Sunday, July 24, 2016

Torturing mercillesly ar the cafe Early Bird, the slamming was so extremely loud and piercing, caused the most sharp excruciating pain in my head, same heart pain, cant breath, banning continues, two informants arrived started to talk very loudly. Happened on me replying to the Facebook post at the Russian Facebook group, informants left as soon as I wrote about them.
This is the post I replied to:

Was tortured and sleep deprived all week, aggresive false evidence planted, continue hitting me and causing indirectly to hurt myself thus planting false evidence, sexually harassed, emotionally abused.

PS. Law enforcement now by telling these kids who work here to ban that loud made me feel so sick that I can have a stroke or a heart attack right now and this ( us fake typo) continues here for 4 years,
and they want US be responsible for thus! Imagine that, thats why they planted this fake typo!