Sunday, October 09, 2016

After I wrote to lawyers, my gmail became impaired, I cant reply to emails, this is how law enforcement fighting with my freedom of speech, protecting their fradulous cause, they prevent me even replying to my post with the links to exercises I want to save while preventing me also from scrolling to the bottom of my screen to click reply, to use the full gmail and like here when I write posts, to effect and make it very difficult and impossible to see what I write, to edit, to proofread, while banning here to cover up themselves, 1 ban means dismissed, they take words out of context by limiting and stopping my typing, bringing the cursor to the words they want me to scroll away from, preventing from doing what I want to do while forcing what they want to happen on my phone presenting it as something I would do planting false evidence like that day after day, Ottawa law enforcement are exceptionally good at that and forcefully doing it, keeping their control  of me 24/7 by cognitively impairing me and abusing mentally, physically and emotionaly while sexually harassing, so this assault is non stop day and night at all times here in Ottawa, on my phone, wherever Id go, whatever Id do to suit this scam. And of course not forgetting to edit my posts and plant fake typos aka false evidence to seal their fradulous deal.
Law enforcement thrives on making me feel bad about myself, lowering ones self confidence and self esteem are their control tools. So one of the many things theyve done placing a very short women informants near me to stand for a while, at crossing the street waiting for the light, at bus stations waiting for the bus ( laughing here ;), which is always a give away and another trick in attempt to control.) Just a little time ago at the coffee shop very short asian woman rushed towards me and stands while I wait for my coffee, when she leaves employee announces : Tall Americano with empasis on the word Tall, this suppose to make me feel bad and insecure about my tall height, but I find it amusing, I love my height and I dont have any negative thoughts about very short or short women, what they simply cant get through is that I first of all dont base my confidence and self esteem on what someone thinks about me, I know who I am and accept myself knowing my weaknesses and strengths and I love people and accept them for who they are, I think everyone is different and everyone is special and thats what makes us who we are and thats what makes the world beautiful, that we are even though different but can find understanding and common values to live together in peace, values that are the opposite of hate and prejudice and bigotry that tries to isolate and harm and cause divisions, they are compassion, kindness, honesty, loyalty, understanding, not being judgemental, acceptance of those people who are different from us but like us deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. I am being tortured mercilessly here when I write this by loudest furniture screeches non stop that is giving me heart attack symptoms by racing my heart and causing shortness of breath. Values like integrity, I live my life following my conscience, always did, always will and I have principals and values that I will continue to live by and stand by no matter what, just like I will continue to stand by those who I care about and love. I believe in love, I believe in true friendships and I believe in peace, I want other people to live in happiness and peace and thats what I want my life to be filled with.
PS. Having a lot of heart pain torture continues so I will have to stop writing now.