puppy is my friend, banning slamming started, another women Yeh yeah its so hard to know, imagine how high they value themselves because of having such power to do so much bad things and I thought how little they think of people who they do these bad things to, even when ising asian people to annoy because they consider their language annoying, even in the way they torture and use other people shows disregard and disrespect, how they use people without them knowing they help them to do very bad things not being concern about these people reputation at all by in fact making them do very bad things, while remaining completely unaccountable for false evidence and long time unprecedented abuse that cause inhumane suffering not only regretful but covering up and doing all they can do make someone else in this case American President and American government to be responsible for their abuse of human rights, remaining unregretful and in a meantime continue doing just that. Covered up right away when I was writing with a red pen sent a woman speaking one of the asian languages and a mom with a stroller, red means negative. After I wrote about law enforcement wanting to make American President and American Government responsible, teenager boy got up loudly said before leaving That was a good day and left, they were the ones who chatted loudly non stop to raise my blood pressure, done by law enforcement everytime I come here and in other places, it causes very rapid heart beat and rises blood pressure and causes stroke symptoms at last.