Sunday, May 08, 2016

Freezing so cold at Tim Hortons on Facebook and Twitter browsing as soon as I started, forcing me away from socializing on social media.

Posting as is from my memo app with the typos law enforcement made:
Some people wake up, stretch and enjoy Freedom.
Some people wake ip, stretch and defend it.
( after i saved image with this saying, everytime i stretched they very loudly ban and slam, when I opened this message they just extremelly loudly banned, making me ill giving instant very bad headache, lots of heart pain and shortness of breath that how loudly someone banned on me opening it ( exhaust again) and exhaust just raved over and over).
Woman just yelled He is not here and exhaust raved and continue raving.
Thats the image, law enforcement os preventing me from adding images from my phone, I have it saved on my phone.
Thats the full size view:

Lets see I copied it instead, yep it worked, hope all can see it now :)!

Nope it dissappeared and url seemed to be changed completely. Sitting here at the Second Cup on King and Bathurst, just wrote this pasting as is: They can make a person choke and die, yelled "company" on me about to swallow a cake and i started choking! Remember any famous people choke? I do.

 Another memo posting as is with law enforcement fake typos and fake spaces, internet disconnected after a tweet about Mom, asking what your Mom taught you about being an enterpreneur, scrolling stopped by error after that message: disconnected after moms tweet from te twitter a i and internet created fke typo fke spaces copy cat ( woman lookied like me) made aggresive move with her hand in front of the window I sat, teen raised his legs high in marching motion standing at the intersection before crossing the road. Took out, started eating banana "Mom mommy" child started screaming.

This is how they actually create psychosis and influence people to behave aggresively after abusing emotionally and mentally in order to make one angry then showing the desired for them behavior for you to copy.

Same is going on at the dorm, women yelling loudly non stop, spitting, talking extremelly loudly or quietly to themselves non stop.

Everything including where I can sit and beside whom already was prearranged while I was on the way here, they torture me here with very loud slam near the coffee machine, cooperating with law enforcement...but torture doesnt exist in Canada, I wonder if everybody who has done that everyday these three years know.

Physical abuse continues too, my feet are hurting, all day long on my feet and new shoes have a thick back that gets into the ankle, so on my step when I am about to make it, loud sudden voice on the left and person blocks my way on the right side at the same time car passing making loud exhaust, that makes you ( made me ) loose balance and hurt my feet more, all the way to the Second Cup, yesterday, all the time since my feet hurt, made me step to the side, made me run to the bus ( bus driver then tortures by violent shaking ) this is to plant false evidence that my mental disorder will make me cause serious harm to myself, 3 years abuse and harassment to cause severe depression and created a bogus form, they know there is no mental disorder, there is false evidence and abuse. Imagine the LAW enforcement, I am saying mob.
