Sunday, November 13, 2016

Interrupted me writing posts on the funny Russian facebook website, bigots witch hunting and making it as always about them, they not only think they are better than black people and all immigrants second class citizens, they think they are better than anyone, any people in any country, just like nazis did, thats why their corrupt conscience allow them to do things they do to people, di fake typo now here as in die imagine, here is your evidence when bigots are rubbed the wrong way they cant handle that and hide their goals and agenda.

PS.When I came now to do laundry woman kept asking me where I came from, are you Russian she asked, how long have you lived in Canada, why have you been here so long, when I answered I lived here since 1992, she said she is asking because she has friends who are Russians and Ukrainians, so kept insisting where ARE YOU CAME from, I told her I lived in Canada since 1992, I was asked the question where I am from since I lived here because of my accent, I speak a few languages, I speak Russian, Ukrainian and English, some people rolled their eyes when they heard my accent, some yelled go home to me ( I told her thank you for expressing your interest about where I came from, I am glad you are not among those people)  my son grew up in Canada, we came when he was very little, he doesnt have an accent, noone asked him where he came from, I told this woman also that there are a lot of Jewish people who were born in Ukraine, my family lives in Israel now ( bomb like door slam here on the word Israel made me very sick, blood rushed to my head, v fake typo here, breathing stopped, heart beating felt like stopped, nausea started, very difficult to breath, bad headache now started, head pressure, head feels like it is squeesed ). I told her I too have Russian and Ukrainian friends, I told her that Ukraine like Canada and like Israel and like Russia are beautiful countries, when I told her you know what the most beautiful country is United States of America but when I said that she didnt listen till I finished and walked out on me talking about America, snitch just arrived and raised her leg and now making copy cat moves, law enforcement started sexually harassing me while planting false bipolar evidence on mentioning America, she continues while moving her legs and touching herself, disgusting, wearing white and black, left as soon as I wrote this, woman who looked like gay walked in and out, on me opening to edit blog post and return along with the woman who asked me all these questions, they make her come to the phone and she keeps on leaving.

11:30 I am at Tim Hortons, I wanted to add comments I remembered I told her that a lot of Jewish people lived in Ukraine and Russia and immigrated to Israel, this is all in regards to this law enforcement trying to hide that I am Jewish by Jewish law and trying because I participate at the Russian website on Facebook that posts very funny posts that I am a communist and possibly even a Russian spy, with skills like that to spot a spy theyll be looking for spies all their lifes without finding one, so these old boys from the corrupted old boys unite club have been playing this game card for 4 years now as an excuse to severely abuse and harass under these false pretences and as a part of their witch hunt they enjoy playing here so they can get away with political crime they commit in the meantime.

3:05 pm
non stop impairement here at all times in the library, nazis persist with their shticks and agenda, they interrupt my every emotion by their noises trying to turn me into a heartless psycho and do the aa
same thing to my son, their "aa" fake typo here is a proof of exactly that.