Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I am browsing a funny Russian Facebook page and law enforcement plants false evidence, I wrote a memo about that, they do not want me smile, laugh, think and agressively stop that and do everything to make me depressed by abusing and have actually psychological tools to make one cry using torture that causes pain noticing a moment of sadness they achieved by abuse which can be and is mental, emotional and physical including sexual harassment all severe, know the tricks how to do that and instantly like now cover it all up with the help of fake typos, typing on my phone, pretending I do that, imagine!
Very scary, dishonest and manipulative people, embarassed they are canadians,
they plant such appauling false evidence by using manipulative tools that it makes you enraged!
Dangerous. Knowing their professional ability to turn anyone against anyone they want, this I believe a very serious concern to really the whole world community!
PS. And they do this without leaving their office, without leaving Canada, imagine what they can do to people, to families, to anyone whoever they want considering it is dishonest and all covered up and no accountability whatsoever at all, I am being killed here and noone cares here at all whatsoever they covered it all up and the biggest cover mental ilness that exists on bogus paper and accompanied by them causing fake symptoms! But what real is they agressively work on depressing a person by severely abusing everyway possible in hopes to use that person as a prop against whoever they want, they just raved the motor to make me angrier thats how they do this, reading keystrokes using pain they cause to escalate negative feelings they caused and continue to cause. As a victim of this corrupted dishonest organisation I will say again and again do not ever turn to violence, do not let anyone use you to harm, hurt anyone, do not let anyone to brainwash you, consciensly and at all times and in all circumstances be always considerate to other people feelings, make an effort to be understanding, do not judge, refuse violence and take a stand against it no matter what life throws at you, no matter how unfair and unjust, remember that noone has a right to hurt any other human being, redirect negative emotions and use them as a fuel for good, take your power to turn negative energy brought on to you without your desire to be angry into a positive energy and use it for peace instead of war, instead of someone wanting you to do something bad to others do million times more good, when someone wants you to hate spread more love, kindness, compassion and stand always for values that bind all people of goodwill together and unite them as brothers and as sisters instead of causing divide trying to turn them into enemies, do not believe in war, believe in peace and goodness in all people and dont ever loose hope and belief that truth and justice must prevail if your cause is honest and right. I read a tweet today about Gods armour and I thought of love and kindness and compassion
that what the God armour meant to me. And I read after what Gods armour is. When I was a young girl I wanted to be a nun and all through my life I thought about it, the one reason I didnt become a nun is because I didnt like to live in seclusion and because I love people very much not to live among them, but I always lived with the thought in mind that God knows
my every thought and everything I do and this was my guide through my whole life.
I lived my whole life followed my conscience, so that I can sleep at peace and I did and I still do and  always will.
PS. Now on me adding the word seclusion I translated in the context that I didnt want to live in seclusion this happened:
law enf moved page to grey border now planted false evidence its not true, grey is a negative color in their fraud colors and numbers system they forced on everyone and manipulate it to gain advantage above everyone and win, winning for them means proving that lies they say are the truth, thats why they plant false evidence and get rid of real evidence on my phone, imagine, because the lies will help to achieve their agenda and get away with crimes commited, making people intentionally ill I think is a crime, among crimes against humanity, torturing people to death all covered up unaccountable must be a crime, they mentally abused my son who has done nothing to them why is that allowed? Severely abused me for 4 years and severely sexually harassed why is that ok and why I am prevented to even get a lawyer, why false evidence is allowed in law enforcement to be planted on anyones phone and why it is even a consideration to use someones phone in such manner, why they can get rid of real evidence without any accountability, why such abuse of power to cause inhumane suffering day after day, year after year is noones concern? Many whys, unfair and unjust and unprecendented and regardless of this all, I stand by what I wrote in this post and anyone who reads this please do too, arm yourself with love and kindness and compassion and hope and stand on guard of real true humane values and contribute to making our world a better place to be for everyone in it no matter how little of a person you are, remember even a smallest drop is a part of the ocean and the ocean is our world that we all live in, contribute with all the goodness that you possibly can with all your heart and with everything you possibly can, may God bless us all and may it keep our world in peace and secure filled with love not hate. Let us take a very good care of our world and each other. May our homes no matter where we live be filled with love and peace.