Friday, November 04, 2016

Shaken yesterday on Wednesday during whole Mrs. Clinton video in front of the large crowd, on typing now someone started yelling now, exhaust raved and continue, snitch started shaking me now,feeling very dizzy. shaken on President Obama video about Health care when I smiled so Id stop smiling. 11:15 pm shaken me on this tweet after i smiled looking at the picture so Id stop smiling, exhaust raved and continue on me typing now 11:25 pm shaken me on search of President Lyndon Johnson quotes raved exhaust right away after the shake, have lotsbof heart pain, stiff neck, feeling very dizzy and very nauseous, bad headache 11:49 pm saved quote Home is where your heart is pointing on America shook me when i saved it, k fake typo. 12:03 am shook on Michelle Obama tweet about women banned right after then raved exhaust 12:10 am tweet reply from Peta shook on tweet and typing Read about more exciting victories 12:20 am tweet and comment crazy ambicious shook me, exhaust raved, banned loudly 12:22 am shake,ban,raving exhaust 12:26 am shake exhaust i find it amusing when those who hate so much turn the tables on me, continuesly rave exhaust and torture without boundaries shook, e raved exhaust super loudly eaved fake typo again exhaust rave In the morning I was told that the one who shook me complained that I have shaken her and because of that I cant continue ti stay. Covered up and got away with abuse the usual. Wanted me to complain to manager, I am against businesses agenda. Made Bacpackers loose money because I was going to stay much linger, have no regard to businesses or anyone except their fradulous agenda. Told clerk to help me to find accomodation, to plant false evidence I cant help myself like the comment in a bogus document from ER from the doctor who never spoken to me. Forced me to the street again now. Clerk on my way out suggested for me to go to Salvation Army they will help ( they dont have a shelter here I asked before, d as in dear fake typo to remove, they need Sakvation Army for me notvto go cause it bipolar false evidence, because of funny picture they posted in newspaper looking like me, ever since they got obsessed with Salvation Army, news I was a monthly donor and stayed almost a year at their shelter in Toronto, one honk to dismiss that now here) Clerk talked to me while all this time reading and looking at pc screen repeating what law enforcement tells her to say. I wrote a note for the manager and told them what happened. I will stay at Backpackers again, like I stayed with them before in Toronto, they are a lovely affordable hostel and I liked it, I told them its not their fault at all.