Saturday, June 17, 2017

In crisis. What that really means.

In response to this tweet: Canadian secret police create appearence of crisis to hide severe physical and mental abuse and much more, severe human rights abuses, then call that and present as crisis to cover it all up, I witnessed this and i have been victimized this way for 4 years now after ( and still ) being put through severe abuse, torture and harassment they hid what theyve done to me and called it a crisis to people they lied about me and wanted to use to plant mental label on me, while intentionally have and continue causing brain damage by violently hiting my head and shaking it, abusing severely physically, mentally and emotionally. Not everything as it seems. Planted and continue planting false evidence and cooked witnesses, cognitively impairing me at all times, but presenting it as crisis state, abuse so violently and severely but present this as crisis, acted for 4 years as organised crime doing this all in secret. Have complete control of my phone, control what I write at all times, using my phone to plant false evidence, torture, insult and abuse at all times. Crisis made up by secret police thats what is happening in Canada hidden from Canadian people in secret under cover done to Canadian people, keep me as a hostage here in Kitchener, abuse the most severely and violently with attempt to kill caused brain injuries and severe heart attack and stroke symptoms and heart failure symptoms and much more. I am raising awareness to see severe human rights abuses by Canadian secret police, ctration of which turned Canada into a secret nazi police state, they do terrible nazi like evil things to Canadian people in secret and because they do this in secret noone knows and they get away with thrse dispicable things that they do to people in their custody which is impossible to trace, kill people without a trace and het away with murder, thats what happened and is happening in in my case.