Monday, October 31, 2016

I left reply to the tweet about FBI and a facebook post on Hillary Clinton Facebook in regards to the letter from FBI Director Mr.Comey, today I saw a tweet about Mr.Holder response about Mr.Comey letter in regards to Mrs.Clinton investigation that I havent seen at all before I wrote my replies, it showed on my twitter ( laugh here ) feed that it was posted 11 hours ago. My reply about FBI There is a tweet about what Mr.Holder said in regards to Mr.Comey letter on this Twitter account the 11 hours ago tweet is nowhere to be found, the link to washington post article from thet mentioned tweet about Mr.Holder response getting blocked by pop up that Ive 0 free articles to read, I dont read Washington post articles often and I am not subsribed to their Twitter account, and I can't copy and paste link url here. And this is a Facebook post I replied to!/story.php?story_fbid=1304245086298684&id=889307941125736 1:19 pm running non stop hands shaking loud raving exhaust now after my blog post to make me look nervous as if I am in a rush, scammers. At about 2:25 pm these scammers saw i was taking down American flag off the wall cause I am leaving and when i took out two pins and flag got folded salvation army young girl stuffer who i waited on the phone got back to me while American flag was hanging folded on the wall so Id talk to her while the flag kept hanging folded like that. After I wrote this comment they brought the page up to the word FBI for me to scroll away from.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Have been very ill these days, again had a heart attack like episode on Friday with unberable heart pain and nausea and throwing up non stop and also Crohns flare with excruciating stomach pain, law enforcement just wouldnt leave me alone abusing physically at all times. Was feeling very weak Saturday, was very difficult to talk, felt like blacking out all day, this episode happened the night before and started late afternoon till night and all Saturday night. Tortured today on Sunday all morning through afternoon, having all this time a terrible headache which is getting worse and worse by this extreme banning and the usual what law enforcement does racing my heart non stop by loud exhaust sound achieved by two, three, four cars driving together one after another over and over by my window, heart have been racing non stop and I have lots of heart pain too, they are torturing this morning non stop with loud construction like sounds, very loud non stop banning and exhaust, thats how torture in Canada is covered up and done.

 I remembered how actual construction was set up all of sudden constructing nothing across the tiny street near my building in winter used for the same reasons, it also had a peculiar name. Here I recorded both construction and exhaust noise, 4 years ago it started, 4 years they have tortured me severely and abused severely every way possible, you can see also a little bit of a fake construction there too, they had it for months there since winter till it gotten warmer when something gotten finally "done" but used it for torture reasons when there was nothing going on and you can see doors to Federal building garage where the cars doing the same thing were driving in and out till I took pictures of them many times.

PS. Law enforcement just created two posts, one new, one identical, they have done this in Ottawa before, same ways, interfering with freedom of speech has never concerned them, preventing me also from seeing what I type.

2:00 pm Getting ready to leave, packing my clothes in backpack, on every move they make low frequency raving constantly exhaust sound that gets quiet when i stop, after a while when they continue it races the heart so much that that causes hands to shake too and it creates an illusion as if you are in a rush, as if someone is after you, as if you are nervous, schizofrenic symptom, thats how this criminal law enforcement commits crimes against humanity, placing mental labels on people, you know what makes these symptoms dissapear not hearing this exhaust, placing ear plugs stops this fake created by law enforcement symptom, they made informant behind the wall loudly talk non stop too at the same time, loud chatter raises blood pressure, they have subjected me to intentional loud chatter near me all this time.

2:05 pm Now they rave engine on me opening to write in this post, so Id suffer and stop, b fake typo, redirecting the feelings that caused at American President I have been a supporter for many years, just by planting B, when needed they redirect at my son planting his initial also. 2:11 pm law enforcement have changed word American from capital letter to lowercase as in american President.

2:57 pm Worth mentioning before I came to Canada I had to go through all doctors, I have no any mental illness no did anyone in my family ever had any mental illness, imagine what this law enforcement in Canada does to shut people up!!! And I have real not bogus documents to prove that in any legitimate court.

5:34 pm engine suddenly raved on this tweet about voting for Hillary Clinton:

Friday, October 28, 2016

Imagine someone intentionally doing things that upset you, physically harm you and insult you and violate you and beat you and harass and bully and hurt physically,emotionally,mentally and sexually harasses you,  agressively, violently 24/7 everyday and night for 4 years and plant false evidence that you did something you didnt, that have never crossed your mind, and so so much more to demean and degrade you and trying to kill you day after day this is what Canadian law enforcement does to me day and night fir 4 years. Imagine how would you feel. And they get away with this covering themselves up right away. And they also have an idea to make American President and American government to be responsible for their crime!!!!!!! Appauled!!!
I read the advice not to smoke among other factors to prevent a heart attack and it occured to me why law enforcement all these 4 years of harassment continuesly tried to subject me to the tobacco smoke, to not only make me inhale intentionally blown in my face tobacco smoke but blown tobacco smoke continuesly in my hair and clothes as if I smoke and I always wondered what they do this for, like say when i come in into the shelter, someone blew smoke in my hair many times standing in the entrance door or when id be going to a doctor appointment someone just would blow tobacco smoke literally in my face, so it daunted on me after I read that advice its a cover up that if I die from a heart attack there will be cooked witnesses to say that I smoked, I dont smoke at all, there were many other times subjecting me to tobacco smoke so my clothes would smell before lots of people would gather around.
Preventing from getting treatment to see cardyologyst.
Continue torture that causes heart attack symptoms during what appeared like a heart attack is an evidence law enforcement wants me to have a heart attack, equals to want me to die.
So thats a planned intentional killing by torture that causes heart race, to cause heart attack, heart failure and strokes.
I am having heart attack symptoms now because of non stop torture with exhaust that races my heart non stop and they have raced my heart non stop since I have been here.

Fake typos planted by law enforcement after i saved the post, its a false evidence they continue to plant, tortured me mercilessly after I published this post all night.

Making loud exhaust on me removing br tags that dont make any difference and made screen move for me to touch the word HTML on top, created space where they needed to split the text so it wouldnt make sense and made me look like i dont know what i am talking about, thats has been their 4 years goal to cause fake mental disorder symptoms and to make me sound and look like I am a crazy person, this shtick with numbers and colors and spelling one of those things, they make it look like it means something, use it to plant false evidence but believing that this nonsense means something and even writing about it would make anyone sounds nuts and thats the catch about it, means nothing to me, I said it before and I am saying this now and continue saying that, I want though everyone to know what these people who suppose to save and protect do, what harm they cause and that the harm they cause cost lives, that is why I am writing about everything they do ( banning outside loudly after each thought I finish writing.)
This is a corrupted through and through criminal organisation, that gets away with their crimes, in an environment where noone stops them or can stop them. And at night planted div tags and made lots of loud exhaust on me removing those. its also about spelling, what these HTML tags, that i didnt pay any attention represent to them, untill they got that under their control, so that no matter where I make a space in my post now to empathise and seperate text, they do something that the space tags dont work at all and plant their false evidence again using spaces where i didnt make a remove spaces where I made them completely and edit what I write to plant fake typos I didnt make, I wouldnt pay attention to that if it wouldnt undermine what I wrote to suit their fradulous agenda and if I didnt have to type in br tags myself, which in this post were disabled by law enforcement with the help of bonet, even though i typed them except one they have made that splits the text so it would stop making sense. When you fight corruption it indeed fights back and how do you make such people accountable, when they are trying to kill me and using people by telling them whats not true to support them plant false evidence and continue abuse, when even newspapers support them, I wrote I wish people in prisons knew about them planting false evidence, because I wonder how many people there that were wrongly accused, Ottawa Citizen newspaper to which I wrote about this abuse didnt respond but they published next day an article after I mentioned prisons about a man gotten longer sentence than he was put there for and in a subtle way explained why cause he was violent. And thats not inly Ottawa citizen, every other newspaper publish stories everyday to back up this scam, they are easily recognised with the same numbers, colors and fradulous law enforcement agenda. None of the newspapers responded to my letters about severe abuse of human rights. So about these fake typos, spaces, tags, nusense like that, IMPORTANT point is Canadian law enforcement PLANTS FALSE EVIDENCE AGAINST INNOCENT PEOPLE AND GETS AWAY WITH THAT WITHOUT ANY ACCOUNTABILITY. Just like they get away with the killing of the innocent people!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

This is how what I can do on the internet is controlled by law enforcement. Trying to post a tweet. 7:54 pm
scariest exhaust ooooh
on this little scam showing -44 characters on this tweet I have tried to post:
Presidential Proclamation -- Military Family Month, 2016 "We must always be there for our service members and their families -- just as ( 140 here) they are there for us." -17 not -44
scary sound here ha ha
( 2 bans after i saved this on blogger )
7:59 pm
@tatiana_charko #POTUS Let us honor their resolve and patriotism and uphold our solemn responsibility to ensure the priorities of our Nation (100 here) reflect the priorities of our military famili/es. -2 character after I counted not hundreds like in the error in red text above ( forgot to remove second time comments from my memo lol)
cant post this now too much characters also, thought deleting my comments will bring itvto -2 but nope.
they show -61 characters lol, on deleting comments i left lol, local call goes through without comments, a ring minute changed to 6 haha that was the attempt on characters number lol - comments :) / lox lica fake typos right away)
this now shows -6 characters @tatiana_charko #POTUS and uphold our solemn responsibility to ensure the priorities of(78)our Nation reflect the priorities of our military families ( but in real its just 128 characters in total)
Control squad, ha ha minute changed to 4 to cover themselves up, 4 is a negative number thats why they need numbers system to abuse and cook false evidence with its help. 8:14 pm on save
PS.Already masterminded and created an identiacal second post, 2 is a negative number, freezing every letter now to make the second post be there longer.

Still couldnt post what I wanted because of them controling:

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

2:30 pm law enforcement sabotaging me posting this comment to Campbells soup company doing everything they can on my phone so i couldnt send that ( even planting fake typo could instead of couldnt here to amuse themselves, one ban when i typed the word couldnt - false evidence racist agenda fake typo, imagine):
@CampbellSoupCo Hi, I just love your chicken broth in a 900 ml package, I am in a situation where I can not store in a refrigirator whats left in a package so it gets bad while there are a lot of chicken broth still left, I have a suggestion, it would be so useful to have your broth packaged in a small containers for one time use in a pack of many, this way no broth would be wasted, i buy the no salt one because of heart problems and high blood pressure and it is so tasty, please consider my suggestion, I am looking forward to find such individual containers at the stores here in Ottawa and continue buying chicken broth made by your company that I love. Sending my best wishes and regards.

You know whats good about freedom of speech that it works like a charm, use it when you come across injustice, fraud, scams and crimes, dont ever be afraid to speak up against that.

Verification emails arrived, time when I can receive something is manipulated also, they have arrived as soon as I wrote and published this post, showing time 20 minutes ago and the second one 15 minutes ago, what continuesly flubergusting to me the extent of false evidence amd no boundaries this law enf wont cross to plant it, I wish people in prisons knew that!How is it possible, why is that allowed or even considered to disregard real evidence in such way and plant by LAW ENFORCEMENT AN EVIDENCE OF THEIR OWN and discard of real evidence!!!
12:20 pm there is a woman looks like with a down syndrom, helps law enf,so they send her to say something bad or do something bad and she comes back right away as soon as i am leaving, now near kitchen when i was leaving, she stood near the table, so id have to walk by her, bended, with behind turned to me in green top ( green negative color in law enf scam book), shed come without saying anything before id leave too and was used in color false evidence to walk by wearing certain colors, appearing at certain times to plant false evidence, the point is they by making her sat down near when i walk away or come when i walk, when its obvious i am walking away is a false evidence that i leave when who appears like a mentally ill woman comes near me, imagine these scammers and thats actually started after i was nice to her,I have no any negative feelings towards her at all whatsoever ( sudden exhaust now to cause negative feelings, m fake typo to remove in the word now, this kind of nonsense continuesly going on on my phone to mentally abuse me by law enf) same with a stuffer here who i was nice after that she was told to tell me all kind of disciplinary (sudden exhaust now to make me feel angry) things, that dont make ( high pitch sound) sense, telling me on law enf request in demanding strict manner that I need to do this, so they expect an outburst reaction and the things they make her come up with are nowhere written or told to me by other stuffers, thats how they provoke people to react, I told her today with a smile that noone said that before and there is always something new and that she is nice and I dont want to argue.

Monday, October 24, 2016

4:03 pm motor raved suddenly on closing this tweet from Hillary Clinton, got closed only on the second click:
7:46 pm paper towel just rolled on this opening and reading, battery dropped from 2 to 1% when i wrote that
Yesterday was reading article in Democrats website:
well we are going to make sure we change congress - on these words loud sudden long exhaust
Now at 4:10 on this tweet by Hillary Clinton, sudden paper towel roll, tweet wouldnt open in a seperate window to copy the link, cloch changed on opening blog from 4:10 pm to 4:11 pm and just now they typed before i could type 11 10, numbers are constantly manipulated on my phone to suit the fradulous agenda as well as spelling to plant false evidence:
"The energy we’re seeing out there isn’t just about what we’re against—it’s about what we’re for: a future in which everyone counts."
4:27 pm scary sounding engine rave on this tweet:
4:59 pm
constantly manipulating everything planting false evidence on my phone while torturing with exhast, minutes changed on saving to 5:00 pm
Law enforcement allowed me today to reply to messages to the posts I left on heart support forums after I left tweets yesterday that i couldnt reply.
5:39 pm I am in excruciating pain and was through the night, Chrohns flare continues, law enforcement continues torturing with exhaust, have a lot of heart pain now after motor raved suddenly on me typing this, exhaust was sudden and constant before, they force me to pay attention to it thats how they torture and make my heart race, 4 years of this since this abuse started, they get high from causing such suffering while watching me in agony, I read people who torture become sadists and become addictive to causing suffering, guessing the more they make me suffer the more satisfaction and high they get, one loudest slam here now on car making very loud sudden exhaust followed by two bans outside and torture by exhaust continues, they are professionals at this and noone needs to know that people get tortured so cruely in Canada, will cover it up by placing a mental label on me along with unending list of false accusations supported by false evidence and cooked witnesses.
I make spaces when I write but they remove, its an html tag
,had to copy and paste it in the previous posts after they started doing that, makes it difficult to read the post, mental abuse and brainwashing continues non stop when i type, replacing what i type with suggesting insults instead, this is how my phone is being used for 4 years now ( hammer like ban when I wrote about this here ) along with planting false evidence on it non stop, harassing me, bullying, trying to make me angry non stop to control me, what an unprecedented abuse of power and complete disregard of the human rights.
9:50 pm canadian law enforcement liked a tweet for me so Id unlike it , jerked the page to accomplish that, sucking up and covering up what theyve done before and done many times and will continue doing after sucking up and covering up. Then brought up a Heart and stroke account for me to close and move away from and planted i fake typo here to cover themselves up as if it was all done by me, thats the idea of them planting false dvidence day in and day out, literally 24/7.
11:13 pm I added a picture of American flag to my youtube channel, law enforcement wouldnt let me choose stars on the blue background together with red stripes ( banned one time when i wrote this then another time now, just red stripes, played till I mentioned that that I will write about it, then they let go and snitch on me saving background with American flag ran right away and rolled the paper towel on American flag, thats why i said before that they have no respect to American flag!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Law enforcement kept awake all night and tortured waking up with exhaust and bans and loud paper towel roll near my room through the night on exact time when id move and i open eyes, they are monitoring, thats the evidence, on exact my move, they need to see me to do that, kept heart racing all night, have a burning kind of heart pain and a feeling of the blood rashed to head, head feels squeesed and painful.

In the morning ran exhaust on pills swallowing in my room that i almost chocked. Tortured despite the fact I had stomach pain, torturing with exhaust now when I write and non stop through the night and morning.

This happened yesterday, I brushed my long hair before leaving to get some grocceries and opened exit door, law enf made cars drove very fast right the time I made a first step out the door, so that all my hair flew to my face, giving me a hair mess and a "crazy" look, they have done this for 4 years using cars to create an air stream to get this effect, planted "c" fake typo here as in see, imagine, this person with bonet always makes creepy typos as if to communicate c y etc, informant who i thought was my friend at the old apartment cut the chunk of my hair at the front in the beginning of this harassment to give another "crazy" look, before she told she was a hairdresser and gave me a beautiful haircut, I was after surgeries and couldnt go to hair salon so that was helpful, when harassment started she said she was not a hairdresser, stormed out of my apartment after cutting the chunk of my hair and stopped talking and being my friend all of a sudden, i tried to say hi after but she wouldnt say and ignored, I didnt held a grudge, I forgot about it and wore my long hair in a ponytail all summer till it grown back, i had 2 more friends like that both government informants too turns out during this harassment, they were not there for me and didnt help when I needed a place to stay and had nowhere to go at night, acted as informants, someone just ran to roll the paper towel near my door again to cover this fact up lol as soon as I wrote this :), its like a really smooth operation. Conviniently I now appeared to have no friends, they talked to me and reported what Id say.
 So after my post law enforcement making strides by keeping me awake at night and making my hair a mess to support a mentally ill agenda they tried to achieve for 4 years.
You know when something hapens you think nothing of that, when exact thing happens again, you kind go "hmm" and when the same thing happens for 4 years the same way under certain conditions and it suits the fradulous agenda you notice that and start paying attention to when it happened and what caused it and who was there when this happen and how that was achieved and you get answers to your questions :) lol.  This whole Wonderland set up amazes me to be honest and no wonder it reminds me of the Alice being in Wonderland, hence I got a book with me now to read again, really thinking to write a book of my own, I think I should, people need to know about secretive crimes against humanity, lawyers cant help to stop this abuse, noone seem to be able to hold these people accountable and they just continue, looks like for them this is business as usual, flubergusting to me, so going to make an effort to write this book, I dwelled on it for a long time, not knowing how to write it but I think I'll just write it the best way I can and go from there.

PS. And another thing to prove covered that I am not outdorsy cause now I am tired and sleepy and will stay in, done that before also continuesly, I love outdoors but I sure will not be going outdoors when I am in pain and was kept awake all night and want to sleep, in Toronto I had to even after the same thing would be done no matter what the weather would be and no matter how ill I felt and I stayed outside till I could return and often all day, I stayed when feeling really ill at the near by Hospital ER, there were cafes on the first floor and Shoppers and a beautiful dining area with trees, comfortable chairs and tables so I could buy some food and in case get medical help for my heart and Crohns at ER, they made a spectacle there, security guard got violent and rude and I never came back there after it happened, I wrote about what happened before.
10:34 am
Law enforcement keeping the lie alive, I posted on the heart support forum and I wanted to send reply that I feel sorry they feel this way, to wish them a good day and to take care, I couldnt log in I got an error I was restricted by administrator, i opened an incognito window and was able to log in no error at all, there was my post and reply and an option to reply, page jumped to option new post everytime i clicked on reply, I thought I'll post and address this explaining i cant reply and leave anonymous reader a reply this way but after i wrote it button post didnt respond, someone just rushed to roll the paper towell lol.

1:00 pm on the article about community and last Frontier jerked page twice: copied this link on paste this pasted

link was from Coast Guard twitter account

It has always been about community and false evidence I dont care about comminity, which is completely the opposite of how I feel ( 1 honk right away - dismissed ) and who I am, I care very much about people and communities, thats why I wrote about overcharging at the store and treating poor people badly, thats why I always tried to make a difference as much as I possibly can being just a very little person and never ever bragged about any little things I have always done no matter where I live to make people lives there even a little bit better, thats just what always made and continue to make me happy, its important to me, people lives matter to me very much so, very very much so thats why I sacrificed my privacy and started to write this blog because I care so much about people, all people, no matter what nationality they are, where they came from, what sexual orientation they are, I love people and care and will always, always do, I want to make this world a little bit a better place than when I got here and after I leave it, but I want to stay for as long as I can so I can do more, thats what I care about very much, very very much so.

Just before around 2:20 pm in my room looking at the American flag I said "just the most beautiful thing", walked out the door, stalker woman in blue walked by me, blue is a negative color, so law enforcement heard my words and made her walk right after i said that, thats just I think the most hurtful thing in the whole world to me to do by this law enforcement, really hurt my feelings when I saw her do it. Planted fake typo o to remove here twice now, O stands for American President Obama, imagine what these people think they can do and do on my phone.
2:46 pm torturing non stop with exhaust, heart races non stop, having heart pain, lots of stomach pain, Chrohns flared up.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

3:09 pm
On Peta Asia tweeter account
reading their tweets after reading article on their website to save dogs followed a tweet on Peta USA. Memo I wrote:
law enforcement continuesly abuse me mentally and emotionally with bonets help
planted fake typos: onets bonest
interfear, blink on tweets, flash tweets before other tweets, highlight words all in order to falsely prove i am heartless and want to make me heartless, it literally would be like taking my soul and my heart out in order for them to accomplish their goal.
Ottawa law enforcement controls what I type, how I can type, freezes page, makes page jump, places cursor where they need to place it, where I can place the cursor, how many times i can click, controlling on the phone and destructing and controlling with exhaust to interrupt what i write when they need, preventing from scrolling to the end of the post to continue writing, page is held and i cant scroll, so i copy all the text and write in memo app and paste back, doing the same in memo app, plants false evidence this way, completely disregarding a notion of the freedom of speech and actual evidence replacing it with false one, getting rid of evidence, aggresively trying to influence and limit what i can type, preventing me from seeing what i type to make it very difficult to write my blog posts, controlling what I do at all times. Freedom of speech is not free and these people stand on guard from anyone finding out about crimes they are involved with all they can, it is exactly why I continue writing despite of they resistance to cover their crimes up.

Friday, October 21, 2016

6:54 pm
banned heavily on the wall right where my head is, very close,  before phone screen light up on log in, caused heart pain, caused heart to stop beating, caused shortness of breath, caused instant headache. So what kind of emotion should i feel and what kind of facial expression should i have? Supposed to be false evidence cause they are monitoring. Imagine!

It is in regards to the memo I wrote how Canadian law enforcement plants false evidence that someone is mentally ill and cause by severe abuse people to become mentally ill.

To cause brain damage - shake head for a long time, making it look as if it was done unintentionally.

To cause speech stumbling interrupt by loud sounds after each word

To make it look as if a person cant sleep make loud sound at exact time a person is about to fall asleep.

To cause self injury - destruct by sounds or snitch moving from the ditches to cause feet injuries, on taking a sip someone walks out suddenly out of somewhere causing to chalk, etc.

To cause severe itching ( this like others are symptoms of schizofrenia) they noticed torture by exhaust made  scratch so they made more and more and more exhaust encouraging this symptom intentionally, not only this causes self injury but a false symptom like other symptoms that dont happen at all without law enforcement involvement.)

To make someone look like they are a danger to themselves and others make informants walk suddenly without a person seeing them but they see a person and hurt a person making it look like a person hurt them and themselves.

To plant false evidence antisocial and isolate, actually isolate, surrounding with abusers, preventing from sociolising with people who I like and who like me, either preventing and destructing that person and withdraw them from talking to me, they are called to be somewhere else , phone rings or make people who were nice before say bad things and be mean and rude all of a sudden, so that how isolation works.

To cause psychosis - make loud sound to interrupt a person as soon as they laugh, smile, think while severely abusing physically and abusing emotionally to make angry by doing appauling things.

To abuse emotionally to cause bipolar repeatedly insult and plant false evidence a person got insulted, regardless if they didnt!

To make someone look impaired mentally and be impaired cognitively,  impair a person by bringing intentionally their attention to sounds, not letting them think about anything else and preventing from thinking clearly, creating a zombi like effect.

To make it look as if a person incapable of doing things on their own, at exact time when a person say takes a byte, sips water, opens a door lock, sew, anything they interfer and make a person attention destructed from what they were about to do, making them look incapable then when a person does something make a sound making it look that by making this sound the person done something with their help because of this sound, which is a complete lie.

To cause depression that will lead mental disorder intentionally abuse emotionally, physically and mentally.

To influence person to commit suicide subject to comments to commit suicide.

I know that hurting others is very wrong, so no matter what these people do to make me angry, I reject and always rejected violence, it is an unacceptable act in my mind.
I am glad that I have intelligence to look through this crime and it is I consider a crime to do terrible things like that to people, unacceptable, this is fashism in my book, therefor crimes against humanity, this is verg wrong and that is done by law enforcement in Canada, even more heart breaking to me, I love Canada, Canadian people dont deserve this, I dont deserve it, noone deserves to have these people do such things to them, fashism mustnt be tolerated in any society, why anyone can be permitted to do this and noone stops them and they can do and have done anything they want. Why?

PS. Charged phone battery died, law enforcement ran it down after the comments i wrote in PS about feeling very ill all day.
They made me very ill today, freezing every letter i type now, I had a lot of heart pain and Chrohns flared up because of the torture, theyve done what they do every morning caused heart attack symptoms by torture with sudden extremely loud sounds, this morning caused excruciating stomach spasms like other times, Chrohns caused by stress, stress causes inflamation and torture is stress, stomach went to excruciating painful spasm everytime they ran exhaust, together with a lot of heart pain it was unberable, but I somehow managed to get through it by taking care of myself, like I always do and have been doing that all my life, they froze the comment i wrote about this, page jumped to the word "on" at the top and the charged phone died and comment vanished, they need to prove that I cant take care of myself, hence every letter freezing now and making battery die.
So this was an evidence and they got rid of it, but i decided to write again, so in this scam 2 or doing something twice dismisses whats done or written, hence they constantly in this manipulative way force me to do things twice.
Went to do laundry at 9 pm, they planted false evidence there wouldnt let me go to the laundry till someone came in and started playing with red apples in front of me, red means negative.
Created 2 identical posts now, so its non stop, truth doesnt seem to exist in this "world", I witness what they mastermind and present as a truth to people, this is like Wonderland. I am amazed that law enforcement can disregard the truth, got rid of evidence and plant their own evidence and cook witnesses and dont have any concern doing that, as well as controlling what I can write on my blog, planted many fake typos to effect readers impression, to downplay what they do, hence created 2 posts to dismiss all of it with the help again of false evidence. And of course these fake typos are to plant false evidence against me, in what world would any law enforcement would consider doing such things normal? Flubergusting to me.
Just noticed they have created 6 extra identical posts and i deleted them and one more draft again, they were creating drafts and posts, all in order to make me look mentally ill, can you imagine what THIS LAW ENFORCEMENT does, I think all people need to know this.
Continue creating drafts, 2 more created, this way they plant false evidence, making me write about it and diverting people attention from the very bad things they do to this and wasting my time so i would edit these fake typos and delete these posts and couldnt write about things that really matter and couldnt do anything else, this actually was done constantly, time wasting like that, I am their hostage here and a victim, they disregard my human rights, disregard the truth, create their own "truth", it appears as if there are no laws for them. Saturday October 22. I wrote this in a memo but wanted to add to my post, that it is dispecable to intentionally make consistent efforts like Canadian law enforcement does to make someone mentally ill and falsely present as mentally ill.( Paper towel rolling here started, someone always runs to roll that paper towel to make sure these people crimes are covered up, that means dismissed.) And my thoughts are: I love people, I love socialising, I dont and never had trouble budgeting, I have no trouble sleeping, I never stumbled when speaking, I am not depressed, I dont want to commit suicide, I laugh at myself when someone picks fun at me, I am against violence and would never ever consider causing harm to anyone, and these people are trying to falsely prove all of this otherwise, only imagine the extent of their crimes against humanity, not just plant false evidence and cook witnesses to prove that and hide and get rid of evidence but continue to severely abuse in order to achieve their goal and make me mentally ill, hence mental,emotional,physical severe abuse and severe sexual harassment, shaking my head for 4 years to cause brain damage, froze,poisoned,beaten,burned,assaulted physically and sexually,caused concussions,mini strokes, heart attack symptoms daily and stroke symptoms daily, this severe harassment mustve caused severe depression in their plan, hence brainwashing comments to commit suicide, make others scream,yell at me, talk rudely and mean all these 4 years intentionally, hence to make me chock, trip and fall on destructing from seeing a ditch, making a loud sound everytime i reach a turn on the narrow stairs walking up and down, hitting me in a spine in the same place, hitting me in the same body parts, 4 years of this ( us fake typo here), trying to effect my memory by waking up upbrutly for 4 years, it leads to memory loss and memory loss leads to dementia, causing heart damage everyday and stroke symptoms by bringing my attention intentionally to loud sounds, motor sounds, wall banning, door slamming. (z- planted now fake typo.) Imagine thats what is being done to me to make me mentally ill to got rid of me and label me for writing about discrimination and being mistreated here in Canada and they turn the tables on me too by planting false evidence about me not liking police, me not liking Canada, me writing about overcharging at the store cause i dont like businesses and red communist, me racist, me dont like french on and on and on and try to plant false evidence about all of this that has nothing to do with who I am at all. I happen to write that at the store whose owner donated to Conservative party they treated poor people mean and rude, they had the highest prices in the city in the poorest neighbourhood and money went to Conservative party, thats how I got treated after. Imagine law enforcement having a power to commit such crime and get away with it!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Torture mercilessly during conversation with mom, mom cant hear anything, motor raves, informants slamming doors, mom cant hear what I am saying, law enforcement causing me to raise my voice, while causing heart attack symptoms, woke me up with causing heart attack symptoms again, interfered and watched me while video recording.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

7:52 pm
On the video from this tweet honoring President Obama for his accomplishments, on the words that he brought countries together exhaust raved here, on mentioning his contribution to climate change - loud laugh here.
These news made me very happy but Canadian law enforcement prevents me from tweeting about it, taking words out of conext so what i write would suit their fradulos agenda against me, limiting letters amount to much less that the twitter limit, preventing from scrolling to the bottom of the tweet, these people plant false evidence against those they want to plant false evidence, continue lying.

I have tried to post about these great news:
In Syria and Iraq, local ground forces backed by the U.S.-led coalition have made significant progress over the past two days in the fight to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook told reporters today.

And these words by Mr.Cook:

‪"It is in our interest that they succeed, and we will do what we can to help them." ‪‬‬
Torturing and planting false evidence on my phone to suit the fradulous agenda non stop.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

7:31 pm
i opened this tweet

law enforcement opened this tweet redirecting after i retweeted Peta tweet

Thats the Peta link I retweeted

8:14 pm
when I walked to the library, car drove out the underground garage and stopped, when I was passing it, it drove and hit me in the left knee, marked my jeans, blond coloured hair middle age woman, didnt even look at me to apologise, just drove away fast.

Leaving library building at few minutes before 9 pm teen walking by on me exiting the building loudly says near "Go back home".

11:22 pm
saw my sad expression when I looked at the picture from Peta,  non stop made all kind of sounds to make me not look sad when looking at this picture, done for 4 years, when I smile, laugh, also with the help of sounds make me stop as if trying to make a cold hearted person out me without heart, just like the way theyve treated me - completely heatless, I am so glad they didnt suceed, they cant change my heart, I choose kindness and compassion, they choose hate, just like nazis did a very long time ago, what a petrifying ghost to see in modern time, people full of so much cruelty and hate towards those who are different than them, how very sad to see this, I dont understand how they dont understand that what they are doing is very wrong and is a crime.
Keeping me in a heart attack / stroke state at all times, redirecting negative feelings at American President and American government and America by not letting me watch live events so Id be angry at them, noone can turn me against America, its like turning me on myself, my heart and my soul and the most dear to me in my life.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Today law enforcement tortured in the morning and caused heart attack symptoms again like every other morning, prevented me from watching live event about education from whitehouse
( by moving timer to before event started, jerking video stream and causing Presidents words repeat over and over, etc ( c fake typo here, it is their strength any kind of abuse in order to take power over someone and control them by doing that, causing angry reaction is their goal, the minute someone got angry its the minute they lost their personal power and now can be used to achieve goals abusers want to achieve by using such reaction), on Twitter jerking every tweet in tweeter feed, torturing/destructing while I try to write,sabotaging me writing and posting tweets by not letting me see what I typed.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Is still relevent: "Millions of fellow-beings require it of us; their cries for help go out to the universe daily and hourly. Whose duty is it to help them? Is it yours? Is it mine? It is every man’s, but how few there are to help. But there are a few who dare to answer this call and dare to answer it in a manner that will make this land of liberty and equality shake to the centre." Jeramiah Goldsmith Anderson  July5, 1859 Frederick Douglas: "No man fails, or can fail who so grandly gives himself and all he has to a righteous cause."

These words make me think about all people who dedicated their lives to make other people lives better, about Martin Luther King Junior, about Nelson Mandella, I believe in nonviolence, dedicating my life to making other people lives better resonates with me and so are the words " Whose duty is to help them?", even if we are a little drop in the ocean we can contribute to making our world a better place for everyone to live in.

11:00 pm hammer banned again and the ban was so violent  it shook my head because I was sitting and layed my head on the left wall, they saw that on camera they monitor me with, the ban was so violent that it shook my head giving an instant headache and a lot of heart pain and shortness of breath, law enforcement informants continue torture and abuse me, this happened right after I saved this post, law enforcement right away planted fake typos p s g during me writing this comment to redirects negative feeling on others, thats the trick they always use to try to turn me against other by diverting negative feelings from them and suffering they caused, to redirect it at p stands for President, American President, I have been his supporter for many years, s stands for my son, g name of the man Ive known a businessman from Lebanon.

PS. Nonviolence is the best way I believe:

12:58 am still feeling very ill from the head shake, they started banning very loudly again after I closed the window they were torturing with loud non stop exhaust, banning started after I closed the window, having a very bad headache now that gotten worse and a lot of heart pain with shortness of  breath.

If I only could I would do everything possible to stop every existing armed conflict and every war.
Planted "um" typo and highlighted the word "mental" before i was about to send this email to to make it look as if i emailed because i was insulted, this is how bipolar false evidence gets planted by Canadian law enforcement.
"I am a Jewish woman, being severely abused every way possible by Canadian law enforcement, physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually,that made my health to be in a grave condition now, they indirectly have tried for me to take my own life, to put a fake mental disorder label on me, resolved to every way possible to abuse physically by assaulting, beating, gasing, freezing, poisoning and to degrade by severely sexually harassing me and insulting and bullying to cause severe depression and low self esteem, they keep this under cover, please read my blog and let me know if there is anything you would like to discuss and if you help me to stop this abuse, they even try to prove that i am not Jewish so it wouldnt look like they severely torture and severely abuse every way possible a Jewish woman."

7 pm

brought my attention to words -fallen angel ( banned once before even i typed to what they brought my attention to! C?)
I wrote in my memo:"i didnt fall, and i am not an angel, i am a human being like everyone else, u made an effort to drag me down, i am no more fallen angel as women from british columbia class suit that u raped, abused and assaulted and insulted and bullied or than any other woman, u dispicable men."

Few minutes later I wrote this:

have chrohns flared up now exhaust torture picked up and  continues
ontinues - c is missing in fake typo, teaching me a lesson now. C? evidence
If I speak they will torture, when I tried to save this and email to my email addy prevented me from doing that, prevented from adding explanation about the threat "c" typo they planted.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

2:25 pm black teenager hit me with his shoulder and backpack to my left shoulder and heart side at Ridea Center near Bay store, hit violently as if by accident when I walked by.
5:25 pm
Eating teriyaki in the shopping mall some teenager rushed towards my table on the exact time when i was about to byte, made me bit my lip and its bleeding now, this is how law enforcemen hurt using snitches without leaving any trace. Very often when I take medication some stuffer would be told to rush towards me when I am taking a sip of water causing me to chock and if I was not aware I wouldve chocked, also they tell people who work there to slam the door near me very loudly when i take medication this makes blood pressure sky rocket causing hands trembling and they think i am nervous they told me but i explained what happens when the door is being slammed so loudly and so near, it happenes every day when i take my Crohns and high blood pressure medication after law enforcement already caused heart attack and stroke symptoms each morning not long time ago before that. Thats how witnesses are cooked.

PS. Fake typos planted by law enforcement in this post and in every post this is how Canadian law enforcement plants false evidence on my phone, they are planted after I write the post, I try to fix them but they continue planting false evidence, also wont let me see when i type the text i type, making me scroll back and forth to see it after i type, on save there is no typos after save there are fake typos false evidence and when i fix those they plant others, its also to humaliate me and so readers would not take seriously severe abuse they put me through that i write about.

9:15 pm
around this time as soon as I came in hammer like banning started in my wall stopping my heart and giving shortness of breath and a lot of heart pain, physical abuse / torture by loud sounds continues.

11:10 pm
made me very ill now, bad instant headache, a lot of heart pain after continues sudden on and off hammer like banning on the wall, making me sicker and sicker, now loudest yelling started.
sudden hammer banned on this post!/story.php?story_fbid=1292049030814090&id=706043656081300
really bad headache and heart pain, head feels squeesed

This is my Twitter account   
I have been prevented to add picture to my profile, law enforcement restricts me from doing that, any picture I tried to upload as my profile picture makes profile picture blank, I just managed to upload the picture to my timeline but when adding the same picture to profile they move it, hold the picture from me being able to move it and when I saved it, it shows blank again.
The words in the picture are "Together we can help keep our community safe. If you see something say something" so they move it to "if you see something say something" for me to move away from and place a piece of the black rectangle on the American flag for me to save, black in their book is a negative color. So this how my phone is being used on a daily basis to advance law enforcement fraudulent agenda. I want to immigrate to United States and to become an American citizen, American flag is very dear and sacred to me, it represents to me everything that America and American people are, their values that I respect so much and the lives of those, who sacrificed their lives under this flag for this country they loved and I love dearly, to protect it and keep it safe. This hatred that is being poured at me for 4 years day and night is what is negative, not American flag that I honor and that means so much to me.

12:53 am Law enforcement jerked the page after my last comment in my previous post, to the top to these words and prevented me to write about it by not letting me type, for some time now, i typed this in my memo app and pasted here in a new post, couldnt add it after my last comment in my previous post, they wouldnt let me type or paste it there, these words : "I have made a decision to speak up about it to stand up for what is right ...", also jerking my page to revert to draft my previous post, honking here outside and torturing by exhaust.

Cant sleep torture continues by exhaust and banning.
2:30 am just remembered Ottawa law enforcement done this continuesly when this harassment started strangers talking pretending they didnt say anything, hearing voices false evidence, also continues insults on me walking by, also brainwashing comments to influence my decision, to confuse also when I walk by, so this making an adversary mentally ill they take very seriously, its a consistent daily effort they have been commited to for 4 years every minute of the day, I can only wonder how many people they got rid of on behalf of the CONservatives that were institutanalised or even worse locked up by being falsely accused and set up with the help of cooked witnesses to cleanse society of misfits and second class citizens.

Friday, October 14, 2016

False evidence that I dont care about people planted like that: informant starts crying very loudly somewhere in the other room, on me leaving my room, i go downstairs to ask for the worker to give me my high blood pressure medication, she cant talk on the phone, then she runs out the office, saying she cant help me, cook comes in telling me to come back in 5 minutes, that all the stuff is upstairs ( loud crying picks up and me an "uncaring" person asks for my medication) i went to the near kitchen area they told black woman to hit me as if accidentally, just planted fake typo "u" presenting it as if Ive done that, i go back to get my medications for Chrohns and blood pressure, stuffer young girl rushes to rub her behind against me in the hallway before giving me medication, i ask her to not do that again, it is sexual harassment, she said she didnt do that on purporse, adjusts her pants ( bipolar false evidence, they steamed by opening dishwasher my leggings when i stood near, try to do this every time, it makes leggings loose ( want to embarass me to ) and i adjust them, then make informants walk adjusting their pants in front of me on the street in negative color clothing, bipolar false evidence planting ) i explain to her that what she is being used to do, to plant false evidence and explain how she is used. Going back to the kitchen to boil water to make chamomile tea, same black woman informant hits me again as if accidentally, when I in a polite way ( snitch banned now once) try to point that out, stalker who is limping and stalked me near every washroom here yells out right away "she didnt do it on purporse" and continue yelling in order to cause me to raise my voice, creating  a conflict and bringing people attention, kitchen area was crowded, so thats how law enforcement sets up people, i continue talking in between stalker yelling ( theyve done that before the same exact way one informant interrupts my conversation with someone else by yelling and  bringing up accusations i didnt brought up and creating a conflict and a fight and an argument, turning the other person on me and trying to make me look bad in people eyes who are around, especially when a lot of people around ) and explaining while the stalker keeps interfering that she doesnt want to hurt herself or me and that she because of that should look around, that i dont know if she done that on purporse, that i was friendly and sweet and that I dont hate her as someone suggests, then it gets very queit, everyone leaves to the dining room, woman wearing the same top i wear comes in and asks" is everything alright", she is polite ( cleaner rushes in green, negative color to plant bipolar false evidence, fake typo suggesting i am not polite), in the dining room conversation starts, loudly the word "she" yelled out, everything else mumbles, this is schizofrenic brainwashing, its done by this law enforcement every where i go in the same manner, so Id think people are talking about me.

I had something looked like a heart attack late in the day and through the night, with a lot of heart pain, vomiting, i also had Crohns flared up and had excruciating stomach pain, they hammer banned in my wall when I was so ill and that  caused instant pain on my right side of the head and I had this excruciating headache, while I had excruciating pain in the heart, stomach, head torture by loud exhaust and loud heart stopping hammer like banning and other sudden loud sounds causing it and making it worse and worse here continued, regardless of me already having what looks like heart attack, it restarted in the morning as soon as I opened my eyes. Cruelty beyond measure.
PS. At night they didnt stop torture until mom called and i told her how very ill i feel,I guess it was now on the record and someone else my mom now knew how i was feeling, it gotten quiet but didnt stop completely ( I was in distress and it was heard in how much pain i was, when they got quiet informants inside and exhaust i said "thank you for stopping torturing" and they started again), it picked up as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning, they monitor me and can see what I am doing, react in a sick and pervert way to what I do, be - fake typo now. Informants laughed near my door now after rolling paper towel, throwing paper towel in law enforcement book dismisses what I wrote here, one ban on law enforcement mentioning, continue playing the only card theyve got - hate card.
Also dim the screen to force me to click once where they need me to click, 1 negative number dismisses whats said or done depending on what I read or write to suit a dishonest agenda, informant making very loud sounds outside my door now, caused the headache to start and heart to race now, making me nauseous again, they raced my heart through what looked like a heart attack, making it worse and worse. Thats attempt to kill, especially telling that it restarted as soon as i was awake. I now remembered how i was subjected constantly to tobacco smoke and very salty food, so its a attempt to effect my heart in a secretive hidden way to cause it to fail, again and again the comments law enforcement brought to my attention when i was reading that dying will happen sooner than i think, something like that, last night looked like it, they continue making my heart race non stop  at all times, it is racing now and it cant stop racing, thats how people get killed in a secret under cover, this can lead to heart failure. They continue planting fake typos false evidence as i type.

PS. Law enforcement knows how to cause eye roll and to make me look aside, its usually when snitches appear suddenly when I watch videos from whitehouse and whatever else they need to make false evidence of the eye roll or looking aside when i wouldnt, now reading this tweet, they jerk the page causing an eye roll on this tweet while recording me about somebody crying listening to First Lady speak, I find this appauling, thats why I wanted to write about this, their strength in doing appauling dishonest things and what makes it appauling they pretend and plant false evidence their victim done that and they started running loud exhaust thats what they usually do to cause pain and to provoke an angry reaction, thats why they beat me and make snitches hit me and been physically assaulting me for 4 years, all in hopes i will over react like that polish poor man in the airport, who they killed after provoking him, I didnt and wouldnt. Thats the tweet: This organisation basically dedicated these 4 years to trying all they can to turn me against American President, American government, United States of America, to make me into someone that I am not but whom they need me to be, to turn me against people of different races, different orientation, different religion, to make me into a violent and mentally ill person planting false evidence doing that non stop and abusing me mercilessly every way possibly for 4 years while trying their hardest to cause my death. Noone can change who I am and turn me against anyone, I will never waver and will continue to stand by my values and principals and by those who I care about and all that I love. I will never believe in hate, I will always believe in love and human values, I will never support bigotry and those who spread hate between people and cause suffering and pain in the world and abuse people rights and commit crimes against humanity in secret and under cover. 9:10 pm this is how they hurt me, I am walking down the street, sudden exhaust, I am stepping into the ditch because of being destructed by exhaust, right away laugh in the cafe I am passing by, which tells hurting me is intentional, before that they make young people hitting me by hitting the backpack on my back as if accidentally, which continues hurting my spine, which they already effected by hitting me before in one place in my back over and over here where I am staying, this has a potential to cause paralysis and they have been doing this for a long time now, I wrote before that I started having black out episodes where my breathing is just suddenly stops on some back moves. 10:53 pm sudden hammer like bans in the wall causing instant headache and heart stop, loud sudden exhaust followed, loud laughing right after, having lots of heart pain, hard time breathing, head feels squeesed and in pain, Crohns started to flare up, Crohns is directly related to stress, every time they suddenly loudly ban stomach goes into the painful spasm. 12:30 pm tortured by loud exhaust non stop, highlighted the text about kindness and compassion right away hammer like louder than before, making me sicker than before. 12:39 pm continue banning very loudly having a lot of heart pain thats getting worse because of that and headache is getting worse with each extremely loud ban followed by loud exhaust outside.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Tortured through night and morning, feeling very ill with a lot of heart pain. 12:55 pm hammer banned suddenly once in the wall impairing my blood supply to my head and stopped my heart beating right after law enforcement suddenly opened this profile of the one who started following me I was reading this and smiling

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Reading newsletters from American government organisations and charities like Habitat, others in my email inbox extremelly loud door slam on opening each newsletter, feeling now very ill heart wise, headache wise, it stops the heart and makes blood rushed to the head, causing head spasm, had again heart attack symptoms since the morning  because /ecause fake typo/ of what they do to me in the morning torturing with the truck loudest sound. Doing laundry, someone changed heavy setting ive choosen to light then normal  /ormal fake typo, normil - fake typo, normol - fake typo, trying to destruct readers from what I wrote now/ twice when i was not near washers, when i noticed i turned it back to heavy because it is heavy they slammed once right after to dismiss, one ban dismisses real evidence and false evidence being planted instead by law enforcement, people wearing grey, other dark cherry colors on memo writing and after ( negative colors in law enforcement book), memo i wrote:
woman in grey rushed in on social networks section in my email I opened, said thank you ( bipolar false evidence) on ru fake typo, mu fake typo ( m me snd u they try to harass continuesly that I am a man because I am tall 5'8, constantly in search of something that they hope can rub me the wrong way, so they can have control over me,  another snitch in green rushed and bended in
/ fromt - fake law enforcement typo /
front of me and picked up something from the floor), she said the washer was done, so i went to empty it, on the comment about mu typo after i wrote it another woman rushed in to pick up shells from the orange placed near me on the black leather chair, its an ongoing thing, this 24/7 "false evidence" planting around me here.
They edited my post planting false evidence fake typos and ran my battery down( snitch in grey walked by) phone died when i wanted to profread, in Ottawa they always done that to compromise so those who read would read them worked on post and so that i couldnt check and change it to the way I wrote it for some time /invto-fake typo now/ and some fake typos are planted to compromise and embarass. Also law enforcement created just now an empty post, to make it look as if i created it but they opened an empty post after i edited their fake typos and when i clicked save and publish it was their empty post, so thats what they do on my phone, using to push their fradulous agenda at my expense, one empty post to delete, 1 is negative number, just like one ban dismissing what I edited! Imagine, while they constantly in this way dismissing the truth and real evidence and the real evidence they simply delete, snitch arrived talking to me to interrupt, antisocial agenda, cause I continue writing, I left, I was charging at the table which has a phone my phone, she bended and stood with her chest falling out
/if - fake typo, false evidence, imagine, screen just jumped to the word "attack" they made it jump, can you imagine what these people do to brainwash people whose phones they control!?/
of her top in front of me grabbing the phone on the table and started talking, I got up and left, so they continue sexually harassing me with women to get a reaction, knowing very well that I am straight.
They use my phone to try to make me angry with people and to make me write something negative about law enforcement, I dont need to write anything more than what they do, law enforcement and police including, these things I think are very wrong to do being a law enforcement thats why I speak out about this, for them its a part of their game, they are playing a hate card that I dont like police, completely fraudulous, just a way for these people to cover up these crimes and turn the table on me and they know what they are doing, truth never mattered and doesnt matter, its to achieve a fradulous goal and agenda.
They also attempted and continue to do this here in Ottawa to plant false evidence to make me look and sound ( hence a large amount of fake typos and some empty published post) as a mentally ill person, thats why they flooded this post with typos and to destruct from whats important also, to me these fake typos, spelling in words ( although a mental abuse tool as well), numbers, colors are to make me believe in what law enforcement wants me to believe they mean, I believe this is exactly what they do to cause someone to become a schizofrenic, so I think of this exactly this way and dont care about this at all, knowing what this is and what their goal is, especially rings true after the notion that was implied some time ago "when you have a first schizofrenic episode" around me! Tells me they knew I didnt and dont have any schizofrenia but it is exactly what they are trying to achieve, imagine destroying people life like that, whose opinions and views dont sit well with them plus the unberable torture suffering that completely destroed my health and that i can die at any minute because of them stressing my heart that much and causing stroke and heart failure and heart attack symptoms. Basically they severely abuse me for 4 years daily emotionally, mentally, physically and sexually to cause any mental disorder which should be a result if severe depression which should be a planned result of this severe abuse in every possible way, plus to compromise and death without anyone knowing what caused it and why. 1:02 pm in the dining room young girl rushed to where i just sat to have lunch, bended positioning her behind in my facstood like that, snitches on my cringed face loudly yelling "thank you", "thank you" to plant bipolar false evidence, by fake typo near bipolar word, so the game continues, 2 police officers stood near front desk when I left the laundry room where i wrote and published this post. Fake typo wrot, prevented me from fixing it and when did on me adding e woman rushed in green sweater in my view, green is negative color, wrot false evidence i a straight woman r women, adding e with a snitch in green plants false evidence i am attracted to women, if id believe this nonsense ( laugh here ), but law enforcement ( laugh here ) continue acting on it, cant see text i type, preventing me except for when i mentioned law enforcement in this sentence, every letter frozes when i click on it.
Reading newsletters from American government organisations and charities like Habitat, others in my email inbox extremelly loud door slam on opening each newsletter, feeling now very ill heart wise, headache wise, it stops the heart and put the blood coming to the head in spasm, had again heart attack symptoms since the morning  because /ecause fake typo/ of what they do to me in the morning torturing with the truck loudest sound. Doing laundry, someone changed heavy setting ive choosen to light then normal  /ormal fake typo, normil - fake typo, normol - fake typo, trying to destruct readers from what I wrote now/ twice when i was not near washers, when i noticed i turned it back to heavy because it is heavy they slammed once right after to dismiss, one ban dismisses real evidence and false evidence being planted instead by law enforcement, people wearing grey, other dark cherry colors on memo writing and after ( negative colors in law enforcement book), memo i wrote:
woman in grey rushed in on social networks section in my email I opened, said thank you ( bipolar false evidence) on ru fake typo, mu fake typo ( m me snd u they try to harass continuesly that I am a man because I am tall 5'8, constantly in search of something that they hope can rub me the wrong way, so they can have control over me,  another snitch in green rushed and bended in
/ fromt - fake law enforcement typo /
front of me and picked up something from the floor), she said the washer was done, so i went to empty it, on the comment about mu typo after i wrote it another woman rushed in to pick up shells from the orange placed near me on the black leather chair, its an ongoing thing, this 24/7 "false evidence" planting around me here.
They edited my post planting false evidence fake typos and ran my battery down( snitch in grey walked by) phone died when i wanted to profread, in Ottawa they always done that to compromise so those who read would read them worked on post and so that i couldnt check and change it to the way I wrote it for some time /invto-fake typo now/ and some fake typos are planted to compromise and embarass. Also law enforcement created just now an empty post, to make it look as if i created it but they opened an empty post after i edited their fake typos and when i clicked save and publish it was their empty post, so thats what they do on my phone, using to push their fradulous agenda at my expense, one empty post to delete, 1 is negative number, just like one ban dismissing what I edited! Imagine, while they constantly in this way dismissing the truth and real evidence and the real evidence they simply delete, snitch arrived talking to me to interrupt, antisocial agenda, cause I continue writing, I left, I was charging at the table which has a phone my phone, she bended and stood with her chest falling out
/if - fake typo, false evidence, imagine, screen just jumped to the word "attack" they made it jump, can you imagine what these people do to brainwash people whose phones they control!?/
of her top in front of me grabbing the phone on the table and started talking, I got up and left, so they continue sexually harassing me with women to get a reaction, knowing very well that I am straight.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Posting as is while i wrote this memo to interfere law enforcement pasted the text right in the middle of what I was writing without any space in the middle of the word "torture", the text they pasted was on my copy and paste because I copied it when writing a tweet to support Democrats and Hillary Clinton.

All the morning extremely loud motor sound giving heart attack and stroke symptoms ( it starts every morning and makes me feel this way every morning).


In this final sprint to Election Day, we're counting on you more than ever. Pitch in $3 to help elect Hillary and Democrats up and down the ticket in every state.

rture stopped, lots of destruct movement started near my door, email from lawyers arrived to whom I wrote asking if they can help to stop severe human right abuse,  bipolar agenda false evidence setting started woman started yelling and caursing, text if you are with Hillary can no longer copy to paste, all when I started writing the tweet to help elect Democrats and Hillary Clinton and amount of letters, in the tweet that I can type is controlled by Canadian law enforcement, forcing to remove text from my tweet, counted before, doesnt reflect the maximum amount limit of the Tweeter at all, often much less letters but i am blocked by Canadian law enforcement, this way they control what I can write, taking text out of context to suit their needs.
CONservatives supporters they are, always knew that.

The tweet I was writing:

The same woman started yelling and cursing again when I edit the text, torture started by motor again and phone keeps ringing, they let my mom calls go through every time right before I can save, mom tells me often how she calls but i dont answer and I dont hear any calls, there are no calls going through, but now they do.

Torture restarted by loud motor. Woman increasingly yelling, banning violantly on the walls giving me heart attack and stroke symptoms motor gets running louder and louder in sync with what this informant does to cause me suffering and for the law enforcement to plant bipolar false evidence to force me write about this knowing I will making it look as if I wrote because of it.

PS. I just added an explanation in the beginning about the text on my copy and paste and mentioned Democrats and Hillary Clinton that I was writing the tweet to support thats why I had this text and as soon i mentioned that, informant started yelling and swearing again extremelly loud and loudest motor picked up right after, they are working in sync, I had heart attack symptoms the motor gave me  efore and now I have a sharp heart pain, something just now banned extremelly loudly here making the pain unberable, having extremelly bad headache now too, pause for a second and yelling and motor torture continues, stopped a few times to cover up when i wrote it started and then continued right after to torture regardless of how they know they already made me feel.
They continued, such a loud yelling increases blood pressure it was done to me systematically and such a loud motor running non stop, suddenly and constantly causes heart to race for as fast as they need it, so my head has two painful spasms and the heart area feels impaired and the pain radiated down my back, this pain occured the first time at Starbucks a few days ago where they tortured with a very loud screeching, so there is that pain, heart pain, headache and head spasms and pain radiating to my back worsened and restarted now during this torture and the torture continues.

Monday, October 10, 2016

10 am
Law enforcement controlling my phone, preventing from reading US Coast Guard newsletters in my inbox, making the font extremely small, making other links, buttons open when I try to open newsletter, opening other newsletter from Coast Guard twice so I'd close it when i clicked on another etc while torturing non stop with cars making exhaust, been doing that non stop giving heart attack symptoms and stroke symptoms in the morning up until now. Interfering with every post I write, trying to prevent me from writing on this blog.

1:45 pm

On this picture law enforcement raved car exhaust, started loud chatter, dimmed the screen on the phone all to effect my face expression and my reaction when I was feeling very sorry for the birds
link, I followed this tweet from Peta twitter account.

Law enforcement continuesly interfering with me contacting lawyers by preventing me from writing on my phone.
You know whats scariest, they know how to make any person extremelly angry without that person knowing what made them angry but it is achieved by covered up severe torture by loud sounds, through set up emotional, mental abuse and physical abuse situations this victim gets surrounded, degrading that person in everyway possibly and consistently directing that anger caused by their abuse on the people who they want this person to be angry with and the person is unaware that they are being used this way, the scariest thought, considering these people were not honest with me and are malicious. I ask myself what crimes they have caused, what conflicts they have caused, who they have put undeservingly into prisons and mental insitutions, what other crimes they covered up, who they have driven to take their own life, this is the kind of can of worms that I have discovered only because I saw through their ill intentions and differentiated what was an accident and what was not and payed attention to how they want me to feel and analysed and differentiated what I feel and what I think from what they want me to feel and to think. Preventing me from writing, hanging on to power grip.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

After I wrote to lawyers, my gmail became impaired, I cant reply to emails, this is how law enforcement fighting with my freedom of speech, protecting their fradulous cause, they prevent me even replying to my post with the links to exercises I want to save while preventing me also from scrolling to the bottom of my screen to click reply, to use the full gmail and like here when I write posts, to effect and make it very difficult and impossible to see what I write, to edit, to proofread, while banning here to cover up themselves, 1 ban means dismissed, they take words out of context by limiting and stopping my typing, bringing the cursor to the words they want me to scroll away from, preventing from doing what I want to do while forcing what they want to happen on my phone presenting it as something I would do planting false evidence like that day after day, Ottawa law enforcement are exceptionally good at that and forcefully doing it, keeping their control  of me 24/7 by cognitively impairing me and abusing mentally, physically and emotionaly while sexually harassing, so this assault is non stop day and night at all times here in Ottawa, on my phone, wherever Id go, whatever Id do to suit this scam. And of course not forgetting to edit my posts and plant fake typos aka false evidence to seal their fradulous deal.
Law enforcement thrives on making me feel bad about myself, lowering ones self confidence and self esteem are their control tools. So one of the many things theyve done placing a very short women informants near me to stand for a while, at crossing the street waiting for the light, at bus stations waiting for the bus ( laughing here ;), which is always a give away and another trick in attempt to control.) Just a little time ago at the coffee shop very short asian woman rushed towards me and stands while I wait for my coffee, when she leaves employee announces : Tall Americano with empasis on the word Tall, this suppose to make me feel bad and insecure about my tall height, but I find it amusing, I love my height and I dont have any negative thoughts about very short or short women, what they simply cant get through is that I first of all dont base my confidence and self esteem on what someone thinks about me, I know who I am and accept myself knowing my weaknesses and strengths and I love people and accept them for who they are, I think everyone is different and everyone is special and thats what makes us who we are and thats what makes the world beautiful, that we are even though different but can find understanding and common values to live together in peace, values that are the opposite of hate and prejudice and bigotry that tries to isolate and harm and cause divisions, they are compassion, kindness, honesty, loyalty, understanding, not being judgemental, acceptance of those people who are different from us but like us deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. I am being tortured mercilessly here when I write this by loudest furniture screeches non stop that is giving me heart attack symptoms by racing my heart and causing shortness of breath. Values like integrity, I live my life following my conscience, always did, always will and I have principals and values that I will continue to live by and stand by no matter what, just like I will continue to stand by those who I care about and love. I believe in love, I believe in true friendships and I believe in peace, I want other people to live in happiness and peace and thats what I want my life to be filled with.
PS. Having a lot of heart pain torture continues so I will have to stop writing now.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

In cafe : snitch on the right banned once shook me on this tweet snitch on the right shook my head twice during whitehouse Presidents weekly address video I am reading, snitch banned on mentioning:"... Vice President we are shining light ( about sexual assaults, violence afainst women and it sipped from the cup, it saw me looked, it was visible he watches me) nder the leadership of Vice President Joe Biden, we are working to put an end to violence against women, and we have launched a movement to fight sexual assault and support survivors. Through the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault and the "It's On Us" campaign, we are shining a light on the unconscionable rates of sexual assault against teens and young adults in primary and secondary schools and on college campuses. My Administration recently announced new guidance and resources to help district administrators and educators prevent and appropriately deal with sexual assault in K-12 settings..." loud furniture screech, head shake on reading this text: "... This summer, 5,000 leaders from around the world gathered at the first ever United State of Women Summit to highlight the work we have done and to build an agenda for the future. But we know there is still more to do, and I have made advancing gender equality a foreign policy priority to ensure we can continue removing barriers that prevent women from reaching their full potential. More than our policies, we must commit to changing the culture that raises..." thus - fake typo snitch is leaving after my post just banned heavily and shook my head on this tweet, cafe employee said "thank you"( bipolar agenda false evidence) Link from this tweet: to this article got blocked so I cant read it:

Friday, October 07, 2016

There was not like that in Toronto, in Ottawa its 24/7 cognitive impairement by law enforcement keeping my attention at all times under their control by bringing it to slams, bans, loud sounds of all sorts, loud sudden chatter and laugh and back to exhaust with which they torture and its 24/7 torture racing my heart non stop 24/7 since I have been here keeping me at the heart failure and heart attack state and stroke state at all time and they plant false evidence non stop at all time too while cooking witnesses, mentioning lawyers and newspapers makes them for mentioning period bring my attention away from what they are doing by loud sounds after the laugh and torture and when I dont write to lawyers bring my attention back to the same things. Lately blocked me from writing emails on my phone, then replying to someone who wrote, I couldnt use my phone and went to the library to use their computer so on the way there law enforcement have tried bringing my attention away from laughter and bad things theyve done, which restarted as soon as I walked out the library, there was laugh and then torture by cars exhaust, it races the heart, cars they use and trucks make all kind of sounds at all kind of frequencies, which effects the heart in all kind of ways from giving heart attack symptoms and stroke to bringing it back to any kind of rhythm they want heart to beat, same with extremely loud slams, bans and other sounds, they torture with, its a torture non stop by sounds, evidence shows it is done intentionally.
I dont hear back from all the law offices I wrote, just the ones who law enforcement talked to and they are playing along helping to plant false evidence and ones saying they cant help, others giving me contacts of the ones law enforcement wants me to talk to, their names suits law enforcement agenda, i didnt think that matters apparently law enforcement takes this spelling trick very seriously, it leaves space for manipulation, same as the numbers trick and colors trick used to plant false evidence, its amazes me to witness how the truth is being disregarded and instead being fixed with planting false evidence, making up scenes including informants to plant it, that real evidence is being dismissed and deleted also, witnesses cooked, severe abuse of human rights causing inhumane suffering at all times continues, noone stops it here and noone cares, noone knows the truth, only what this law enforcement tells them making believe getting support in such way, prevent me telling the truth, literally starting destruction, stopping conversations, asking people away to be somewhere else.

 Right now someone banning their heels when I type this to plant bipolar false evidence, cause I teased someone who they wanted to scare me with, a short man in the evening who followed me, i walked like that behind him letting him go before me, he apparently got scared, i had no idea that a grown up man would get scared of a woman who he wanted to scare, that was not my intention. They made before short men walk near the automatic door at Shoppers, after they hit me before by destructing me on the right side on the street with a man walking fast towards me and on the left inside a store a girl squatted down made a move near shopping baskets on the floor, so she because she was not standing was hidden from my view, so a very heavy automatic door responded to her move and the second i walked in hit me with a force to my right side, to which they hit me many times before, making it look like accidents and so after they made lots of people walk like that to scare me and plant false evidence. That happened in Toronto, recently after I mentioned that here in Ottawa the next day in the local newspaper there was an article "so funny its scary" with a ghost like scary face, so these men who attempt and do severely abuse me and try to frighten me and keep scared at all times many times appear to be simply cowards, another one who tried to hurt me by making me stumble into the ditch while making a sudden move got freaked out when I started walking near him after that to another Shoppers, and that was eye opening, may be thats why I became their target helpless stay at home mom on disability with Chrohns who they isolated and can severely abuse without anyone stopping them, its only cowards who abuse women and children and they mentally abused and tortured my son too.
PS. In Ottawa they used short men to sexually harass me making them follow me and stand close behind me touching themselves, I felt disgusted, now after this post a stream of short men started marching, one a time but often, I guess I gave Ottawas law enforcement a new idea.
It started all in Ottawa, this is how Canadian law enforcement planted false evidence after I wrote in my memos that I am being 5'8 undestandably not attracted to short men, they wanted to plant this false evidence to prove I am not telling the truth and after 4 years of this severe abuse and harassment I know that they dont care about truth which doesnt suit their agenda, I have evidence of this, this happened again and again, that the truth was known by them but disregarded.
Preventing me from seeing what i type, preventing me from reading and editing the whole post to fix typos, email I just wrote to the lawyer vanished, they wouldnt let it through and the back button after clicking didnt bring the page back. For over an hour Ive been trying to edit this post but law enforcement forcefully is trying to make me write the way it suits their agenda controlling my every word, this is what they do, if the truth doesnt fit their agenda they replace it with what they want to appear as a truth to suit their agenda, to what they want the truth to be, masterminding what happens with me, to me and around me to suit their agenda using sounds, colors, numbers, wrong spelling to plant false evidence and to cook witnesses, to me this felt for the last 4 years like genocide, hence being a Jew. I wrote during this post that they have been trying to manipulate tomore than a few newspapers, while I just mentioned that they brought my cursur to the word witnesses thus is how in a freaky way they communicate to make me scroll away from the word witnesses, i assume they are betting that there is no witnesses to what I write, hence doing all this under cover, forgetting that I am the one who witnesses what has been done to me.

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Profread all your online comminication before clicking on the Send button, my private Facebook messages got edit by law enforcement after I write them and clicked Send, I wrote example to my niece "солнышечко" sunny in Russian, law inforcement corrected to солнышычко, я wrote America they corrected to Vmerica, there is no option to edit and to correct private messages. The problem with these at the first look harmless typos is that it is a false evidence on the phone of those whose phone they manipulate in such a way, I think it is dishonest for them misrepresent the truth this way, pretending what was done by them on my phone is done by me, why any law enforcement has a right to plant false evidence on anyones phone is beyond my understanding, at the same time deleting real evidence.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

This is what Ottawa law enforcement does during me watching whitehouse videos:
the first video about climate change agreement:

31:36 video froze
on the words "America should be proud of them as i proud of them"
 if - fake typo
32:00 on the words "to face down" video froze
32:13 on the words "that the one that was left for us" video froze
ys - fake typo
keft - fake typo
@ - fake typo
 frize - fake typo

the second video about hurricane Mathew:

1:25 froze on the word "local"
defroze on word "officials" on its own when i smiled when it was frozen, Lisa had a funny expression on her face
1:36 "if there is still" froze
1:40 "the core of the storm" froze
1:41 word ended with ike
again sounds like "prike" page pop up to Accept and connect to the internet
third time replayed 1:41 "prike" lol froze
again "prike" and moved to 1:40 froze
again "the core of the storm" at 1:40 froze
"prike" froze, truck  with a sign "erb another cool move", forced double click on memo app after
after- forced double click on memo app
efore - fake typo
before i can post, girl walked in orange top ( orange is negative color) , before that comments: "sure,sure, yeah", red bus made one sound now.
1:40 video wouldnt play, President

Presudent - fake typo

has two hands in front of himself
video is frozen
frizen - fake control typo
exhaust non stop.

I left cafe, girl walking by just touched my hand, before that on the bus woman placed her hand under my so my hand would hit her hand when i exited the bus. Consistently done before and continue to be done when people appear from the spot where they can see me but i cant on my move, i react as fast as i can not to hurt them but this law enforcement this way plants for then needed false evidence and when i cant see them rushing at me they many times violently hit me presenting it as I hurt them, I find this whole scam appauling.

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Law enforcement starts every morning from severe torture and non stop emotional abuse on the phone, interferes with bans with the sleep, to plant schizofrenia false evidence.
They read my keystrokes, while being tortured here non stop and having heart attack and stroke symptoms now just like every morning, I tried to find a lawyer online or against torture organisation online who can help to stop this unprecedented causing inhumane suffering physical abuse causing organs damage and just stumbled on this article about native people genocide in Canada on which extremely loud police sirens started suddenly, what struck me in what I just started to read how people were killed to silence them, thats when these very loud police sirens started:

In the word genocide they made  "o" fake typo

Monday, October 03, 2016

Law enforcement in Ottawa torture me mercilessly every morning by loud exhaust, loud slamming, loud banning to extreme to the point of a heart attack state and stroke state, every morning they make me feel extremelly ill, because they can, never had the right to do this, noone must have a right to cause inhumane suffering on any other human being but these people do without anyone stopping them, without any accountability, in secret, under cover and this genocide and crime continues day after day.

Here in Ottawa specifically they edit my posts, today they planted typos in this post to downplay what I wrote, to plant false evidence and make me sound like I am not making sense, yesterday in a manipulative way they made 3 of the same posts with New Year greetings published, its about numbers and to force to delete and create a mockery and it controls my keyboard now making it difficult to write and ran super loud exhaust making me more ill so Id be irritated with what they did about what i write and so they can control me, because thats the way they gain control over someone.
For 4 years they have tried to make me feel insecure and bad about myself, dragging me down to gain control, isolating from people and abusing every way possible to have this control, it boosts their ego to have such a power, imagine, this superiority complex.

PS. Severely abuse non stop in every way, try to use in achieving their goals and keep frightened at all times.