Saturday, April 29, 2017

Continuesly in a manipulatuve way trying to influence me to post something that theyve done on my phone to compromise former American President and in fact intentionally do something in hopes that Id write about that and then aggresivelly try to manipulatively influence me to write what they have done with this goal in mind dud for 4 years and continue pursuing this goal as well as aggresivelly sabotaging me listening to USA news on tv, reading newsletters from Amerucab government and continue doing dispicable things to American flag images and pledge of Alligence continuesly do things on my phone to compromise former American President, just disgusting what this organisation have done and continue foing on my phone and niw this sadistic sexually ibsessed osychopatic killer in whose custody I am and who control my phone here in Kitchener threatening my life us doing to accomplish this goal, sickening.
PS.I am leaving as evidence what this organisation planted by fake typos after i wrote this post for people to see what they do.