Friday, January 13, 2017

So curious how this tactic by law enforcement of redirecting negative feeling works, I searched for being a victim of abuse law enforcement switched my keyboard to Russian then Ukrainian before I can get to English keyboard then there is American President and my son and my mom and American government and everything American, thats at whom and where law enforcement redirects their severe abuse and torture and all dispicable things they do and just in case sprinkle a little bit of humour aka funny fake typo to stop me now writing this about them and to destruct and make me loose my thought, now this sadist that controls my phone got angry and starts showing his attitude, imagine such unaccountable sadists on my phone hiding somewhere in his office knowing noone will ever know what he does day after day to abuse, they get sick these people who torture I read and start getting high from severely abusing people the more severely they abuse me the better these people in law enforcement feel and they hide evidence of what they do instantly and get rid of evidence I write down about what they do on my phone, after human rights tribunal told me to write down everything they do and I said I do next day all my memos were gone, they deleted them, they vanished, I was writing down exact times and places were they were physically assaulting me and beating and causing injuries and all the other things about this harassment exact and in details they destroyed them and blocked me from using my old gmail account where I saved evidence print screens of what they did, they checked two step verification which i cancelled on log in, i didnt check it and saw it literally got checked after I clicked enter, my phone was cancelled and thats why i disabled 2 step, ever since I cant log in into my account, it happened when i visited my family in Israel on my sisters ipad, that account also had ca letters which stands for Canada, thats another false evidence they planted, I have tried many times to restore it and they prevented me from gaining access to my account every time and also of course keeps sending verification codes to old phone number I dont have, thats how they took care of that evidence.