Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Posting as is while i wrote this memo to interfere law enforcement pasted the text right in the middle of what I was writing without any space in the middle of the word "torture", the text they pasted was on my copy and paste because I copied it when writing a tweet to support Democrats and Hillary Clinton.

All the morning extremely loud motor sound giving heart attack and stroke symptoms ( it starts every morning and makes me feel this way every morning).


In this final sprint to Election Day, we're counting on you more than ever. Pitch in $3 to help elect Hillary and Democrats up and down the ticket in every state.

rture stopped, lots of destruct movement started near my door, email from lawyers arrived to whom I wrote asking if they can help to stop severe human right abuse,  bipolar agenda false evidence setting started woman started yelling and caursing, text if you are with Hillary can no longer copy to paste, all when I started writing the tweet to help elect Democrats and Hillary Clinton and amount of letters, in the tweet that I can type is controlled by Canadian law enforcement, forcing to remove text from my tweet, counted before, doesnt reflect the maximum amount limit of the Tweeter at all, often much less letters but i am blocked by Canadian law enforcement, this way they control what I can write, taking text out of context to suit their needs.
CONservatives supporters they are, always knew that.

The tweet I was writing:


The same woman started yelling and cursing again when I edit the text, torture started by motor again and phone keeps ringing, they let my mom calls go through every time right before I can save, mom tells me often how she calls but i dont answer and I dont hear any calls, there are no calls going through, but now they do.

Torture restarted by loud motor. Woman increasingly yelling, banning violantly on the walls giving me heart attack and stroke symptoms motor gets running louder and louder in sync with what this informant does to cause me suffering and for the law enforcement to plant bipolar false evidence to force me write about this knowing I will making it look as if I wrote because of it.

PS. I just added an explanation in the beginning about the text on my copy and paste and mentioned Democrats and Hillary Clinton that I was writing the tweet to support thats why I had this text and as soon i mentioned that, informant started yelling and swearing again extremelly loud and loudest motor picked up right after, they are working in sync, I had heart attack symptoms the motor gave me  efore and now I have a sharp heart pain, something just now banned extremelly loudly here making the pain unberable, having extremelly bad headache now too, pause for a second and yelling and motor torture continues, stopped a few times to cover up when i wrote it started and then continued right after to torture regardless of how they know they already made me feel.
They continued, such a loud yelling increases blood pressure it was done to me systematically and such a loud motor running non stop, suddenly and constantly causes heart to race for as fast as they need it, so my head has two painful spasms and the heart area feels impaired and the pain radiated down my back, this pain occured the first time at Starbucks a few days ago where they tortured with a very loud screeching, so there is that pain, heart pain, headache and head spasms and pain radiating to my back worsened and restarted now during this torture and the torture continues.